Improving the economy wont make coronavirus go away

improving the economy wont make coronavirus go away

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This man is insane.

Get back to work you peasants

I'm pretty sure that he thinks that the economy is driven by wallstreet and the financial sector. When do you think he'll realize that there is no economy without people.

You guys are retarded. I hate Trump, but he's saying it right. For fucks sake I need to work. I have a house payment. I have mouths to feed. You think I give a fuck about a bunch of old people and children dying? Fuck them, I need to work and pay my bills. What's the point of saving people from the virus is we all have to live on the street, starving because there's no food or money to buy it.

>Starts economy back up
>No one has any protection
>Everyone masses together
>Everyone TRAVELS
>Coronavirus explodes
>Everyone gets sick
>Economy crashes way harder
>Companies can't get anyone to show up to work
>Have no choice but to shut down operations again
>Stock market falls like a rock

No one works if everyone gets sick. You WON'T work for very long. And you'll be right back where you started, but this time slapped with a ton of medical bills.

Because we have failed to kill this fucking thing.

this guy gets it

Not to mention everyone who does to work knowing they are sick will be retroactively sued and fired.

It's how viruses work. They do not give a single fuck about anything, except spreading and slaughtering.

See this guy's face? That's pretty much Coronavirus's entire philosophy in a nutshell.

>"Burn everything down."

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>improving the coronavirus wont make economy go away

And Coronaviruses can't be voted out. They can't be intimidated, Or bought. Or reasoned with. Or tweeted till they rage-quit.

We need to wipe this thing out from existence. It's the only way.

It's us, or it. This is a fight to the death. Our survival, or its.

i havent listened to trump for a long time now.i cant tolerate his 3rd grade speech level

Neither will allowing it to get worse.

>thinking the economy getting better will cause people not to be sick

but republicans will just ignore the fact that trump has been horrible for the economy even before coronavirus

>and coronavirus cant be voted out

but the politicians and presidents who have did nothing about it can be.remember that in november,trumpshit

you clearly dont understand my point

id rather live through the economy,not die from coronavirus because some idiot and his party of idiots decided to focus on the economy instead of focusing on preventing coronavirus

Considering its mortality rate, and the fact that washing your hands is effective in stopping its spread, there’s nothing to worry about unless you’re unhygienic or surround yourself with retards. In either case, you’re better off dead to the masses.

a failing economy is actually what America needs most right now. Wipe out the ultra powerful corps that have amassed unintelligible amounts of wealth and merged to control entire industries and allow true capitalism to take over.
New businesses will rise from the ashes of these megacorps. What these corporations need to do is face adversity and pull themselves up by the bootstraps to overcome this situation instead of relying on government welfare.

Not to mention that it will also raise scrutiny on our politicians and mainstream media outlets.


says the obvious trump supporter who is more concerned about his failing economy

Trump shit the bed when he let it go unchecked for so long, but this is the situation we're in now and it's pointless to wish that it isn't. We have to what we can in the current state of things, and that means working. If Trump wants to put a hold on all mortgage payments and pay rent for those renting apartments and houses, and with buying food and paying all the other bills, then sure. But unless that happens there won't be anyone but the rich left to save and if I'm to die then I'm taking those pompous fucks down with me.

>scrutiny on our politicians

really? nobody has criticized trump for his shit economy before coronavirus,nobody will criticize him afterwords.but go ahead and whine about the media like some ignorant trump supporter

Trumps the first person who needs to be scrutinized, I don't understand your line of thinking

i think the best way to handle coronavirus is telling trump to get out of the way

he's literally did nothing,maybe when enough trumpturds die.he wont be re elected in november and we might have a president who is useful in situations like this

ha! right,your clearly a trump supporter by your comment about the media

So you do surround yourself with retards. No wonder a month of not working I’d enough to financially cripple you, you’re shit at making decisions.

You do realize a failing economy screws us all, right?
and we'll be hurt much more than corporations that oft have failsafes and backup plans for extreme scenarios, right?
...or are you just a typical leftist that has no idea how the world works and only hate the rich because your political masters told you so?

he wouldn't need to do idiotic things like that if amer*ca had a working health care system like the rest of the world

??? Trump can suck a dick. The media is destroying this country by creating the illusion of division that isn't actually there in order to keep people glued to their respective "side". You are obviously brainwashed by the neoliberal media just as other idiots have been brainwashed by Fox news.

