Trap/Trans/CD/Femboy Thread

Trap/Trans/CD/Femboy Thread

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Have a good night anons. Wherever you are on your journey and discovery I'm proud of you.

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im not gonna stop posting my ugly butt either

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Yas Forumsros, I'm valid

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Cute bum


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everyone from the last thread either coomed or left

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fucking perfection

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>everyone from the last thread coomed
you do have that effect on ppl cutie ;)

Love it

Sable Heart RIP

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she has a cute everything imho

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not everyone :P

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>you'll never grab her hand and steal a kiss from Allana.

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>you'll never check Jes's temperature anally, with your ding dong.

at least the one that matters is here ;)

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hii cutie, how are you tonight?

Get AIDS and die you cross dressing mentally ill fags.

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shut up sweet talker :P
I’m ok, but I’ve been putting off housework -_- how bout you?

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am good too, learnin to make cottage cheeses from the youtube

Rate my suicide

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hey you do matter

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>pron for ants/10

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Don't have to be a dirty goat fucking mudslime to agree with them on the simple fact that you shit diggers should be thrown off buildings at least 5 stories high.

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thats wrong tho, on so many levels

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does it take 3 or 4 to summon?

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why do y'all insist on posting these pics instead of all of the actually cute traps

Reminder this all you're good for

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why dont you cunts ever post any pics at all?

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I love ur feet pls more :(

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I do. I'm literally the person in the pic I responded to. I took the pics, but continuously seeing them posted is lame.

Because him posting or not posting pics doesn't change his point

its not me bro, im trying to summon her, shes such a cutie

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>I'm literally the person in the pic I responded to

Come back and get it then faggot. I'll put a hole in it for free.

I’m horny and would love to chat.

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Which one? The 1st level or the 5th? The higher up, the less times we'll have to drop you on your fucking head.

So what are you? A dude? A trans chick?

gonna post a smack video on my twitter if that user is still here

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I’m a dude dude, bisexual doe

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It's confused like the rest of you fecal matter mining disease infested cocksuckers.

I wish there were more nice people here like you, you are a good influence

oh coool! im trying to make creme fraiche at home we’ll see how it turns out. come back with pics of your cheese

okbi posted it on my twitter one sec while i gif it
thanks. youre a really nice person deep down and i know it

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ok converting it rn

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ok its 3mb so i know i cant post it here. what should i do?

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image or webm?

webm of course

post on /gif/ (4mb limit)
then link to it here

yeah i was thinking of that. ok one sec

this post on /gif/