The US government is going to give the same amount of money to everyone

>The US government is going to give the same amount of money to everyone
>The porch monkey who doesn't even work, is going to get the same as people who work full time every week
>The democrats want the porch monkey to get even more than those people

Anyone wanna explain this bullshit?

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You fucking retard, do you what time we're in?

Do you? Why should porch monkey get the same fucking money as people who fucking work? That makes no sense. Just for them to spend it on cigarettes and lottery tickets, as they turn around and demand I pay for their disgusting "kids".

Crab in a bucket mentality. You know there’s enough to go around right? You’re mad at the wrong people...

The gubermint has to give out shekels to everybody or else people are going to start raiding for supplies they need
>can't go to work to make money
>still need money to pay for shit you need to survive
Its that simple. The only difference is that now whitey gets free shit not just the nigs n spics

There's enough of my fucking money to be stolen, just to be given to a bunch of fucking porch monkeys? Yeah I don't fucking think so. You want those subhumans to have "cash in their hands" you can donate your own fucking paycheck. I'm sick of this muh big heart bullshit when it comes to other people's fucking money.

Right, so they continue to get the gibs they already don't deserve and no more than that. This idea that the fucking porch monkey is going to get the same as a lawyer or business owner is fucking ridiculous. And the democrats want to make this problem worse by giving them more or giving money to illegal spics who aren't even suppose to be here.

because that's how post-modern consumerism works


isn't that money on top of your paychecks? So wouldn't there be a difference?

I'm not disagreeing with you but the average normie would rather give blacks free money so they don't burn shit down instead of removing them from the country. America has been giving blacks free money since the 1960s so they don't riot 24/7

Most people aren't getting paid right now because most people aren't allowed go to work numbnuts

From russia with love

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You're missing the point. Why are porch monkeys getting a fucking dime at all? Just to spend it on drugs and lottery tickets. Then the government will say okay it's time to pay us that money back, but the porch monkey gets a fucking pass.

Well it's time we changed that. Niggers and spics should be kicked the fuck out if they hate this country so fucking much. I'm sick of this bullshit, where some spic who can barely speak fucking English bitching left and right about America. Then go back to whatever dump it is you fucking came from you dirty beaner.

>Facts are Russian
Upset we're pointing out that your pets don't deserve anymore money?

>2011 meme font
>political meme about current events
Facebook normalfag confirmed. Go to Yas Forums and fight in the cage matches there instead of shitting up Yas Forums
Once the economy crashes there will probably be ethnic cleansing across america. I'm not really sure how people aren't going to lose their shit when they can't eat. All you have to do is wait at this point

I doubt it. If it didn't happen in the great depression, it'll never happen.

So what is it? So it only applies to people not working? Because I thought it applied to everyone regardless, asshole. Also there is just as many broke ass whites as there are blacks. Trust me on that. Come to the south and see these whites kids barely scrap by because they rather spend it all on drugs and work low paying jobs because they don't want to better themselves.


What the fuck is your point? So I should be happy my money is being stolen and given to your pets, who use it for drugs and lottery tickets?

My point? Answer the damn question, but I guess you can't since you obviously suck at reading. Though you're exceptionally good at bitching about nothing.

Everybody is able to transmit covid 19 no matter what race, so... it's to everyone's benefit that we quarantine until a vaccine is produced that prevents hospitalizations en masse

Americans weren't on the verge of a civil war during the first depression. You probably don't live in america or otherwise you would know just how bad it is over here
I don't like white welfare leeches either dickweed. Its just that blacks per capita absorb more welfare that's just a fact

You're right, people didn't sell their children, and organized crime syndicates didn't come to be. There wasn't murder and looting because everywhere closed down. There weren't people fighting for a place in the bread line, and people weren't fucking starving to death waiting for government assistance.
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
You fucking idiot

Fucking retard, this isn't to everyone's benefit, the "virus" isn't even real

How is it to my "benefit" to give your pets more of my money? And no, the excuse that they won't commit crimes is not it. That's just some weak ass cop out.

