You're the smartest board on Yas Forums I know of

you're the smartest board on Yas Forums I know of

how dangerous is Corona really?

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Fuck off nigger

>smartest board on Yas Forums

>you're the smartest board on Yas Forums

That's like the least smelly skunk

As long as you're not old or have sub-par genes, you'll be fine. They should let us go free and let Darwin choose the results

It's what he would have wanted

1.21 niggawatts


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i got corona. i had fever and chills for two days and sore throat that im still dealing with. its day five and i feel like im pretty much over it. all in all wasnt that bad

about the power of 10 moonstars

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If you have a respiratory condition or are immunosuppressed in any way it could cause a life threatening case of Pneumonia.

Otherwise, just eat some soup and take Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen or Literally any other fever med

About 15% of people older than 80 die from it. Other than that it is not very much more dangerous than your normal influenza.

Depends on numerous factors such as age, medical history and how much of a faggot you are.

No more dangerous than voting for drumpf

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Already had it son. Worst fever I ever had for 1 night...felt like shit the next day by day 3 I was fine.Im 32 ....But then again I am not sick or unhealthy otherwise.

I fucking hate fever men get worse fevers than women too. I almost want to die when I have it

dont take fever meds.

Women have a much less risk from the virus. Women suck dick. So safe to say if you want to protect yourself, you should such as much dick as possible. Safe yourself OP

Yeah doctors advised against any anti-inflammatory medication like Advil

Also B is easily one of the most retarded boards on here you little rascal

fever is just your immune system going super sayain.

Because women, REAL WOMEN, have two X chromosomes. The X is directly associated with the immune system. Men have XY so naturally our immune systems are half as strong.

That's actually cool to know. But OP should still suck dick to be safe

Are you old

Yes I know but it could be manifested some other way and not "lmao im just gonna make you feel like utter shit while battling this dirty virus you mind?"

You will most likely survive it but it WILL damage your lungs in the process. Serious cases will have permanent lung damage. That damage will increase your odds of dying greatly if you get it again. Something like 14% of people who recovered in China got it again within 2 months. Generally anti-bodies don't last very long in the body.

Killing off the weak people. So doing us and the planet a favor that is over due

Coronavirus patient here. It's no big deal. My immune system kicks ass.

Same here, bro. I had a bit of a scratchy throat and was over it in about 3 days.

You'll be fine if you stay inside and try not to get diabetes for the next few months.

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Coronavirus squad reprazent! I had it for one day and ran a marathon the day after. Feels good.

Absolutely not true. My son lost a classmate to corona, he was 8 and healthy

Not healthy enough obviously


I know it’s dangerous! It’s the most dangerous disease to ever exist and will never go away, ever. All of humanity is going extinct, it won’t ever stop until we’re all dead. It’s more deadly then t yellow fever and the Black Plague.

It won’t stop until all of humanity is extinct. It’s the most deadly virus in the world, no virus is deadlier. It can’t be cured.

Very unfortunate. But it is very rare too. Were they Californian? There are only three known cases in the world when a healthy kid dies from Corona.

>Only a marathon
I did a triathlon WHILE SICK. I mean, if you could even call it a sickness pfff

My son lost 4 classmates. They were 7.

Does not sound like corona, worst part of it is reduced ability to breathe. That constant feeling for days, sometimes week+, where no matter how much you try, you never fill your lungs with air. Every muscle in your body constantly screaming in agony for oxygen, a need you can never fulfill while permanently feeling like you’re suffocating.
It is no picnic, even though fatality rate is not super high

Pics or it didn’t happen

The most deadliest disease to ever exist. We all should be panicking.

But 10 times worse to live through.
Several accounts of people why would have preferred death

boo beee bee ebeeo boop boop boop bing bing bing

Yeah, and apparently half of the people itt have it. Crazy

Haha, what a load of bull. Funny though

Very unfortunate indeed, but no, Danish.
Class hasn’t yet been informed, only parents

Ikr? Mass human extinction is coming soon. We’re all going to die.