But the Coronavirus wants us to mass together again.

The only solution is to destroy the Coronavirus by mass decontamination.

We cannot restart the economy while ignoring the threat.

He's done a fuckton already, are you an idiot?

and Obama had 6x the number of cases (300,000) before he did anything about Swine Flu.

just stop,stop pretending like you dont like donald trump.trump supporters are literally the only people that bash the media every chance they get.everyone else is mature enough to handle criticism of their president

His economy wasn't shit before the pandemic, it was fucking great.

>are you an idiot

no,you clearly are though.he hasnt done shit,nobody cares about propping the stock market up.people care about preventing coronavirus you stupid redneck

> I know how to run a country based on crying about the president and not actually understanding how the economy works

The thead

it was shit,im sorry your to poor and stupid to know the difference between a good economy and a bad one

Of coursae a failing econmy affects everyone, but who will it affect more? People are already used to living paycheck to paycheck. Wages haven't risen with GDP for decades. The people are already living in a depression, they just don't realize it because "we live in the wealthiest country the world has ever known".
People will suffer and die during the next great depression but it is what is necessary to correct the lives of everyone in the long run

wow I thought only trump supporters were this braindead. You have taught me that retardation is on both sides. Thank you sir.

>crying about the president


>waaaah media!

the ones crying are trump supporters

also,op here.i dont give 1 single fuck right now about the economy.i care about handling coronavirus because its out of control thanks to orange man not doing anything about it

america is the worst country to get coronavirus in,because everybody is more concerned about their dumb economy then this disease that is spreading more rapidly then the flu

No, but it likely isn't going to go away regardless. It won't stop being a threat unless people either build an immunity by surviving it or getting vaxxed.

We are the economy, not going anywhere while we are stuck at home.

>or getting vaxxed

and how will improving the economy do that? there is no vaccine for coronavirus,maybe if orange man and his dumbass supporters focused more on the important shit coronavirus wouldnt be such an issue right now

>stuck at home

lol'd,you must believe in that "self quarantine"meme.nobody is staying at home,even the ones with coronavirus

all this is doing is further proving how horrible donald trump is at handling a crisis

>He's done a fuckton already
Can you name 3 specific things he has done besides shutting down some travel from China?

>I care more about a boomer virus and the fact that I hide away in my toilet paper fortress for weeks without going to work.

even democrats talk about how fake the news is sometimes user no need to throw your childish temper-tantrums again.

yeah we can tell because you're a faggot haha woo!

The economy was shit. Overinflated bullshit figures from wallstreet do not mean that the economy is doing well. Most people I see are struggling to keep themselves afloat because wages have stagnated for decades. All of the wealth from our massive GDP has not benefited the average person. Tech has made corps shitloads of money by maximizing profits like never before imagined and all the people have gotten in return is instagram thots and internet memes

jobs are more important than lives.
jobs are more important than the environment.

>the fact that washing your hands is effective in stopping its spread
It isn't. It's an effective measure at reducing spread. Don't make retarded shit up
The extreme majority of covid19 and other viral respiratory infections is simply from breathing it in
This is also why masks out-perform hand washing but ultimately none of these really matter if you're not carefully and strictly isolating everyone

Why is Yas Forums so full of bullshit whenever something important happens

there's no point in explaining, you're just going to keep acting clueless and angry because you're a child.

If the immigrants that the brain dead left wanted to come into this country actually happened we'd have a MUCH bigger population-virus problem to deal with.

I don't, unlike you I don't eat shitty foods that ruin my immune system like I said. This is a BOOMER virus, only the old and weak are the ones you should worry about.

So that's a no?

without lives,you have nobody to work at those jobs

but hey,republicans care so much about jobs right? thats why they elected a president with a history of bankrupt jobs

correct, you are denied.

hiding from the flu will not save America

Neither will destroying it. :)

yet it trumps haters making 99.9% of the thread bitching about trump all day every day

Lol. Nothing happens every day and Yas Forums is still full of bullshit.

eating shitty food has nothing to do with it

this is what happens when schools close and all the dumb kids are left at home all day

>economy starts back up
>many people get a shitty flu
>a lot of old people die
>young people return to work within a week.
>things go back to normal

and 99.9 % of people who complain about trump's treatment are the ones who badmouthed obama for the past 8 shit kid

a lot = millions. Sure that won't have a negative effect on the economy. Dumbass

I'm glad we agree that trump has done basically nothing to prevent the pandemic from spreading or help people during the pandemic.

