Why do liberals hate the stimulus package ? Is it because it helps real Americans not illegal immigrants ?

Why do liberals hate the stimulus package ? Is it because it helps real Americans not illegal immigrants ?

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corporations aren't people you shill.

I kinda want to see that money come my way tbh lol. Probbaly because it's an easy way to persuade the masses to get their favor

stfu faggot


Hahaha so rustled, hes right you know, is that why you butthurt?

actually they are

why do trumptards hate socialist policy until their boyfriend suggests it?

ACKSHWALLY they aren't, you autist. They are entities, not people. There's a difference that your pea-brain can't seem to comprehend.

do you pay back socialism?

theres nothing wrong with socialist policies, but a full blown socialist gov like bernie wanted is just stupid. get educated faggot

Them Pinhead feels...

fucking taxes you nigger iq fuck

>is just stupid
and there we have it folks, childish logic from childish people

>take tax money
>give out as loan
>pay back loan
>still taxed
so how is this socialism?

stupid is an accurate way to describe something. god forbid someone not going into the exact details in which everyone should know why something is stupid. you're a typical liberal and since my sound logic didnt agree with your ignorant views, my logic because childish. smh. gtfoh

there's no paying it back, it's not a loan, when did anyone say there'd be paying it back?

>says get educated
>offers no substantial point
>calls it stupid
>defends not defending his point

fucking whew kiddo

you're stupid : ^)

Nuff said

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maybe read the bill again?
here..i'll even quote one of your leftist havens, WaPo:

As lawmakers neared a deal, the White House made a significant concession to Democrats’ demands, agreeing to allow enhanced scrutiny over the massive loan program that is a centerpiece of the Senate’s $2 trillion coronavirus economic package.
This pertains to the $500 billion loan and loan guarantee program that the Treasury Department would be tasked with administering for companies, states, and cities. Of that amount, $425 billion is supposed to go to businesses, cities and states. An additional $50 billion would go to passenger airlines, as well as $8 billion for cargo airlines, and $17 billion for firms that are deemed important to national security.

Actually that was pic related's plan, long with a half trillion to baliout whomever and whatever the fuck he chose without having to disclose where it went until way after the fact. Fortunately the Dems gave it the ol' FUCK YOU.

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lmao right

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silly trumptard that's not the stimulus package bill

its so cute when you think you know stuff

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) worked to scupper the phase-three coronavirus relief package on Sunday after Majority Whip James Clyburn (D., S.C.) told caucus members last week that the bill was “a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.”"

We NeEd MoRe FuEl EfFiCeNt AiRlInErS aNd 10k StUdEnT lOaN fOrGiVeNeSs
Typical stupid liberal soy boy pieces of garbage

ok ignoramus.
did you skip right over the word 'loan'?

we hate it because it doesn't actually help us at all. I lost my job at waffle house and I can't even strip like I used to because I got an STD from some thirsty boy that came on me... I'm fucking done and moving away from this POS country if they don't start helping the working folks.

thats the corporate bailout, where does it say its the money for people? try again, dont worry i'll wait ^.^

i am far right and i hate the stimulus.

awww was someone not smart enough to go to college?

That was part of the FUCK YOU, which they knew wouldn't get past the Senate anyway. Fortunately a reasonable stimulus package is now in the works.

Someone was smart enough to start their own business while you peasants pay off 200k working at starbucks

a loan isn't a bailout, fucktard

Because they tried to sneak in a bunch of crazy shit like central bank virtual currencies... I would've voted against it, no regrets.

yeah it is; they never pay it back. they get new loans to pay off the interest on the old loans. inflationary economics, free teat from taxpayer who cannot get these loans. banker paradise (jew world)

yes it is, especially if it's 0 interest

you're dumber than i thought, and the bar was so low

not a bailout
lemme guess....Boston U economics degree?

It's never going to be over for Trump voters. Doesn't matter what he does, or who he's up against. Jesus himself could run against him and Republicans would vote for Trump over the Christ, not only that, you'd hear about how he's been chosen by God. Trump could push ANY other candidate's platform instead of his current one, just straight up STEAL Andrew Yang's campaign and the Republicans would EAT IT UP (the young ones that figure it out would be MORE excited to back him up since it would be like MAX-le-epic-lulz n trullz. He could approach Bernie's podium and grab the paperwork and cross out Bernie's name and put "Trump" on every page and suddenly things they claimed were impossible and socialist and stupid would be GENIUS! They're not voting for their party any longer, not voting for their beliefs, they're voting for Trump.

and what exactly do you do? tendies delivery?
lmao nice larp kiddo
sad tho

Couldn't give a fuck if we get a check or not, I quit my job back in December so I wouldn't qualify anyway.

I clear your measly 200k loan every quarter doing HVAC installation and service. Peasant.

can someone explain where this free 2trillion dollars is coming from?
where was it supposed to go and whats being cut to come up with it?

okay so like this feels like spoon feeding but uh google it? cuz you're so wrong its tragic

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So much ignorance in so few words.

Not the user you were talking to before, the loan does need to be paid back though, correct?

i highly doubt that, your larping is sad

also you're shit at it lmao, go cry to mummy

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Shit like this is why we should just fucking balkanize already. Obviously people can't talk to each other any more. Most idiots make up their minds based on emotion and tribal bullshit.

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at 0% interest and with no deadline, it's free money to business, its corporate socialism

tax the working class, fuck them over and throw money at companies
trumps america is a systematic abuse of the good man

Before you said they would pay it back with another loan, correct?
Can you explain to me how that would make any sense, given the fact that the loan they get to pay it back will certainly have interest on it?

But if they pay it back 50 years from now, and there is no interest. Haven't they effectively paid back a lot less?

sounds good to me.
om ready to sign up for that loan when its offered.
so don't forget to pay your taxes in june.

ding!ding!ding! correct!
its theft user

Lmfao those numbers are what technicians make, not owners. Peasant

oh sure, ill bet you're a fourtune 500 company right?... oh... you're not? well then good luck getting anywhere near donnys teat

mail your check back when it comes.

What's wrong with zero percent interest loans?

no. it's not. stop larping it's sad, you're not a rich business owner, you're you user

nothing, but abusing them is corrupt

(Another player has entered the thread.)

Isn't that the point of a bailout though? Government propping up businesses in some extraordinary circumstances? It's not like the gov is just blanket giving money out all the time every time a business nears failure.

I agree with that.

"The $349 billion contained in the Senate version of the stimulus package — which stalled in Congress on Sunday — would guarantee private-sector loans to companies through the Small Business Administration, freeing up more funds for outfits struggling to keep their head above water as revenue evaporates."
Obviously you don't want even small business to help keep people employed.

should remove corporate tax then, no sense in taxing corporations

i know its you user stop pretending.

its okay.

and thats the issue, business plan for this, they run lean and abuse it.
extra money and nothing to spend it on? stock buy backs

google it

they dont prep or save, they spend everything to be as rich as possible, knowing that they will get bailed out

and i might add the dems want to make that number bigger

That is such a pathetic collection of words. Maybe you do install air conditioners, but you obviously never left the schoolyard.

these will not be the good loans that big business gets, these will be cherry picked companies and they will be unfair

anyone can apply user.
what i do not agree with is dems forcing people who take those loans pay 15$/hr minimum

>i know its you user stop pretending.
Literally 3 different people talking to you, user.

You should really do more research rather than a 2 second Google search before you make yourself look like even more of a fool, and I'm not rich by any means, but my bills are paid, food in the fridge, a few toys, 2 nice vacations a year and money going to retirement. Peasant.