I'm not the same guy you replied too, you fucking moron. Is your stupid ass lost? But fine, I'll answer your question as stupid as it was. The reality is that everyone is NOT equal. So why should everyone get the same amount? That makes no fucking sense. But this same bullshit logic doesn't apply to taxes. Real funny how that works.

>more welfare
>as fact
I guess? You have a right to assume and believe that. There would most likely be less blacks on welfare if it weren't for The War on Drugs and Reagan, if you actually know your history and facts. Either way, my question goes unanswered. I'm pretty people working would still get those checks on top of their paychecks. If that's incorrect, that's all I wanted to know.

>cigarettes and lottery tickets
Oh, it's you again.
Guess you don't have a job either as often as you post

Or you're just a mindless parrot regurgitating the same lines

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>not the same guy
No shit. Can't you read? Obviously not. Still didn't answer the question, dumbass. Obviously you deserve less money because of how fucking dumb you are.

>Yeah I don't fucking think so.
Too bad.
Either way the rich are going to get nearly all of it before it's all over. Maybe bitch about that instead of a bunch of minorities locked into poverty by the same rich people

>There would most likely be less blacks on welfare if it weren't for The War on Drugs and Reagan
Oh yes, where comes the boo hoo my pets are poor because dem lawds b raycee n shet. So why is Africa such a fucking dump? Why has it ALWAYS been a fucking dump? Oh that's right, we can't bring that up. We bring it up you bust out the pride parade, buttplug and all as you dance around saying don't pay attention to my pets.

Oh, the facts trigger you again
With this faggot ass plebbit spacing of yours
Noooo stop stating the facts about my pets!!!!!
Maybe you should stick to Nosebook?

>Claims I can't read
>Says I didn't answer his question
I see, so you are competing to lead the pride parade this year? You are clearly qualified for the job

I'm sorry are we referring to a virus with a literal sequence in the genbank database fake?

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I knew it. You are the same faggot constantly blasting this same racist shit constantly. Either you don't have a job either, you dick around instead of working, or your job is actually posting this shit here all the fucking time

Right, the "rich" are going to get it. So instead it should be given to your fucking pets, sitting on porches THEY DO NOT OWN, all day long and refusing to wear fucking condoms, as I'm expected to pay for some ugly ass nigger's daycare and K-12. But we can't talk about that can we? No, you're too busy with the pride parade to discuss that.

Ur right op, on some real shit america shouldve kicked out the spics and niggers 200 years ago

>More bullshit than facts
>20% of Africa is a dump
>Can't read and answer a question
>Dodging truth by showing insecurities
Did I miss anything, you massive ass faggot?

>Facts are racist
Ya, sorry kid. The real world is not a safe space. People bringing up the FACTS, raw and uncut for that ass, is not racist.

We still can, but first we have to get rid of the commie liberal cucks

Prefer the African American then some rich dude in Wall Street

20% my fucking ass. But tell you what, if it's so great there why don't you move to Africa? Then you can be with your pets all day long. Or do you only like them if they stay in their containment zones? People like you love chanting about "diversity", as long as it's not in your own neighborhood. Soon as one of your pets moves in next door though, you stop smiling and start packing.

Of course you do, just like you prefer the nigger cock going up your ass every day

Vlad. You don't pay for shit. You spend all your time posting the same shit on Yas Forums.
I don't give a shit about blacks but I'm sick of your propaganda and CONSTANT FUCKING WHINING on muh Yas Forums.
If you don't like blacks move to Poland or Finland or wherever the fucks blacks don't live.

It's to stimulate the economy

If every responsible person got money they'd probably put it away...

niggers spending hella money probably gets shit going ng better again.

Idk suck my butthole until it's purple and poofy

Again, didn't I already explain this to you? Facts about your pets are not Russian. And yes I am going to have to fucking pay for it. Your team is literally demanding people who work pay more fucking taxes, so it can be given to your pets. Who sit on porches THEY DO NOT OWN THIS PART IS IMPORTANT, refusing to get jobs and wear condoms. But I'm suppose to feel sorry when one of your pets get put down by monkey patrol? As if that nigger was gonna do anything besides make life worse for everyone else.