>things go back to normal

more like

>half the people who went back to work got fired or didnt return because they arent just going to sit on their ass while the kung flu shuts everything down

>food has nothing to do with it
... umm yes it does? your body operates on the need for healthy foods with vitamins which improves your overall ability to fight off infections.

>this is what happens when schools close and all the dumb kids are left at home all day

I agree, otherwise I'd be talking to someone with brains right now. Fuck me right?

>helping people

ask puerto rico about trump's "help" lol

this is what happens when you elect a spoiled brat who's daddy gave him everything he wanted

I don't even care about how they talked about Obama. Trump is the most obviously incompetent president we've ever had. Criticism against him is normal. It's more surprising when he makes a good decision.

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>we agree
looks like someone can't read or comprehend, the sign of a true empty--headed husk.

millions? where's that coming from? if anything, the death of many old people would help the economy, not hurt it.

No it won't. But it will reflect better on his presidency and that's all he cares about. So a few more thousand American taxpayers die. So what.

>the absolute state of having no argument

Two dashes is truly the sign of a non-native English speaker. Why do you care about US politics?

try not to project on me too much user, your brain is still leaking through your ears.

Models have shown that the virus will infect 40-70% of the US population over the next 12-18 months and if we go with the most conservative 1% death rate and the lowest predicted infection rate of 40% that's about 3.2 million people dying over the next 12-18 months from coronavirus just in the US. Look up the figures on your own, I'm not making it up. Math doesn't lie like Trump


fucking libtards

>Why do you care about US politics

Because I live in Southern California, the heart of disgusting democratic polices and trannies.

I highly doubt you can read those ether.

Actually math was wrong there, its actually 1.28 million deaths not 3.2 million

Does he even realize that setting Americans back out into the infected populous to die unnecessarily to save "his" economy will actually make him responsible? If he is literally serious about this option then he's throwing away any chance he has of getting reelected.

nice larp

>So what?

So that's what we elected him for dumbass, he had one job

that's cool. so, how does that hurt the economy?

would should he have done? prevented people from coming into the U.S?

doesn't matter who the president is when dumbasses are making payments on shit they can't afford.

pic related

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Correct. We can DIRECTLY tie him to those deaths. Hell, I won't be shocked if someone charges him with some variant of manslaughter.

Callous fucker.

>I need to work and pay my bills
Sorry wage slave. Get a monkey and accordian and hit the streets with a tin cup.

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Funny....because I need to work. That assistance wont be coming. No one wants to help.

Im not losing my goddamn dreams because of some fucking chink virus we could have dealt with by never dealing with the chinks.

STFU faggot. People need to work. Vills don't pay themselves. Capitalism is a heartless creature, if thats what this country voted on....fine.

Fuck humanity. Its not worth saving.

By removing 1.28 million people from the market. Mostly people retiring that would otherwise spend most of their time traveling, eating, and spending their retirement fund back into the economy. Which will in turn lower the demand for workers in multiple industries and lead to loss of jobs and higher unemployment.

>wage slave
son... it's time to get a job.

Not sit on his hands and scream "CHINA!"

I don't have anything to say other than I feel for you and I hope you land on your feet. These are fucked up times and I hope you make it through.

Are you implying samefag, user? You'd be wrong. (I'm sure you're used to being wrong though)

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Nah most of that money gets passed down to inheritance children who will waste it all on expensive shit, which absolutely helps the economy.

You're not wrong, but you're a hypocritical, overly emotional faggot. That's the main point here.

why not? that's where the virus came from. We're just supposed to ignore those who are responsible for it?

No user. This is the face of Covid-19

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nice photoshop user, can you stop samefagging now?

also don't you ever get tired of being wrong?

Then consider Coronavirus may pick you out for removal from the heartless system.

You can't work if you're in your grave.

The virus, for obvious reasons, wouldn't wear a mask.

It's a brand new virus so we can't just assume to know what it's capable of, user.

I want to react in kind to you but I realize there's a high probability that you'll be dead in 6 months so I'm not going to engage in a negative manner. We may not see eye to eye but none the less be well old friend.

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Trumpie has them on welfare. Corporate socialism.