God-tier movies here, please

God-tier movies here, please

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Are you an oilman?

I drink your milkshake!

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He's either in the awl bidness (west Texas) or the earl biness (east Texas).

>literally any Stanley Kubrick film is god tier

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>Eyes Wide Shut

this bro


Do what the romans did and erase that from memory and if you even talk about it the punishment is death. That film needs to be forgotten and buried. As far as I’m concerned it never existed.

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thread ruined

A Beautiful Mind

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Cool Hand Luke


Come and see

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I ruined ur mom pussy

My god that movie was a stinking turd.


One of the best war movies there is. Right up there with Come And See when it comes to WW2

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Pretty good, but what makes it God-tier? Not criticizing, just want your opinion.

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That movie want even that good honestly but if you like artsy films you'll probably like it. I personally hated Once upon a time in Hollywood and other movies that try to hint at some deeper meaning that is obscure enough to say maybe it's not just a shit movie, actually you just don't "get" it. No dude it's just not that good of a movie. Just my opinion on this genre but if you can find enjoyment in it then more power to you I guess

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Once apon a time in the west

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Suck a spicy Spanish dick, you illiterate chunky hillbillies.

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The machinist

This movie is such a beautiful critique of bureaucracy and Americna hubris. Its excellent.

I want a mustache dammit! The movie still sucks though.

Once apon a time in the west

Fist full of dynamite

Once apron time in a America.

Seconding this. Luke is a smooth mother fucker.

Watch this if you havent. It will please your autistic soul.

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Yeah, you clearly didn't get it. Also, comparing Once Upon in Normiewood to this?

The holy mountain

DDL is an insufferable cunt of an actor but he really is fucking amazing in the movie and he carries it effortlessly.

The only thing I really disliked about this film is that Bruno Ganz portrayed Hitler with too high a pitch voice. Hitler's voice was quite deep and hoarse. No-one seems to get this right.

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El Topo is way better

Once upon a time in the west is so meta and masturbatory it almost overshadows how good of western that flick is.

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Never got why that movie got praised so much

Man, he could have fucked Anna Kendrick so easily. that movie is awesome. I dunno about greatest of all time but it is awesome.

forgot about this, it was pretty good. Would watch again

One of my favourites, just because it's so fun

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naw Upgrade is actually a great movie considering the budget. It's as good as the first Terminator actually. Same kind of well made low budget cyber action thriller.

great movie

I thought it was pretty close


Underrated post. Finally someone with taste

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I absolutely love this movie

Based Thief

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Plebeian tier movies go in different thread.

I always wanted to be a gangster...

i agree. that movie is mostly irritating.

I would eat a dead fetus from Margo Robbies asshole so it stays.