Question to Americans. Why do yall hate socialism?
Question to Americans. Why do yall hate socialism?
Because everyone hates niggers.
That's what I've been conditioned to do.
Because they're fucking idiots who'll believe any piece of propaganda their corporate hack govermment feeds them
Could you suck anymore dick?
>Why do yall hate socialism?
Because we believe you should work for what you get. When you get shit for nothing, there's no incentive to work for it. Besides, there's something wrong with you if you don't think it's fucked up watching lazy fat fucks shop at Walmart on disability and drug dealing scumbags using EBT cards to buy lobster and beer.
Because no one else has a right to the fruits of my labor. When I work, I expect the rewards.
We don’t. Congress is about to give away free money to Americans and right wing nut job Trump supporters and left wing commies couldn’t be happier!
t. Taxpayer NPC
>Why do yall hate socialism?
They love socialism, when there's a virus in town. Just got to call it a stimulus.
>demands Democrats vote to release $1,000 NEET bucks
question for non Americans. why couldn't your country invent electricity, telephone, computers, internet, etc...?
>demands Democrats vote to release $1,000 NEET bucks
Only to those who pay taxes. How hard is that to understand? It's not socialism if it's your money to begin with.
That just proves that everyone loves money.
>why couldn't your country invent electricity, telephone, computers, internet, etc...?
Which country that landed on the moon are you from?
the same one that could land on Mars with an unmanned aircraft
> not entitled to someone else's hard-earned money
So a drug mule should get to keep their pay even if arrested?
>the rich are not responsible for your financial are
You should maybe look up the concept of the "company store".
>socialism leads to communism...always
What is the difference? Please explain in your own words.
Because my great uncle lives in a socialist country. He gets an income tax of up to 75 fucking percent. That is fucking insane. Also, the end goal of socialism is communism, which is responsible for dozens of millions of deaths.
Because we’re not commie fucks
mostly because of socialists
The US doesn't hate it, just have trouble accepting the future
Cause i dont want my taxes to help keeo faggots like you fed.
Non Americans living in socialist countries hate it too, in fact why do you eurocucks love socialism that much?
EVERYONE pays taxes. You’re not aware of the payroll tax and sales tax, obviously.
Handing out checks for doing nothing is socialism. Sorry to break it to you.
>Because my great uncle lives in a socialist country. He gets an income tax of up to 75 fucking percent.
Lie. Also, what benefits does he get in return?
>Also, the end goal of socialism is communism, which is responsible for dozens of millions of deaths.
You don't even know the difference.
I'm leery of the prospects of allowing any government oversight into things that work fine the way they are. Why do you want bloated bureauocracy in your healthcare when you could get private insurance, and if you are worried about abuses by private systems why are you not asking your congressmen for better regulations on pre-existing conditions? Because that's how Marxism works, the seed is planted in the heads of the common people at their local unions and any other institution/place of gathering that their problems could be better taken care of if they just consolidated more power to the state... And who is supposed to handle the situation once the power is consolidated? the same people who this snake is trying to convince you bungled the whole system in the first place? No, that's when they tell you they'd do it better, they should be the ones in power. This is your daily reminder that McCarthy's internal committee found that there was in fact a sinister marxist element to hollywood, certain "workers parties", and other newsletters. But again, your secret marxist professor will tell you McCarthy was a raving lunatic...
Yes, I am a tax payer.
I will happily contribute SOME of what I earn for the common good that everyone can benefit from.....roads, police, courts...
Things for the common good is NOT the same as socialism,
However, I refuse to give money to those who refuse to work or for things that are luxuries and not bare bones life support for people in need of assistance.
Yes, everyone loves free money AKA socialism.
In actual Socialism, everyone is equally poor and wretched. Read Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron.
Only freedom works. Socialism takes away freedom.
Nothing is free you Mexican whore
>why do you eurocucks love socialism that much?
Because we are genetically more pure and not mixed in with a bunch of niggers and spics.
It is a scientific fact that 99% of "european"-americans have some nigger or spic blood in them.
everyone in america can be a millionaire, being average is just a fluke!!
Especially if you're a lazy fuck without a job.
Democrats and Republicans are working together to pass a socialist bill, going to give free checks to everyone. Americans love socialism, no one more than Trump who is demanding the government give away trillions of dollars for free.
I'm American and I'm not opposed to Socialism. I want a Nordic-style socialist policy...
>Because we believe you should work for what you get. When you get shit for nothing, there's no incentive to work for it.
"And that's why I voted for a guy that hasn't worked a day in his life!"
