10 cases of corona: "In a few days, the number will be zero"

>10 cases of corona: "In a few days, the number will be zero"
>10,000 cases of corona: "We're at war, folks."
>50,000 cases of corona: "It's time we re-open America."

This dude's retarded lmao

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No refunds

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>>No one could have seen this coming
>>I always knew it was a pandemic
>>one day it’s like a miracle, it’ll just disappear

he's just trying to pump the stocks

>I take no responsibility for my administration's response to the situation

Trump isn't responsible you little shits! This is all fucking China's fault

USA is acting like they had free medical care


Go on let the jews have more influence over your country. This what you get and deserve.

Cool meme virus thread. Haven't seen of those in minutes.

Good thing the virus cares about this a lot

You’re retarded if you support destroying the economy because of this dumb disease lol

>>This dude's retarded lmao




We can't Kernel Sanders run the country, I'll kill a libreal before that happens

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>more influence
As if they aren't already in the driver's seat.

Trump supporters pretty quiet now... the crashing realisation that in the real world, this man is way over his head.

His base is still screeching '4 more years!'
I almost feel bad for them at this point
how much more can they lose?

And get gunned down by cops. Don't be a uncivilized faggot, act like a goddamn citizen

Trump will win 2020. You know this is true, and you hate it.

>We can't Kernel Sanders run the country, I'll kill a libreal before that happens
Imagine voting on the same side as this nutjob lol

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what is with zoomers and public shootings? does your generation not have self-esteem

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losing my mind at how many of you fucking idiots are falling for the corona meme. cant you retards see we are reaching the peak and there's nothing to worry about unless you're a boomer, china numbers have died off and everywhere else will soon follow as it goes back to normal

this is basically just flu blown out of proportion you sheep dont see anything other than what the media says

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>just th3 flU BRA

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>everything is fine! -guy on Yas Forums

Welp, that's all I needed to hear. Pack it up boys, nothing to see here, guy on Yas Forums said so.

There have already been 12k flu death this year at least. So what you're saying is it's no big deal to potentially double flu deaths with a virus that have no vaccine.

What a woke take, user.

Lets check in with Trump
(pic related)
Oh shit, that's not good!

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Exactly, I'm walking outside fine might cough on some libreals

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this, it's a pump and dump scheme. Everyone knows the ship is going down, they're trying to buy the dip and sell at peak and they're doing it marvellously. Remember that quote when Eric told everyone go to all in on their 401k like the day before the major crash? They're not retarded they're just evil.

12k people is nothing lol

Actual projections are between 23k and almost 60k. And that's with a disease that the cdc has trackable trend data. This shit's a wild card.


fake news faggot

I've seen the real damage

The CDC is subordinate to the President. Are you telling me the president would allow fake news to be released in his name?

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They post that shit because they have to, are you retarded?

My favorite part is he disbanded the team that was created to watch out for and prepare for pandemics.

And who is it that says they have to post those numbers?

reminder Obama would have saved everyone

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Imagine that. Another black guy who likes JRPGs.

Yeah. It's only an incredibly contagious disease that leaves permanent lunch damage in the survivors and kills the elderly and people with fucked immune systems.
But let me guess, you don't care about old people or the weak because you're a sociopath

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Freedom of the press you unamerican fascist.

>Muh useless parasites of society are gonna die!!11

Don’t care.

The ones who are still supporting him are brainlets like


>And who is it to say the have to post those numbers

You think the government wants the herd to cause panic? kys

Quick! everyone think about Obama or Clintons so we don't have to think about Trump getting thousands of Americans killed!!


sounds like swine flu

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agreed but
>lunch damage

Just so I follow you, the CDC, under direction of the President, has to publish fake numbers about the flu because otherwise it would be a violation of the first amendment? Did I get all that?

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i'm thinking about how many people obama would have gotten killed

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>yeah, over crowded, under supplied hospitals are no problem!
>doctors having to pick and choose who lives and who dies because there's not enough respirators isn't a big deal!
>survivors of the disease coming out of it with lung fibrosis is fine!
>old people? who needs em? let them die! i need my sports and new xbox! china get back to work and start making my dragon dildos!

Swine flew was nowhere near as contagious as covid

my neighbor is a doctor and he just took a week vacation out of state

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That's because you're a sociopath

That’s a lie. Swine flu was much more virulent and infected over 500,000,000 people.

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Nope. Just superior to you. I restrict empathy to people who deserve it, only the young and healthy.

Swine flu is also the same strain, h1n1, that killed millions of people the early 1900s as the Spanish flu you fucking mongoloid.

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Who is "young"? Under 40? 50? So everyone older than that deserves no sympathy? You're a cringlelord lmao

Next mass shooter detected.

Swine and Corona virus aren't the fucking same you retard

>Who is "young"? Under 40? 50?

Exceedingly fit people can wear the mantle of “young” into their 60’s, but most people lose the title in their 40’s.

> So everyone older than that deserves no sympathy?

Not necessarily, but it’s their time to go. They are of no use any longer, and they’re rotting alive.


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Right. But swine flu, in the same conditions as covid currently is, killed millions of people. you have to compare the initial outbreak with the initial outbreak for a fair comparison. Of course h1n1 uh under Obama was drastically ineffective. Because you had decades of research and development in curbing it