Why do straight white males love Asian women so much?

Why do straight white males love Asian women so much?

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Some people find them abnormally attractive. Some people don’t. Why do you care?

I prefer black girls.

Ah, I see you're a man of a plantation owner as well.

For me personally, my first love and the love of my life just happened to be a Chinese girl I met my senior year of high school. My mental health went downhill and she just... faded away.

It's just more of a nostalgia thing. I figure if I tried to date an asian woman again, I'd just be trying to catch lightning in a bottle. It's kinda like how particular sights or smells or something trigger memories. I see an asian woman, and I think about the time I had the truest love of my life. Then I remember its over now. It will never be the same again.

But that's a bunch of gay feelings. I guess a more Yas Forums answer would be "hurrdurr right yellow pusseeee".

i cant tell whether your thread is motivated by jealously or anger

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Because they're fucking sexy.
Feminine sweet etc.

Asian girls seem to be really feminine...
You know, the men also seem to be feminine to an extent too.
They just emanate that girl vibe that a lot of girls lack these days.

most dont actually


yes they do

They're the hottest race

I used to like Asian women when I was in my 20s. Some of it was mystery and desire to explore. Some of it was projecting imagined qualities (like femininity and submissiveness) on them that they really don't have. Some of it was not wanting to date women that looked remotely like my crazy mother, rebellion I suppose.

My girlfriend has a super hot Mongolian friend. Otherwise Asians don't really do it for me.

Tight pussy

Why did you import so many Asians for me to fuck?

Asian girls aren't submissive and feminine. Also, nothing is real and we're all an illusion.


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because white women haven’t been worth marrying since the mid seventies

Oyuup most Asian girls look like men naturally and got plastic surgery.

white girls stink. azn girls don't.

Because white women are becoming bigger and bigger whores with no self-respect and blinded by cock.


Asian girls:
- Submissive in nature
- Traditional
- Family values
- Cook and clean

As a connoisseur of girl smell, I can tell you Asian girls can stink too.

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I prefer Arab, Latino or South Asian girls

Too bad they're ugly and make you look like an omega male loser when you date them

>My first love was a Chinese girl
>She faded away
Same bro. Feelsbadman

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Maybe it's the other way around. Asian girls love white dick, even when it's old and impotent. Even basic Asian girls will whore out and fuck for advancement.

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blinded by the image of cock rather. They buy into the bbc myth perpetrated by (((porn moguls))) that have also unfortunately tricked many straight white men into hypnosis.

OP is a massive chink incel faggot

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The fuck is that?

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They're not ugly, and you'll look like even more of an omega male if you date a western woman who has a threesome count higher than her IQ and divorces you for tyrone

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>muh asian women are pure and white women are sluts

You'll realise some day that this is just delusion and coping

>Asian girls:
>- Submissive in nature
>- Traditional
>- Family values
>- Cook and clean

They can be, but a lot of the ones you see in the west (students/former students) are all privileged and not willing to do any of the above.

The main advantage of them is that they're thinner than white girls.

that's why you gotta go out east

is that what your wife's boyfriend told you?

dey eyes purty

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they cool, kinky mostly. but too much emotional needs. foreign ones are more fun tho cuz they're basically a tard, and once u flash an ounce of athleticism, creativity, or wealth; they put out instantly.

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seconded, western-born asians are just slutty white girls in asian skin. they have all the same product defects as white american girls
asian girls in asia are the secret sauce you all seek

Sex isn't a big deal anyway. Everyone does it. If that's what she did, whatever. She made her choices.

Because they are exotic the asian race looks real different from any other race. The way they act the way they moan the way they talk the way their skin looks the way their tight little pussies and asses look. Ive yet to experience an asian girl. But god damn i crave one.

ok faggots here's the deal

- asian girls are thinner
- more abundant

- all her frens and family will all be asian
- they'll speak only gookese with eachother
- if you have kids they'll be hapas with identity issues
- her family will eat bats and have fucked up beliefs
- if she's traditional, she's poor as fuk
- if she's privileged, she won't be submissive, cook or clean

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>yellow fever incels consider this attractive

they're not that different. ive got news for you, they don't have sideways pussies.

I too have a hoe. Fabulous for gardening in early spring.

> you're a man of a plantation owner

how ethnocentric do you have to be to be this afraid of other cultures?
your are like an murica-nigger

You're a fucking retard. Asian girls are fun because they're girls. There's not much else to it. There are hot ones, ugly ones, crazy ones, religious ones, and ones that might become your best friend or steal your car. All types.

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Same. Now with another asian but its not the same


Eh. Her face isn't for me either, but I like Asians famlam. Just not her, but some people like that. No judgements from me there.

haha....like what?

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All types... And theyre all asian and have exactly what i just described

this is not accurate. we all know zuck gets pegged by his chink gf