Congrats, faggots.
You have successfully shamed the Last of the BasedBoys.
Congrats, faggots.
You have successfully shamed the Last of the BasedBoys.
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this is what happens when you wake up from the hangover the next day and see how much of a drunk idiot you were the night before
I’m actually really upset by this. Someone as stupid as him deserves to be taken under by COVID. Thin out the herd, make the species a little bit smarter
Anyone wearing a baseball cap looks dumb, but when they wear it back to front they look like a village idiot
Fucking retards NEED to be shamed into the correct course of action. I'm tired of living in a world where retards go unchecked by their peers.
Anti-vaxxers wouldn't exist if enough people had the freedom to make them feel ashamed of stupid thoughts
essential oils/crystal healers/flat-earthers would keep their retarded mouths shut if it was acceptable to insult them into silence.
I miss those days. It was safer for everyone to be able to destroy retarded ideas. Instead we have to "Accept and tolerate" their different beliefs.
I hope his poor decisions kill someone close to him.
He's just doing his part
ill admit,if everyone had the level of care about coronavirus right now that he did.i think america would be alot better now
i mean,i think its a serious issue.but i think most americans are over reacting to this shit.and the ones who arent,dont realize how much their president is screwing things up
>trump supporters try to meme
>but cant spell right,so they end up looking like the retards they've been since they nominated donald trump as republican president
its sacrifice
fuck that mouth breathing retard
i hope your presidents poor decisions kill alot of people close to sperg out about how people arent barricading themselves in their homes because of your presidents failed response to coronavirus.well guess what moron,this is how people in the real world are,not your fantasy trump land you've been in for 4 years now
>Brady Sluder
what kind of fucking name is that
I doubt he's a trump supporter lol
yeah I'm not a trump supporter but go ahead and rage, faggot.
kid is based
he clearly is a trump supporter
they are the only ones who give a shit about the economy right now.instead of bashing the president for thumping his bible instead of finding a way to make half the population not sick and dead from coronavirus
Not a trump supporter, you can't comprehend irony, it's ok.
at least you can spell good
spotted the glownigger
Lol I don't even support trump but it makes me really happy to know you're in for 4 more years of self inflicted derangement. Your tears bring me joy.
4 more years of what? you claim to not be a trump supporter,but only a trump supporter thinks america is gonna tolerate 4 more years of the president who has did nothing to combat coronavirus
and no,propping your stock market up isnt going to matter when the maga hat boomers are dead thanks to your president doing nothing about preventing coronavirus
Oldfag here. I would have been drinking a Corona and yelling at the camera, “I’m getting corona! While flipping off the camera, at 20. PC shit world. “He’s a disgrace to society!” No, he’s a kid. Young and dumb. Now he has to hire an attorney and security?
This virus kills boomers, fags, homeless bums, druggies --especially people who vape. Is there a downside to it?
jokes on you,the dispensaries are closing because of coronavirus
agreed. all these bums picking on a literal kid. That the media is engaged in encouraging the harassment of private citizens crosses the line I think.
not where I am. They're considered "essential" lol
If le edgy "teens" were slain first and foremost, I might smile a little.
He's a faggot for apologizing
I'm just reading the writing on the wall kiddo. Biden is a lost cause, barely knows where he is half the time. Bernie sold out like the jew he is. Trump's a miserable bastard but right now he's the least of the evils present. That's exactly how you lefties got your Obama years, and now for better or [way more likely] worse, it's how the Republicans will have their continued trump years. The thing is, I'm inclined to agree with you politically, but you and your kind have spent the last 4 years burning what little goodwill you had pissing and moaning about collusion and abuse of power and whatever other bullshit you'll cry about that I'll happily watch you suffer just on principle. And there are a lot of us that think the same way, again for better or worse.
eventually everything will closed,essential or not.i have very little hope in donald trump making things any better,and he's to stupid to realize how horrible he is at handling natural disasters
in times like these,republicans need to put their loyalty to trump aside,and start putting their loyalty back to the republican party.since there's no point in calling trump supporters republicans anymore anyway
Trump 2020
>hurr durr,lesser of two evils
fuck off kid,your the people who need to be kicked out of the republican party right now.lets hope you get the fucking message in november.since you didnt get it when republicans stayed home and you lost the house majority in the midterms.stupid redneck piece of trump voting shit
Not in Ontario Canada
no thanks,i dont want a population of sick and dieing people while the moron in chief is more concerned about the golfing conditions in mar a lago
democrats dont have the balls to get rid of trump and republicans shit all over their party by pledging their alligence to donald trump instead of supporting the republican party
its time for the trump trash to get out of the party
You still shit posting here? Why do you keep coming back?
well good for canada,you stupid socialist talking about america,literally every other country in the world has handled coronavirus better then the orange moron and his hillbilly supporters
because i like bashing trump supporters,dont you have another episode of professional wrestling or duck dynasty to watch? hillbilly,i hope you die of coronavirus alongside your trump voting friends.that will really make america great again
See 823559395
Trump 2020
Sperg moar faggot
Nigger, I have literally never voted. I'm just sitting and watching everyone lose their shit. But you'll notice I hate supporters, not candidates. So there's that.
