Pics you weren't supposed to save thread?

Pics you weren't supposed to save thread?

Fucked her daily for three months while BF was studying abroad. Never ever let me pull out.

"Its better inside"

Bonus: doesn't believe in birth control because "hormones".

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Tinder hookup.

4 hours from match to pronebone.

Im laughing at the incels BTW.

Thats pretty good evidence you're sterile OP. Congrats on never needing a condom again

Loves anal

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Winners gonna win. #childfree

That is a buff lady. You think her pussy was tighter for it?

Oh yeah, she went to Catholic Church every Sunday without fail


You were fucking a post-op lmao. OP is a faggot

It was above average. Kegel game was poor and she was kind of starfishy. pretty snug though. she liked to lay there with a smile and just have me pound away.

She'll be a great catch for beta buck someday. lmao

Oh FFS these aren't even the same person. Can you put like 5% effort in? Come on man

Ive had sex with more than one person.


Only one I have saved from this one. Bumble hookup. 3 days from match to fuck.

Said I should pull out, told her I was gonna cum in her anyway. She said "ok if you really want to"

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keystone state represent. What part of PA is she from?

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Is this from Reddit?

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no but i think shes been posted there before

Imo kinda lame, but I'm glad you liked it


she def doesn't know i saved these

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Kik me your sluts for a rate/wwyd burner1002

Dubs and I'll post hc

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She was a nice girl. Huge hypocrite morally but a nice girl.

BF is a punk tho, lol.

Gotta love girls who run a lot tho.

With face?

trashy af I love it.

nudes pls

Only one I kept saved for. It was in a snapchat.

You have her to thank for the thread tho.

thoughts on my wife?

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would impregnate. frontal? face?

Nothing else at all?

What about some nudes first

Sorry :(

no face, but here's frontal. thoughts?

oops forgot pic

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Better without bush.

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Looks good but what the fuck is wrong with girls. Shaving the bush bumps them up a point in attractiveness.

I think that's a pretty split opinion.

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idk if I wanna share

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Well figure it out

Or kik

dont worry about it mate.

what do u even mean by that

Very few women work a BUSH. Hedge trimming is all good but when I see a BUSH I see a lazy/inattentive woman.

I guess if that's what you like that's all good but I've seen a lot of bush and all I think is "what are you doing?? Do you fucking care?" I'm a dude and I trim/shave.

>day 5
into what, transition?

full bush is totally fine. why should a 30+ year old woman pretend she's pre teen? unless you prefer that....

Less arguing like faggots more nudes

shes fucking hot idk what ur talking about

does this change ur mind asshole

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almost passable i'll give you that.

If you dont find her attractive, your gay

or my gay standards are better than yours

no. show pussy or GTFO

BFF and I have no shame with each other

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Tits and face now

Dick I love her. More


Nice tats. Mediocre tits.

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Love those small tits

They were delicious.

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great ass though, not shy in showing me her toys when she buys new ones lol

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Good ass. Thanks for sharing. Who is she?