Rekt thread
Rekt thread
youre gonna be dead as fuck soon scared little bitch.
Your grammar is shit
jfc what happened to trigger this video
that man has some ANGER
the tranny was seriously in his face in the longer vid
A classic
im never gonna have to graduate & youre getting killed cuck.
I don’t remember this mission of call of duty
>when the legs go limp
Guy is too funny lmao. This is what happens when you play too much Tekken
The noice thing about that though is that the nigger went to jail. You're a nigger aren't you?
Testing, am I banned for no reason again?
Waste of bullets, the first one did the job
I love this video so much.
if theres a nigs vs trannies war i would fight for the nigs if i had to
*You are grammar is the shit
Trannies make up a much smaller percentage of crime tho
That's some seriously autistic but graceful dancing.
no in the audio version he goes ouchie why would that it really hurt man! >:(
Funny thing is if he didn't slide and just flew through that intersection he probably would have survived.
Sure. But trannies are usually sjw cunts as well. And sjws ruin society via faggotry.
Hard choice, but I think I gotta side with them porch monkeys in this case.
screenshots from a video
yore duh
Why not just post the video though?
How am I being an internet tough guy for not wanting shitty pictures in a rekt thread
It's not so much piles of guts that get to me, but seeing still alive people with their shit fucked makes me a little squeamish. Kinda like this poor fella.
>webm related
That is someone’s baby. It is horrible.
Did he survived?
I want to know what happened after
Yeah agreed, that's way worse that he has to suffer like that. I hope to god I'm never in that position.
That look
>shoot me
Pretty metal way to die.
I'd side with the trannys long enough to wipe out the niggers. Then turn on the trannys.
>Implying the blacks wouldn't instantly kill all troids without a single casualty
What's happening here and where?
Anybody got a non-webm link of this for an iFag?
Is he ok?
What the hell is happening here?
Poor girl.
This nigger beat an autistic kid down when he was just trying out some new salsa moves.
Map of what?
Based boomer
Countries in blue.
its russian police arresting pussy riot. not sure why he posts it
Covid infections?