Trump 2020
Economy > elders
Trump is right, we can't let this stupid bug stop our country. Time for elders to step up and pass on the gauntlet. Save our country.
Lol you think China handled this better?
Ok boomer
You're stupid American trash
Not in cali, just went
Nigga I didn't vote for the Giant Douche or Shit Sandwich.
yeah,they actually have
not that you'd know.the only news of the world you believe comes from your idiot presidents twitter account
Trump supporters have IQ
wait, did trump say that? It won't just be the elders that die wtf
i may be american but i consider the majority of americans stupid to.cry more kid,i bet you thought this insult was gonna hurt me
>just went
imagine actually going to california,i hope you choked on aids and died
>Maybe we need this virus to clean out all the retards.
A lot of old people are going to die, which is his primary base. So you're not wrong.
Fuck off commie
Wow, so much hate lol, I guess you should take all the stuff you own that was developed in cali and shove it up your ass sideways then huh.
Man weathers great out today. Not that you'd know.
lol fly-over-state fag
You're stupid American trash that doesn't know how to spell
>imagine actually going to california,i hope you choked on aids and died
How's life in meaningless Fly-Over Country these days? Getting plenty of meth and welfare? Sister still not putting out, 'tho? That's a shame, yeah.
Said the rat nesting in a warren of filth and poverty in one of the un-american population centers of illegal immigration and disease. May you never get tested and die in an alley, faggot.
That would be a shit tone of stuff considering the divide he's using to bitch on the internet was probably devd up in california. It'd definitely fit though.
>Fuck off commie
Nigger, have you looked at a fucking calendar lately? It's fucking 2020, not 1955, and the only people who give a shit about commies anymore are boomers and Yas Forumstads.
>takes iphone
>shoves up ass sideways
>takes gaming rig
>shoves up ass sideways
>takes laptop
>shoves up ass sideways
Doubtful. Hes been spamming the board for the past couple weeks. Easy to spot with that shit-tier trolling and le'ddit spacing. Pretty sure its a chinese damage control team.
what if he has an androi.. nvm
k, well at least you did it
>Said the rat nesting in a warren of filth and poverty in one of the un-american population centers of illegal immigration and disease. May you never get tested and die in an alley, faggot.
There's more of us than there are of you. Never forget that.
do you think he tested positive?
Trump is the second coming of Christ
Uh... You know none of that was designed in CA right? Literal zero percent.
Easy to determine what state you are attending middle school in, though.
>>takes iphone
>>shoves up ass sideways
>>takes gaming rig
>>shoves up ass sideways
>>takes laptop
>>shoves up ass sideways
Jesus Christ, user, you're one ethernet cable away from having a data center running in your ass!
And we have more money, connections, influence, and all around power
The kid was an all state baseball player and a basketball player. He probably caught the chingchong wheeze without realizing it
didn't know so many boomers lurked Yas Forums lol
Those were all developed in silicon valley. Considering it was a iphone, intel and amd processor computer / laptop.
If you think otherwise you're a fucking retard. Oh, you're still in middle school. Makes sense.
He uses satellite, they don't have ground internet in the midwest.
He didn't' say designed, he said developed... and they were, you're wrong, literal 100 percent.
>And we have more money, connections, influence, and all around power
BAHAHAHAAHAHAAH!! Holy shit, Fly-Over, you are fucking DELUSIONAL! Look at a heat map of the nation's economy. Please note the gaping black void between the major coastal cities. You're fucking nothing and a whole lot of it.
lol at white people who play basketball
why bother,its a nigger dominated sport
Since about 2015, they're all newfags who got kicked of conservative facebook groups.
Oh, I was adding to your rant, I'm not the flyover faggot.
only a person from california would use an example of shoving something in their ass.faggot
Or someone who hates them enough
>Oh, I was adding to your rant, I'm not the flyover faggot.
Shit, sorry user -- didn't realize Friendly Fire was on!
Don't you fucking call Gavin McInnes, leader of the Proud Boys a california faggot you fucking cuck ass bitch.
>only a person from california would use an example of shoving something in their ass.faggot
Yes, of course, no one who isn't from California has ever told someone to go stick something up their ass.
>proud boys
oh right,another group of confused liberals who call themselves republicans
whatever,california is nothing but a cesspool of democrats and gays
you should stick your mother's dick in your ass
He should apologize for looking like a fucking ventriloquist dummy.
>whatever,california is nothing but a cesspool of democrats and gays
I've heard meth consumption totally rots your teeth. Is that true?
I hope he sues and wins, and they have to pay for private security for him for life.
Still make more than your daddy and you combined. And loving that weather user.
>you should stick your mother's dick in your ass
Want some Tucks for that ass-burn you're feeling?
>Still make more than your daddy and you combined.
Where'd you find a quarter, user?
oof that was harder than I was trying to throw user