I honestly think this whole corona thing is a hoax. Really think about. It’s an election year...

I honestly think this whole corona thing is a hoax. Really think about. It’s an election year, everyone was worried about a potential ww3 now no one even mentions it, no one is paying any attention to anything in politics, and despite how “contagious” this is I don’t know or have even seen a single person who actually has it. This is just like after 9/11 when the patriot act was was put into effect. They’re trying to take away our rights and you people are just letting it happen

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you are retarded, and you should be ashamed to be who you are.

It’s a cover up for the global economic collapse that’s occurring. Welcome to Ussr, comrade.

No laughter,

Only potato.

Antecdotal evidence is best evidence

How am I the retarded one here? They already have most countries on lockdown and it’s only a matter of time before martial law goes into effect. Do you know anyone sick with it? No you don’t you blindly just believe it because that’s what the media told you to do

Yeah the whole world is dealing with this shit because of an american election year no one gives a fuck about.

No all the world governments are in on it


Because of what?

Dude stfu. I’m really central on a lot of issues, right for some and left for others. Have you ever looked at the constitution? Look I’m not saying give up all liberty but please stop acting like measures like these aren’t in there for exact situations like this. The USA can tell you to get inside with military force and it’s still all in the rules that run the country aka the rules everyone gives as to why were the best country. I understand you can say “Well those rules need to be changed” but that’s slippery because there’s no way they get changed for the better. Even if this is just a “Buff fu” which I think it is, it doesn’t mean we can handle such a large % of people getting it at the same damn time. Also certain animals have had illnesses that have wiped out large numbers of them. This is only minor compared to the shit that can happen and that’s why this hysteria is important. How are people going to act when there is a virus that’s going to threaten our existence? That being said just watch the type of shit they try to do while this is going on.

Think about it. It “started” in China and I don’t know if you know this but China loves having complete control of their people. It was all a hoax to keep them in line and all the other countries decided that they liked the idea during one of their meetings and decided to slowly put it in effect. It’s obvious they want real domination and by blindly following them we’re just giving them what they want

Fuck sake, some of you yanks are truly dumb.
Tell you what, go outside, let a bunch of random motherfuckers cough on you, wait 2 weeks, then come back here and tell us all how you're gasping for air is completely unrelated to the "hoax pandemic".
America is not the world

Yeah. I already gave you the example of the patriot act. That shows you how they can make us act when they think that we’re afraid.you just wait

How the fuck does this benefit any country? US already had to spend trillions, telling people to stay home isn't having any kind of control thats helpfull.

Yeah man it's all make believe. We're obviously tanking the economy and forcing businesses to close and people to lose their jobs, while the school system gets fucked, all for shits and giggles. Clearly everyone is having a good time while they are on "lockdown".

countries with actual healthcare systems have been completely overwhelmed by this. china got a handle on it because of their authoritarian government that made people do what they were told, or else.
america is fucked but you're all too busy arguing about your paranoid politics bullshit to realise

Only retards disbelieve something they can literally see themselves. Either get a sample from a coronavirus sufferer or get it yourself and spit on some glass and look at it under a microscope you fuckwit.

I’ve been going out every fucking night and I don’t have a single thing wrong with me because this quarantine is bullshit. And do yourself a favor and read the patriot act. Give you a taste of what your government is gonna introduce in a few days to keep you “safe”. It’s not just the US it’s about to be everywhere. They’ve banned together to force a real shadow government

That’s the point. The same way the popular vote doesn’t actually decide who’s president. The public can’t handle issues such as this. I’m not defending our shitty govt And I’m definitely not putting sketchy shit past them because time after time they continue to reveal how shit they are. I’m just saying this is part of living in the best country in the world. It’s still fucked but we still have a ton of stuff we can give up before we’re a “drone surveillance telling you to go home” type of govt.

>Only retards disbelieve something they can literally see themselves. Either get a sample from a coronavirus sufferer or get it yourself and spit on some glass and look at it under a microscope you fuckwit.

Uh, I'm not here to defend OP, who is clearly of diminished capacity.... But unless you have an electron microscope, you're not going to see it. It's a virus, it's much smaller than individual cells, etc.

You're just a moron

You give them more credit than they deserve

How does it not benefit the ones in control keeping the lower classes submissive? I don’t know what their plan is yet but I have a few ideas

It’s not an election year all over the world you fucking mong.

You're a jew sympathizer

Yeah, the whole world is in on a conspiracy.

No they’re just making it seem like all that is happening. And the big things are only effecting normal people like us. You really think any of the billionaires are really struggling? No they are planning something now. They’re lying to us

Yeah, the whole world is in on a conspiracy.

Keep watching FOX.

Dude hate to break it to you but you already are owned. They don't need a crisis. Trump has the loyalty of millions and hes a rich new yorker. The rest hate him but are loyal to cock suckers like the Bidens and Clintons who represent the elite too. They all win no matter what happens. You lose.

The fact is this outbreak scares them because they can't control it. But given it might break the economy they are willing to sacrifice millions for it.

