Serious thread and I need to fucking rant

Serious thread and I need to fucking rant.

I am a doctor (3rd year medical resident) and I am currently spending 12-14 hours a day, 7 days/week, taking care of covid patients and covid rule-outs in a hard-hit city. No extra pay, if you’re wondering.

Here’s something you guys actually need to know: Coronavirus is not a specific virus - it’s a family. A terrifying family. Some members cause a mild cold... or kill the shit out of you. Covid-19 (aka SARS-CoV2) is a member of that family. It is NOT “Flu 2.” It is far more deadly, and far more contagious. Literally every doctor we know is shitting themself at what this epidemic is gonna turn into.

Our hospital is already crippled. We do not have enough personnel, and some of us need to see patients with t-shirts wrapped around our face because we don’t have enough masks and protective equipment. We had 3 people in our hospital alone die yesterday - 2 were under 55, 1 had no underlying conditions.

I don’t want to make this political. I fucking hate politics of all types. I’ve voted for republicans and democrats. I own 4 guns and belong to the NRA. I think Donald Trump has done a lot of good things for this country.

But pic related makes me wonder if he’s actually smoking crack. The number of covid cases is doubling every 2 days. The rate of death is 2%... but that’s gonna he a huge number, and FAR more than 2% go to ICU, get intubated, or have permanent lung injury. Literally every single medical expert and epidemiologist is saying that this shutdown is necessary. It’s fucking AWFUL but it NEEDS TO BE DONE.

The economy is in the shitter, yes. But if you end the shutdown, this country is going to have those problems and much, much more.

Our healthcare system is NOT PREPARED for the number of people that will get sick and die if this country “re-opens” now.

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Understand that trumpsters are brain washed in what to believe and also trained not to listen to the opposite.

>I am a doctor
can you tell me what's wrong with my dick?

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End stage pubic lice

>No extra pay, if you’re wondering.
So when Trump doesn't re-open the country for business and the economy completely collapses and no bailout will bring it back, are you going to work for free?

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Is it something I should be worried about?

Considering the vast majority of the US has no money in the bank to deal with this, there's no winning that situation.

Go ahead and guess which they are going to pick

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Of course infection rate developments are and will be assessed in that decision. Nice bait, you don't have the neurons to be a garbage collector let alone a doctor.

America has 6 days to convince Trump to change his mind, or enjoy your hell America.

You earned it.

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it's going to be this

He's a fucking doctor, probably with some money in the bank. Doesn't need to work. Are people this stupid?

Well seeing as here said we ate going to reassess things in 15 days and see what's needed... yeah I would like to open it back up maybe we can maybe we can't. As a doctor working 14 hour days what if there maliria combo works ad it seems to and cuts the dangerous symptoms by 90% and lessens the lung damage so you go from having 100s patients hospitalized to 1 or 2?

Its called goals and hope also what happens when the economy fully halts? What's the fatality rate of massive amounts of desperate and scared people that don't have money?

You vastly misunderstand the situation we are in. We will be entering an economic depression regardless of whether the country is open, but opening it will turn it from a depression to a catastrophe.

Returning people to work won’t fix that. It will just cause huge numbers of people to get sick. Yes, most of them will just miss work for a week or so, but huge numbers will be hospitalized.

You need to understand that overloading the healthcare system will have catastrophic effects on our economy. Did you know that over 1/3 of the American economy is based on healthcare delivery? Do you understand that when everyone gets sick at once, insurance companies and the government can’t afford to pay for everyone’s healthcare at once? Do you know what happens to an industry when they don’t have enough money to function?

Now what do you think is gonna happen to the American economy when 1/3 of it starts to self-destruct?

Over 41,400 annual average deaths from the common flu.

Anyone talking about motality rates from c-19 is a fucknut, as that rate varies greatly from locale to locale.

Far more people die yearly from medical malpractice (preventable medical mistakes) than most most all other causes (3rd leading cause of death in the U.S., per JAMA & others).

