YLYL Quarentine Dump

YLYL Quarentine Dump

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Dude so like I came way to close to death today. Dont trust the mexicans putting up the stucco walls. Those fuckers are crazy. This dude straight up kicked a fucking scaffold support hard enough to drop the top two levels of boards all over the place. Watch your back around those paste mixing chucks. I wouldnt trust a one of em.


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Attached: cat went for a wok.jpg (1242x2208, 146.57K)

Attached: 1575126921919.jpg (640x630, 101.82K)

Just read this in the news.
India is TOTALLY fucked.
(See caption)

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Is that a screencap from Dredd?

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What is funny here is that instead of taking a second to post just the image, the retard uses more time to draw over and censor the screenshot of his smartphone.

Funniest part is that you felt the need to interact

you mean the "my white racist husband is back from work again"

Attached: 1584403822777.jpg (554x554, 109.02K)

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Attached: 1559359770862.gif (192x144, 438.98K)

Does that really work?


Leave tranny

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Ooh that’ll teach him

Attached: 1554519036017.jpg (636x527, 93.41K)

Thread confirmed for newfags considering NO ONE IS MENTIONING THOSE FUCKING DIGITS

Attached: 1558574286195m.jpg (981x1024, 69.48K)

Depends on what you expect it to accomplish I guess

Attached: if_you_only_knew.webm (500x500, 646.93K)

15 years lurking and posting and i finally get my first quads. Hit me with that covid, my life is complete

Attached: white_people.webm (640x624, 1.33M)

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10/10, would wife up.

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