No not super deadly, just really, really fucking sucky to go through

Very normal defense mechanism. I realize you’re scared, a lot of people are these days, so no need for these walls

Were they actually Danish or where they foreigners?


On the flipside, another defense mechanism is to constantly pore over coronavirus articles in a desperate attempt to wrap your head around what's going on as if it gives you more control over the situation.

Face it, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, are going to die and there's nothing you can do about it. The good news is, if you're under the age of 60 and healthy, you probably won't be one of them.

In all honesty OP I'm more scared of the panic that's sweeping across the states and the backlash that it bring for the rest of us. This time last week I could still get fucking fresh meat, and this time one month ago I could get shit paper. I cant even get ammo to go to the range either. Have extra food on hand before you get cucked by the government and your neighbors when corona chan and her disciples come to a city near you.

Individually, it’s not amongst the most dangerous diseases we’ve dealt with; that said it’s dangerous enough to cause this severe concern. we are at the mercy of our ability to manage the spread of the disease as this is only months old and we don’t have any truly effective medical treatments or responses. What we do have isn’t enough in many severe cases, so we’re we’re at now would still be the tip of the iceberg of the potential havoc it could wreak. Current measures in the first world are lacking given the scale but even the smallest efforts in containing spread could cumulatively bring significant benefits to the course of this outbr34k.

Perhaps if we didn’t have vaccines that were in wide use for influenza you could then even begin to compare them. See how aggressive Covid-19 is vs the h1n1 virus, one of the more nasty influenzas in modern times. The thing with corona is it’s just too early to know EXACTLY how virulent it is. However the data we do have paints an awful situation that’s just as likely to be worse than we know as it is to be better than we know.

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I assume the economic backlash will be more severe than the casulties from the virus itself.

Did you gargle cum as recommended?

Fucking careless of him, school trip?

In some ways, this is a blessing, it’s a wake up to how inflexible and fragile the economy can be. Beyond that, no fundamental element of society should be so lacking in resiliency. The United States federal governments response only highlights how myopically obsessed they have become with serving powerful corporations.

Agree w this so hard.

Stfu you insufferable internet expert

>Amongst the most dangerous diseases we've dealt with
First of all, it's a virus. Second of all, most of the people who have died are sick and/or elderly. Compared to Spanish flu or the black plague it's nothing.

The current 2 strains aren't so terrible. Worse than the flu but not by a huge margin.
Problem is covid 19 has a couple close relatives we have met before with SARS and MERS. SARS has a mortality around 10% and MERS is over 30% mortality. Those particular coronaviruses are luckily not so contagious, covid 19 is. All in all humans don't have a lot of experience with coronavirus so this shit is legit concerning for anyone who has any kind of knowledge about this stuff.
The 1928 swine flu pandemic started off with a mild first strain. The second and third strains were brutal though.

No, they weren't even in contact with each other. Isolated cases. They're dropping like flies. LIKE FLIES, I TELL YA!

>This faggot trying to argue semantics

sars-cov-2 is a virus
Covid 19 is the disease the sars-cov-2 virus causes

Can someone comment this. The death rate for Italy in 2019 was 10.566 deaths per 1000 people, a 0.88% increase from 2018. If there was 60,391,000 people in Italy in 2019, it means each day died (10.566*60391000/1000)/365=1748 people per average. Probably the number was higher in winter months where there were more pneumonia and old people were weaker etc. Now the corona death count per day has been as high as 800 persons, which sounds really bad, but when compared to regular casualities, it doesn't look too bad. I wonder what the total death count today may be in Italy, when we add all other causes of death. I don't think it is much higher than the last years', Just thinking, I'm not into conspiracy theories and I've been sitting home for last two weeks in Eastern Europe.

Your son goes to a school for flys, that's unusual

premium grade bioweapon level