So eurocucks=inbreed fags
It makes so much sense now
>why do boomers hate socialists
No fucking idea. They were alive to see the west and every all go socialist
I did hear from one guy that Americans just wanted to be left alone but the Communist/ Socialist/ Fascist/ Anarchist movements really swept the globe and pulled in almost everyone
The $1,000 check Trump is sending you is free. Enjoy your new flesh light.
Sweden rape rates say hi
Even pewdiepie hate it there
> implying America is an actual functioning Meritocracy
Not an argument.
Show me a thriving first world country thats socialist. I havent really researched this at all but im hoping youll surprise me
Compensation for forced government shut-down of businesses during this C19 thing is NOT socialism.....its support for following the shut down orders.
autistic americans bread to think along the lines of whatever suits the wealthy's interests for profit margins at the cost of everyone and everything else.
There's plenty of socialist parties in Europe that support socialism but also moderate nationalism/border security.
I hate trump, not every person that thinks socialism is retarded is a Republican, you dumb nigger
it's very easy to make 30% of the american electorate hate or doubt anything. just let one of the TWO major parties tell their followers to hate it. it's that simple. in this case republicans need a weapon to act democrats, they accuse democrats of using social programs to "buy" votes, they label it socialism and to be against it if you are a republican, bam done. then when republicans get all levers of power for a while they pass massive tax cuts to disproportionately benefit the wealthiest people that don't make anything, they just coast on investment returns, to "buy" votes.
>So eurocucks=inbreed fags
>It makes so much sense now
Eurocucks are the original Americans, you windowlicker. You are the sad thing that became of them.
Whatever you want to call it, it's socialist and good.
It's not their choice. It's not their fault. People are brainwashed at school starting at a young age. It's the same for everyone in any country. Americans were just taught different things.
Most of them in fact and they're the largest ones.
It’s a government handout to brain dead MAGA hat wearing sacks of shit who are too lazy and poor to support themselves. Trump supporters begging for free government money because they can’t pay rent otherwise. Should have gotten better paying jobs. Enjoy your trumpbux, poorfag.
>There's plenty
They are heavily outweighed by the current pro weak borders groups, though, right?
Lol no you don't. You like Trump because he has the closest ideology to your KKK bullshit.
You can be white and not be inbred....?
Not even a little bit. You'd only assume that because you're stupid. Not because you have any actual idea of what socialism looks like irl.
Its not socialism as it will stop as Government shut down orders end.
>KKK bullshit
Yeah keep living in your fucking bubble
whoever born after 9/11 is not real american
Everyone cant get a better job. There has to be little guys doing shit you hate to do to keep the whole ball rolling. You had better learn how to raise your own food because those people "got a better job"
stupid average americans thinking they're all millionaires, and they should distance themselves from their own average economic class, and there's nothing better than to protect their rich bud's interests.
I'm a socialist you fucking retard. Answer the question without the butthurt next time
Free market is the engine that fuels social policies. Socialism wants all social policies without the fuel. Socialism needs a slave class to function, and any country that has tried it without slaves fell to tyranny as it failed, as one would expect. You can't calculate a socialist budget by using the capitalist economy as a pool.
so brainwashed into thinking everything leads to communism or the end of whites or some shit.
Socialism is great till you run out of other peoples money
Says the socialist.
what happen to the proletariat uprising?
And all of these cucks will unironically lose their minds if you start talking about cutting their social security and Medicare.
muh capitalism doesn't require dead end wage workers or slaves. hurduuuuurrrr
Yes. this triggered retard who can't even answer a question online is not an intelligent person anyone should listen to
That's cuz socialism endgame is communism
you realize you’re not getting the full fruits of your labor, right? your employer is taking almost all of it
stop stealing all the shit from Germans you fucking mongoloid retard.
amerifats dun nothing but smell their own arse for moar freedomz
If you want our Nordic style policy, all you want is small adjustments to your system. Our wounds are still healing from our bloody wars against socialism, please don't insult us like that.
I personally will not be applying for a check and will not accept one even if given one.
However, for all the other people out there that were ordered not to work, those that need a check should get one.
Its not socialism because the checks are to right a wrong the Government foisted upon the people.
You didn't answer the question. I wanna see it in real life.
what does asking a question about European border policy have to do with socialism you dumbfuck?
border security is an intrinsic part of any socio-economic system in a given culture
free checks is not the workers owning the means of production
china is about to power slam the us. that poor little socialist country will soon buy out all of the us. wonder how fucking stupid you'll feel when not only everything you buy is chinese made (already happened) but when all other services you rely on are chinese made as well. dumb moron idiot.
>right a wrong the Government foisted upon the people.
Go lick an AIDs patient you cringey fag
i love political landscaping on the internet by spamming irrational fears. makes the average american feel powerful and in touch with their millionaire and powerful side. this shit's so fucking good.
>delusional europoor