Carlin said it best:


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Yeah, by just killing millions, crippling the economy, healthcare, making millions lose their job yada yada.. great plan.

Exactly they want to make the whole fucking world an authoritative government


They are. It makes sense when you really look at it

I don’t watch that trash. They’re all lying to you. You need to get your news from unbiased sources

I'm not american, i couldn't give a shit about your patriot act. nor will you in a few weeks.
you want to see what happens when a new virus runs rampant through a population, by all means keep your head up your ass

But the thing is that the outbreak isn’t real

>its a hoax
>nobody ever said it was a hoax
>its a hoax
>its a national emergency
>its a hoax

Holy fuck, would you just make up your fucking mind???

See that’s what I’m saying. They can’t keep their story straight

>it is so incredible and scary it has to be a hoax

OP in a nutshell

I’m not scared of things that aren’t real. The real scary thing is that the government/the elite are planning something

>Banned together

LOL. This is how we know you're a fucking idiot.

>i'm not scared of things that i have not experienced, yet

Fucking fixed that for you ivory tower andy

This virus is manmade.
It's mostly effecting A+
A+ are the human race. And maybe positive in general. A are most submissive personality type.
B might be the evil. Not 100% sure. But they are the most corrupt blood type personality wise.
O are the warriors but also the elite.
All O- have green or blue eyes. That I've seen so far in my searching.
Blood can not be mixed and can not change eye colour through breeding.
O+ positive, can be brown...

I have been doing ALOT of research.
This is a war between good and bad, between bloodlines and tribes.

O blood types seem to be the only ones aware. Most aware. Maybe because we are related to the elite unfortunately. They are not attacking us. Maybe they will attack o+
I garuntee if you feel like, you're being called for something, if you feel like an alien in this world. You're O blood type....

I dont know how, but now is the time to unite and save the humans...

Non human..?

But most.... Submissive A types will....


Holy shit. The vaccine has got to be their plan

basically, an idiot leading a nation of predominantly idiots into a crisis they aren't in any way prepared for and have no hope of preparing themselves for at this stage because they're so dependent of foreign manufacturing for everything. a country so fucked up that it must be because of "the elites" evil plot to bring about the destruction of humanity and not because a century of rampant unchecked capitalism has resulted in a broken system.
the bill for your hubris is about to fall due america.
may luck be with you.

I think. Unless every1 unites... This will probably only be O types....
But if we do, we can stop it... But if we don't.
I never believedin religion... But the books tell the story. It goes round and round.
The elite will get power. All humans will be wiped everntually. When they fully take over. Nibiru will hit and the cycle will repeat. Till the good wins....
Hopefully user have a plan, but... I think they need more people, Os, and humans on their side.
We need to open our eyes to why we are taught to think in certain way in school. Why adhd ppl are given tablets. Why we are all glued to our phones for distraction, why we all have escapism drugs. Cos we are escaping from the truth. Its too much to handle. But do your research. Bloodline. Why hitler even happened. Its so deep and its been happening FOREVER.
and everyone just sits back and watches...?

Yes, my co worker just died from it. If you aren't a little bit scared then you aren't informed

This is a real disease, people young, old, and between are dying

Name one person you know that has died

I'm pretty sure every1 has the virus already. I was the sickest I've ever been 2 weeks ago but. They said the flu. I NEVER GET SICK.
Its targeting certain ppl, blood types.

Every1 probably has it. Some people don't vet symptoms. Some ppl die.

So don't be an idiot and spread it. Whether u have symptoms or not, we are all carriers and must isolate NOW.
On our own accord as a united nation who care about others lives as well as our own.


Exactly no one can name anyone who is actually affected by this. It’s all media

Spaniard here, this is no joke, this shit gotall the people that where like you or the ones saying "its like the flu" thing, this shit is not under control and lots of people are dying, ofcourse cause the virus but more improntant beacuse rhe morons in power cant do their fuking job properly. Dont be fooled, dont wait to see people you know diyng to believe it

That's funny, sounds like you would fit right in with the trumptards at FOX.

Hey OP I saw your time too on Twitter that you did with the funny voice.

Typo, meant tik tok on Twitter. I saw your tik tok OP where u had funee voice

Go step in a hospital where they're treating patients and wait a little bit, you slow motherfucker. And if you get sick and are diagnosed with covid-19 then put a bullet in your head you waste of a respirator.

If you're in the US, do people use masks when they go to the store or is that just an asian thing?

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We wear these things called hazmats. So yes but not the traditional face mask

>if you feel like an alien in this world. You're O blood type....
Link on that?

If you think this is anything but a hoax you are dumb as a rock.

Non larp version please.

I am in the US and have seen a few people with masks but it's rare.

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Not larping. U in the Southern Florida? It's happenin a good bit here

My gf has it. First case in my city. Then 5 more of my friends. One is in the ICU right now.

Silliest /x/pol/ shit I've ever read. Rare AB- here. Thrall me with your acumen.

Fukken lol

Liar. No one on b has 5 friends.