ITT: We talk about the greatest country on Earth

ITT: We talk about the greatest country on Earth.

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Wrong flag

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listen here OP i think everone agrees by now the WW2 generation fought for jews and it was a bad move . the only time America was ever cool was during the 80s
when corporations ruled everything.

but besides that its been nothing but Libtards or cuckservatards.

i rather be speaking German

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Wtf is that?


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>listen here OP i think everyone agrees

No need to read any after that. Anyone who begins a sentence with a fallacy such as "everyone agrees", has no idea what they are talking about.

>i rather be speaking German
That's what Franz Kafka used to say.

Kurdistian is not even a country faggot

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Shhh! Don't tell Trump. He's just declared war on them.

as if toi don't think nazi germany is btter than America.

and I'm even a nationalist or a socialist

If the fourth reich were real and ruling, you'd be dead already.

Odin Bless.
American Bitch Bois BTFO


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That might be true but atleast it wouldn't be gay.

God forbid a cultured, advanced society is allowed to exist only because it's WASSIT.

seriously step back and think about that.
if a utopia could be possible on this earth your only argument againt it is.

"well that utopia didn't have enough blacks so we had to shut it down"

nice going cuck

The country IS awesome.
The Problem are the people living there

>greatest country on earth

Not for long

>The country IS awesome.
>The Problem are the people living there

Half the people there.

We're not talking the bug-eye'd pig-fuckers in Flyover.

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America has the most disgusting looking females
females from other countries are all 8/10 ja

LMAO so you measure greatness by the military size . great to see how you think military boot licker.

maybe think about people and the quality of life before you start wanking over a tank meant to force black dick down your wife. because thats how the jew declare it

this is true. but that's mainly true because of jewish subversion across all races making them think ugly is beautiful.
and that breed pigs should keep popping out more untermensch spawn of lower genetics.
again across all races but espeically that of the blacks


ok boomer supremacist

Of course, of course it's not full of retards and niggers like you.

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i Can already feel the Power Flow threw me

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Why did you not post the flag of the greatest country??

I'm Russian and I agree, USA is the best country, guys, your language is perfect

lol first I'm 28
second i'm not againts people race mixing (unless it via jewish subversion like it now)

and lastly I'm an Ancap. i just don't care and I'm not a jewish dick sucking idiot

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>and lastly I'm an Ancap. i just don't care and I'm not a jewish dick sucking idiot

You're just a regular idiot. And apparently not speaking English as a first language, either.

dude, there is no american language, it's just fucked up English

>American invented English
>therefore America Number 1

one day you should come over and realize government wise Russia and America are basically running the same monarchist crap.

I am american and i hate america

Well, looks like you lost that argument.

>caring about minor sentence infractions on 4 chan

why do people always bring up spelling errors on the internet when you should already know that will be a given.

americans dying like flies rn.

yup i guess so. nezxt he will be telling me India is a first world country because it has nukes and a space pogram.

I meant that you were the loser in the argument. You were defeated.

Italy 10% death rate
America 1%

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Trump 2020

wait some time.
it just began.

i don't know you tell me how the size of a military actually equates the quality of nation.

because if thats what you're saying you are also admitting Nazi Germany was the Greatest Nation

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nigga you're way too hopeful

Is it weird that every argument begins and ends with racism? Am I the only one who sees this shit as weird? Like I'm not even against it, its just so god damned reflexive.

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don't make me Believe in Happy ending user :'(

Ikr.. poor Italy dude.

You literally responded to his valid argument by throwing a tantrum about black dicks and jews.

If you lost, just say you lost. Its ok. Be more prepared next time.

Lol yup
and I'm not even a racist, you be surprise a lot more comes from conservatives trying to show they like the blacks too.

Cringy AF. im in America for reference.
to me its like racist are more rational people than nationalist. because you can make arguments around race because yeah it's a real thing. but when stupid nationalist wanna say "muh nation is better than yours because muh military"
well nations aren't real you stupid conservative atleast the racist have real science behind there argument. not imaginary lines on a map.

>maps arent real
that isnt what I said stop it

Yes we can talk about China.

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He wrote more, deeper books. He understanded the actual hardness of life, he was jewish. Ppl hated them, and lived in prague. He was german, czech people hated them. He was rejected by everyone thats a fact, iam czech i know how people looked at jewish germans before & after war

>says my whole argument was based around black dicks and jews.

>wants to ignore the fact the argument was that "militay power=/= great nation"

>but really wants wants black dick and jews to be the goal post

lol you're just butthurt i conered you with that last meme. so again by your own stupid admissions Nazi Germany was The Greatest Nation because of it's Military prowess.

KK faggit have fun copping. your words not mine

Do you even realize that you are arguing against something that no one here said? Several times you have said the argument was about "military size". No one here is arguing military size, except for you.

What school did you try to go to? Can you at least answer that, or will you strawman that question as well?

What do You think he meant by this Ya Dense motha. ..fuc...ka

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I think he meant "provided with big amounts of budgets and are given great attention".

If he meant "military size", which is what you have said several times for no reason at all, that list would be in a different order.

At this point, I feel like I'm being trolled. I have a difficult time believing that a grown man can be as stupid as you. You must be pretending.

you keep telling yourself that buddy

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