>So great
Proof you can't pay attention to shit. Where did I mention how great Africa is? Delusional ass faggot. You make your own truth by spouting bullshit all day.

Nah, you're racists because you're here posting this shit instead of participating in anything else that isn't crying about blacks. You're here posting this same shit often in fact.
If you weren't racist you'd be bitching about all welfare queens regardless of race. But you don't. Only blacks.
Pretty sure someone who isn't racist wouldn't use "porch monkey" either.

>has a choice about who gets the money

It's 4:20 here user

Then which one is it? Is Africa a shit hole or a great place? You can't have it both ways you fuckbag

I don't care, they already get enough gibs with my fucking money. And now I have to give them more? But when the government tells everyone alright guys you need to pay us back, the porch monkey will get a fucking pass. Yeah fuck that.

Where the fuck did you get the idea I'm okay with poor people if they're white? But the fact remains your pets are openly abusing the fucking system and your team not only refuses to address it, they encourage it and make it fucking worse. So excuse me if I don't feel an ounce of fucking pity for any of your pets. But fags like you wanna be real fucking generous and pay for all their shit with my fucking money. Mr.Generous as long as somebody else is fucking paying for it.

Actually I do, because if that fucking cunt Hillary were president right now every illegal fucking spic would be getting a check. They still might in some states because the fucking democrats hate Americans so badly.

My team is unaffiliation
Fuck partisanship. It will doom us all thanks to shitheads like you on both sides. Just so happens you're considerably more insufferable than most progressives. You certainly cry as much as a liberal

I make too much to get anything back. So my tax dollars are going to your racist ass, OP. How do you think I feel?

Blow it out your ass affiliation. You're probably one of those faggots who parade around all day as if it's pride day, but when somebody presses you it turns out you didn't even fucking vote. So how about you get the buttplug out your ass and shut up?

No, it's going to your pets. So you should be fucking happy. That is, until one of them moves in next door. Then suddenly you will no longer be smiling.

>still spouting bullshit
It's neither you dipshit. That's how fucking retarded you are.

>has absolutely no say in who gets the money
>no one cares
>no one is listening
>is delusional
>we are all slaves to the dems and rebs

>Where the fuck did you get the idea I'm okay with poor people if they're white? this reply to another user who pointed out that plenty of whites are on welfare
You clearly give half the shit for whites on wellfare you do about black on welfare.
I bet you even give slightly less of a shit about Hispanics and asians on welfare than blacks as well

>Just to spend it on drugs and lottery tickets.

Drugs and lottery tickets are part of the economy too.

Who cares you fucking virgin.

I voted for trumpy because I couldn't stand Hilary.
Voted for Romney but not McCain.
And voted for bush twice.
For local stuff I often vote third party.
Voting is fucking easy when it's absentee. You wouldn't even have to remove your diaper to cast your vote.
Little baby

>This is how weakness manifests.

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I don't like anybody on welfare, but the difference is that those other people are not pandered to and promised more of my fucking money every fucking year. You get it now or does it need to be explained to you again?

Great, so your pets can get off the porch THEY DO NOT OWN, fill out the fucking application and pay for that shit with their own money. Can you at least ask them to do that or are you too busy with the pride parade?

Ya I'm sure your bitch ass voted for trump, my ass. You were probably one of those pussies calling into your local rap station, crying like a fucking faggot and screaming noooo it was her turn. With the niggers there trying not to fucking laugh at you.

The more of this bullshit I see the better my Prime Minister Boris Johnson looks.

Trump's useless, incoherent, inconsistent and horribly optimistic that this thing will just blow over on a couple of months.

He'll turn a few hundred thousand dead into over a million.

The dems seem to be just as full of shit.

America is fucked.

ok foreigner

>The more of this bullshit I see the better my Prime Minister Boris Johnson looks.
You mean the same man who basically pretended the virus didn't even exist until yesterday? Or were you not expecting us to call you out on the bullshit, you faggot Brit?