Beware of cognitive bias.

Doctors & healthcare staff are not as smart & intelligent as they are simply trained to perform systematic tasks.

Sweet guess who the non essentials are going to rob when the months over and they got nothing left to feed their kids.

Sounds like you’re twisting his words. Hopefully he comes to his senses and does the same thing.

>Serious thread and I need to fucking rant.

>I am a doctor (3rd year medical resident) and I am currently spending 12-14 hours a day, 7 days/week, taking care of covid patients and covid rule-outs in a hard-hit city. No extra pay, if you’re wondering.

>Here’s something you guys actually need to know: Coronavirus is not a specific virus - it’s a family. A terrifying family. Some members cause a mild cold... or kill the shit out of you. Covid-19 (aka SARS-CoV2) is a member of that family. It is NOT “Flu 2.” It is far more deadly, and far more contagious. Literally every doctor we know is shitting themself at what this epidemic is gonna turn into.

>Our hospital is already crippled. We do not have enough personnel, and some of us need to see patients with t-shirts wrapped around our face because we don’t have enough masks and protective equipment. We had 3 people in our hospital alone die yesterday - 2 were under 55, 1 had no underlying conditions.

>I don’t want to make this political. I fucking hate politics of all types. I’ve voted for republicans and democrats. I own 4 guns and belong to the NRA. I think Donald Trump has done a lot of good things for this country.

>But pic related makes me wonder if he’s actually smoking crack. The number of covid cases is doubling every 2 days. The rate of death is 2%... but that’s gonna he a huge number, and FAR more than 2% go to ICU, get intubated, or have permanent lung injury. Literally every single medical expert and epidemiologist is saying that this shutdown is necessary. It’s fucking AWFUL but it NEEDS TO BE DONE.

>The economy is in the shitter, yes. But if you end the shutdown, this country is going to have those problems and much, much more.

>Our healthcare system is NOT PREPARED for the number of people that will get sick and die if this country “re-opens” now.
K Jew

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2 things
first tl;dr man wtf fgt
second if ur a doc then u be dead very soon

I'm a gun-loving RINO as well with two wives and a snaggletooth, but seriously guys, we can't let Trump get the bioweapon codes.

Now is a perfect time for someone to shut down the U.S. electrical grid. At the same time 4 bridges that cross the Mississippi should be blown. If possible a suitcase nuke should be detonated in the swamp.

This scenario is far more likely than most Americans understand. People have been warning that a moment like this could arise but have been shouted down.

I hope no one exploits the current U.S. vulnerability but the U.S. should be aware bad actors are watching and would love an opportunity to cripple the country.

Found the McWorker.

Looks like pubic lice or more commonly known as crabs

Nice LARP, faggot

>money in the bank
Because people won't make a run on the banks once the economy collapses? Are you fucking retarded?

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Feed your specific fantasy bud. You've obviously got shit figured out

You’re a fucking hero, Doctor bro.

It wouldn't matter if they did if banks would run on actual fucking bullion or commodities not wishful thinking bux to trick everyone into believing there's more value and commodities than there actually are. Thanks Austria!

>I am a doctor
>3rd year medical resident
Pick one LARPing faggot.
Also, your medical training does nothing to help you understand economics.

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Omg, I never thought of cognitive bias. What a great point! I totally forgot that was a thing. I vaguely remember being tested repeatedly on several types of cognitive bus throughout medical school and in residency. Come to think of it, my licensing exams, in-service exams, and board certification exams ALL test you on the types of cognitive biases and how to avoid them. Weird how I didn’t think of that.

It’s especially crazy how no epidemiologists thought of that either! Amazing. Good thing you did.

>A recent Johns Hopkins study claims more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors

But now we should act like Doctors and nurses are some type of heroes right now.

>>"comment too long"

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Do you remember how this argument started or are you chasing your tail?

1. The world is highly overpopulated.
2. The medical industry, in its attempts to extend lifespans, simply for more profit, are responsible for that over-population.
3. All people have a duty to die.

