So Trump did another sudden 180 on the situation, claiming now that the virus is not that bad (again)...

So Trump did another sudden 180 on the situation, claiming now that the virus is not that bad (again), and slowing down economey will kill more.

That was based on nothing but his own guess btw, and he now want's to lessen restrictions by Easter

hahahah, gotta love that guy, and the sheep that he can convince of anything

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's time to lock him up in Prison already

I just wanna watch the show

See what comes of it, lock him up later

Nahhh.... Let him open up the floodgates on Easter Sunday. Let the people left in America decide in November whether he’s the right or wrong guy.

He stil yroure predsident

this ! if he opens the gates now, he's done in November

ant it'll still be the democrats fault

25th Amendment
Section 4

Attached: don'tpanic.jpg (640x480, 141.2K)

Just do it already.

* and (not Native English :)

He's dumb dude. Can we get past that?

and suddenly Fauci is nowhere to be seen...where;s a disgruntled marine when you need one, eh?

It's how he is convincing his fanboys from yesterday thinking this shit is serious to now it's not to bad that has me fascinated

the US economy is crashing because of this virus.
Chinese manufacturing and supply lines were down for weeks.
most of the world is currently under some kind of quarantine protocols so no one is moving around, no one is buying fuel for their cars, oil prices crash (with a helping hand from russia and americas best mates the saudis).
if americas economy fails, america is finished with no real industry to speak of to build itselfup again.
is trump a cunt?
is it the correct decision to save the US economy over US lives?
I leave that up to you

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ITT: incels

>"If we don't open up business there will be thousands of suicides."
Who the fuck's gonna kill themselves because they can't get McDonald's? Like seriously that's the best excuse they could come up with?

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it is going to be awesome when you faggots kys

Coronavirus. In Rome thieves attack pharmacies, six burglarized in two nights: "We are their ATM"

Attached: Profits over people president.jpg (700x700, 76.78K)

fake news faggot, Rome's not that shitty

inb4 he holds the stimulus package hostage forcing states to resume operations.

A lot about Trump is sending signals to the market.

Dow Jones up 11,26 prosent
S&P 500 up 9,34 prosent
Nasdaq Composite up 8,12 prosent

Meanwhile the economy in the rest of the world is crashing.

Maybe if you start a thread about it on Yas Forums every 20 minutes it will help.

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He’s been sitting on this virus since the summer 2019 after it escaped from fort Detrick, following a security breach at America’s largest bio weapons facility

It didn’t exist in America until now because they simply didn’t test for it

After the us spread their virus to China during the world military games in Wuhan in October, more countries started testing for it, forcing Transparency

Short-term boosts. Those who didn't sell off their stock before will do so when everything is forced back into production. After that the virus fucks everything up again, even harder, and their window of profiteering is closed.

>the sheep

Are a handful of people.
Everyone else just realizes the people on the other side are even worse.

ok, Bugman

kys troll

The economy is made to run. If you quit doing business and people want their money out everything goes to shit.
>Basically like a giant ponzi scheme
A few people will get the flu oh well

So I heard ShareBlue pays you guys in dildos unlike MediaMatters. How many dongs do you earn for every post you start like this?

Remember all those Taiwanese doctors saying “vaping pneumonia” that started killing hundreds of healthily young Americans immediately after the Fort Detrick breach was Actually viral pneumonia?

Now Italian doctors are saying this virus has been circulating in Italy since early Fall 2019 - well before the first case in Wuhan

what's the fascination with "it will bankrupt us" in America ???

the richest nation on earth can take that hit, EASY, as can all of West €, as can china

only problem in America is there's no safety in place for ppl who lose job now. Even though America can afford it no problem

This message was paid for by the Communist Party of China

remind Obama would have saved everyone from death

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Yes, but Trump has been a safe and responsible president when it comes to the economy. Even during the worst crisis, he's still able to calm the market and spread hope.

Its no point for him to be a doomsday prophet, making people believe that this is the end of the western world.

This stupid fuck put tariffs on medical supplies. Shithole country.

>Fort Detrick leaks out their bio weapons.

