Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread
You got the Qs and they got the As!
As always tits not required but encouraged
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you sure you’re mature enough to have a child?
Aren’t you poor?
So 49,768 confirmed cases, 600 deaths in the US. Citiea shutting down, states shutting down. Stores are empty. Will you now admit I had a point? Or you just going to tell me to fuck off from your thread because I made a rational point 2 mi this ago that you ignored because nothing bad can happen
Why you on here so much again? Thought you were working
How many pee in buttholes make the womans have orgasm? I do many pees and she still not have a satisfy.
Do you shave down there?
The attention whore is back...yay
You know she wont admit you were right user.
hey, welcome back! how you been?
Guess it is a female after all...
Nah you can still leave. Thanks bye :)
We had an agreement and I told you a long time ago...if that number wasnt reached by a certain amount of time you were supposed to fuck off.
I dont care if that number eventually was reached. The agreement was at the time frame and you were wrong.
So bye
Dicks or GTFO
you sound fat and a heavy smoker am i right
Just wait until you can support the child without any assistance. Otherwise kys.
Do you stick fingers in yourself while peeing?
ever used an IUD?
Fuck that government assistance bullshit. Seriously, anyone who sees that as an option should not have kids. When I was down and out, my sister used always fucking tell me to get on food stamps and welfare, "It's free". Fuck that, I don't want anyone supporting me. I only graduated high school, and I own my home, my care, all my bills, and my family, by myself. Why? Because I will aaccept nothing less, and neither should anyone else.
Not just fat. Obese.
Did you guys have a traditional marriage? Or courthouse?
Do you lick you're own juices while fingering yourself?
I never said I'd fuck off you illiterate retard. I just said there would be more cases in 2 weeks based on the spread.
You do realize that with 49k cases now we had more then the 200 I said 2 months ago. It's not my fault your president is an incompetent bafoon and didnt have the kits available to test. But your an attention whore cunt. Now you get to deliver your baby in a disease infested hospital. Hope for your sake you dont get it because if can kill your fat ass. But I'm sure you think you are immune like a total cu t you are. And when your hubby loses his job you will starve since you have no skills other then to whore your self around d and you suck at that too. Fucking cunt
Yes and she will die if she gets corona... so say goodbye now
Do you cum then eat yourself while cumming?
Its ironic because just a few days ago you told another user you never are rude and you go of and be rude to this guy.
Look at me guys I can talk. I'm special
You know how idiotic you sound. You won that bet on a technicality. But you know end of world user was right
Oh, I didn't hear that part. Well, there ya go.
Do take a shit then put the log in yourself?
I'm scared of this. It's bad out there. No reason to. Havent been with anyone in a long time. Buy I used to
She is stubborn lol
Why would anyone do that
Sometimes. Only when I'm horny
I heard you liked anal. Why? You sick?
hey strawberry pussy... how are you? when was the last time you had car fun?
Do you lick yourself while peeing?
Nah not really
Lol you sound so angry. My husbands job is secure btw :)
Again. Samefag.
You're really obsessed with me it seems
It feels real good
if you had to sacrifice (kill) a politics person to stop corona, who will you sacrifice and why?
Not if hes dead you idiot.
why did you delete this?
Y'all are replying to a fat virgin guy in his mom's basement
>You're really obsessed with me it seems
Everybody here knows this is what you're really after but no one is obsessed with you. Everyone reading your pathetic threads knows you are an utter attention grubbing mongrel.
Fuck off
Fuck off fuck off samefagging
gotta keep the flame on girlll
>3 minute ramble about nonsense
femanon confirmed
She once had a 15 minute one about how she hates trans but actually loves them it was funny. She had a debate with herself and started by saying she hated them but by the end she convinced herself they were great and people who hated then are evil
I dont know. I dont even know names of most politics lol
lmao. gently dont just fucking bash it like you see in porn every night
OP you sound like a slob.
Are you? Don't lie now.
Not me btw. Idk if it's an user trying to make people believe it's me?
Obviously I'm making real vocaroos so I dont see the point lol
Nope you clearly have some personal obsession with me. It's not healthy
We got lots of flame still :)
???? Why are you making stuff up?
Trans are mentally Ill...end of story.
what is the weirdest sexual fantasy that you had?
You do know young people are dying from this. But you are an idiot. If he goes out he can get it. Idiot
Again. Stop fear mongering.
This is why you're an asshole who I'll be rude to all I want.
You ain't deserve kindness.
Do you post porn here? Do you know of any person or group that is trying to spam/degrade the content of, or do anything malicious or manipulative to this site?
I ask because you're female
You dont*
Wtf how did it autocorrect to aint??
Lmfao made me think of a redneck. I'm dying
>You ain't deserve kindness
Fucking ignorant redneck.
say strawberry pussy, what is the secret to a happy wife?
Your right, most user's do that on a regular and it fucking ruins the board
See I fucking love that typo. It's my favorite.