Humans are so fucking scared of death.

This "reopen shit" is some CCP or Mainstream media nonsense.

You are probably too busy to have the time to listen to an entire 2 hour daily briefing but I will sum up what the mainstream media is doing with this clickbait shit :

TRUMP: "In X days we will have to see where we are at and what is best for the country:

MEDIA: "Trump says he plans on reopening businesses in X days"

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This is just sad. Get professional help.

>makes me wonder if he’s actually smoking crack.
But seriously though, i'm scared too

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You don't know that medical residents are doctors lol
I bet you think this guy is still in school

docs literally play god and choose who dies and who lives they get away with murder everyday

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If you love dying so much how come you've never fucking done it you pretentious death virgin?
This is like some fat fucking kissless subhuman basementdweller making up stories about what the outside world looks like without seeing it.
Stop projecting your blind cowardice and universal apathy on everyone else, some of us have things to do and reasons to live.
Correcting overpopulation starts with yourself, not anyone else.

Great Depression = Great Suicide

Reopning things and a few moer old people die to go along with the 20,000 deaths of flu in just a past few months and re opening several thousand car accident deaths is probably worth it so people get paid again and don't go into years and years of depression.

No private practice, not a doctor.
Glorified intern.

I voted for president Trump, and I have no medical training, but even I know that re-opening the US would be a fuckup to the third order of magnitude. What we are seeing now is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this pandemic. Infections will continue to rise. As will the body count. Exponentially.

Residents routinely suck off real doctors for good goy points.

My wife is md too but thank god we live in a country with an actual government. OP is completely right and i do wish the best for all those fine people america has too. Its really dangerous especially for you guys soon

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how do you doctors make it and not get infected? you are literally 14 hours in constant danger

>Infections will continue to rise. As will the body count. Exponentially.
We saved the planet!

Well, life is kind of a competition so fewer people mean fewer competitors.

I don't mind if you "lose."

>Our hospital is already crippled. We do not have enough personnel, and some of us need to see patients with t-shirts wrapped

A real doctor. Sure.

You're really struggling to fill the hours, now that high school is let out, aren't you?

Hey OP, cool thread actually. Is the death rate actually 2%? I heard some methodology issues with the study that produced that figure, and that it's probably closer to .6-.8%. can you confirm either way?

I agree with the alarmism frankly. There's been some dissemination of understanding about some important concepts ('flattening the curve' is the most recent buzzword I can think of) but I think not enough, especially on the detriments of an overburdened healthcare system. The middle-upper class isn't used to seeing people they know die on the scale they will. Unless things change fast this will be wild

imagine being a doctor and posting on Yas Forums.

There is a global shortage of medical masks, although I think I agree OP is false flagging.

i am a doctor and i am certain the world is overpopulated. im from the states and i will not disclose my location but whoever is so unfortunate to be my patient well im sorry but like i said the world is overpopulated and so i do the right thing and let you die to complications

Last year, 20 people in the state of MA were killed because while they were being transported to the hospital, the EMTs put a breathing tube in the wrong fucking place and they suffocating on the way there. Doctors and Nurses are fucking wastes of life . . . that goes for everyone in the service as well

Usually the ones who don't have God are scared of death. They also get strangely triggered very easily on the subject.It's almost like...they are being programmed.

Fake content.

Trolling to cause hysteria.

Added to the ban archive.

The highest possible death count is 1.7 million. Frankly the elimination of that many Boomers would be the best thing to happen to our health system since penicillin. As for the economy, these people's assets would have to go somewhere. I'm all for it.

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why are trump voters all experts on economics?

your god gave us this virus

My cousin is a doctor and no self respecting doctor would do this. At best OP is a male nurse.

Someone in my family is an RN, they are a fucking idiot. You playing Russian roulette with American trust fund doctors or liberal arts medicine majors

>I am a doctor

My dad works at Nintendo too.


Exactly. So you will be fine if you did good.

My god created AIDS and he's not nearly finished.