>immediately after hundreds of young Americans start dying from “ground glass” ((vaping)) pneumonia

>Italian doctors now saying virus has been circulating in northern Italy since the early Fall

hurrr durrr it’s the China virus guyz


To say Trump is stupid is to grossly misunderstand him. He is actually brilliant, but insanely narcissistic. If you see all of his actions from the perspective of self-aggrandizement and personal gain, everything makes perfect sense and he is quite effective. Walking a fine line between outright criminal conduct and moral corruption, he is using his office to funnel business and revenue towards his various businesses. He relies on vengeance to intimidate those who disagree even slightly, and rewards the unqualified faithful with positions of power and influence, which of course in turns helps him.

So what is he doing with COVID-19? He is seeing the stock market plunging and that affects his own net worth. At the risk of infecting the nation's populace, he wants to open up the country again. He and his cronies may already have reinvested in the stock market and they now need to see it go up to realize profit. He is becoming desperate because his cronies are beginning to realize that the ruthlessness of this monster is ruining the country for short-term gain. Losing the faithful is the second most horrible thing that Trump can see happening. To Trump, America is his business venture. He does not care about the people or the country beyond how it can generate revenue for himself.

>reddit spacing
fuck out of here gook

OP here
lol I love this

Testa di cazzo bastardo, frocio sei tu e questo è tutto vero. Scrivo in italiano dall'Italia e se vuoi ti arrangi a tradurre da solo. Minchione del cazzo pezzo di merda.

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Reminder of what's going to happen to that nigger soon. Stay mad nigger lover

Attached: DayOfTheRope.jpg (640x480, 55.51K)

deaths would be 10% of what they are now if obama was president

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Go back and check your upvotes on your reddit account faggot

L'unica parola che sai dire in tutti i commenti è faggot, cioè frocio. Non sai niente nè dell'Italia nè dell'America, mongoloide.

Trump derangment syndrome. Seek help

calm down party animal, it's just some spacing

it's OK

He's talking about people without jobs.
No job = no money = no food

Yas Forums falls for another deep state meme

>It must China virus guyz, because bat soup video

>never mind that massive security breach at our largest bio weapons facility just months prior, because muh bat soup video


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my friend, nobody is gonna run that taco through google translate

I think what's funny is that this tops out between 8000 and 10000 cases, nationwide, which is how many NEW cases there were in a single day yesterday.

Impara qualche cosa nella vita, perchè se no cosa vivi a fare. Anche se arriverai a 90 anni sarai sempre solo una persona inutile che ha vissuto una vita per niente. Un povero idiota.

post some timestamps now with your face to prove you aren't a bot

Your just pulling shit out of your delusional ass

>it’s totally normal for hundreds of young healthy Americans to drop dead guyz, because they were vaping

Are Americans still vaping?

> hur durrr yeaaaahhh :/

Is there still mass deaths?

>hur durrr muh bat soup meme ok guyz?

Mutt logic


because, in american logic, having those safety measures in place is socialism.
socialism = communism, and communism is bad.
'murica, fuck yeah, etc.
the american economy is a house of cards since they removed the gold standard and became so dependant on the petro dollar.
if all you do when you start running low on money is print more money while you're old cold war enemy is balls deep in a price war with the largest oil producer on the planet, guess what happens?

>Yas Forums quoting (((theAtlantic)))

Thanks Chaim

people who have corona can't use google translate or whats the problem ?

>bio weapon
>Kills elder and weak people.
American war machine shining.

who's running against him?

If you are going to be assigned to post this garbage on Yas Forums at least learn2greentext ffs.

Talking about things that never happened

Peepeti poopi?

probably doing this in an attempt to the bill passed quicker so his companies will get bailed out. either that or the man really likes easter


Aaaaanddd why should i care? Youre not even american

ask your mexican mom for a kis and calm down

Which led to the best day on the stock market in 85 years. When will you libshits finally blast off to Mars.

Stay mad rice chomper

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Just fascinated, why not, it is

>Fort Detrick leaks out their bio weapons.

>immediately after hundreds of young Americans start dying from “ground glass” ((vaping)) pneumonia

>Italian doctors now saying virus has been circulating in northern Italy since the early Fall

>hurrr durrr it’s the China virus guyz because somebody ate bat soup and this has nothing to do with our largest bio weapons facility being shut down
