Why is Pelosi and Democrats fucking us, Yas Forumsros? I need to pay rent and no work now. Fuck this
Why is Pelosi and Democrats fucking us, Yas Forumsros? I need to pay rent and no work now. Fuck this
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Not everyone would get the corona check under Rep conditions, such as Homeless people.
Because Bog Corporate is planning on using their share of the bill unethically and in ways which will keep you poor.
They aren't. The republicans are trying to though. They want to give all the money to the people who don't need it. Don't be fooled by the orange conman.
The Republicans already gave rich people billions and billions of dollars in the new tax breaks, and now they want to give them 500 billion more tax dollars. These people should be killed.
fuck, if anyone wants to hand out money to the common man it's the dems. Both parties are faggots, but I don't trust a republican bill to help corporate america before everyday citizens. why would you expect the dems to roll over and allow such a shit bill to go through.
I need money for puts. Fucking dems and their shit. I need tendie money.
this picture represents nothing
but its socialism, brian.
Yeah it’s for taxpayers. Makes perfect sense to me. It’s about rewarding those who contribute to society.
90%+ would. 90% does include the top 10% or 1% (to some extent), but who the fuck cares when it helps the 80% too?
Yes, there would be money going to corporations, and there are also clauses and restrictions to the bill that prevent them from using the money for CEO bonuses, company stock buybacks, etc. It is primarily dedicated to covering payroll of employees and covering the cost of employee benefits. It would also go to far more small business (that need it far more) than the corps.
Stopping all that republican corporate socialism
They want to be the one to save you!
(plus they want tack on their wish list of liberal policies at the end so they get what they want while paying you off)
Homeless people?
THIS is your out? People who didn't even work or own a home or pay bills in the first place?
Are you serious!?
DUDE, the bill was going to give corporations money so that they keep their b usinesses up so people can have a fkin job to go back to when this blows over.
Goddamn, what is WRONG with you people?
Good, let them die. Leeches of society.
>there are also clauses and restrictions to the bill that prevent them from using the money for CEO bonuses, company stock buybacks, etc
Those clauses are there only because the Democrats complained, brainlet.
Because I don't want to pay to rescue Trump's fucking properties, maybe?
If that IS the case, then why would they block a bill that also gives them what they want?
>Repubs want a thing.
>Dems ask for a thing in return.
>Ok. Agreement.
>Pelosi: "YEET"
Thats not very free market capitalist of you, fucking commie.
This post is how you show the world how stupid you are.
Say this in public, please. the world needs to know.
What's the problem with giving non taxpayers money? That money will eventually flow back into the system anyway further stimulating it. It sounds like you're just trying to punish people you perceive as lazy.
Hate to break it to you worthless, ignorant faggot soyboys, but the parties have flipped. Democrats and the Left are now the party of elites and the rich. Repubs are the only ones trying to get shit done. I was going to get that check, and I really need it. Much like many of my friends and family. So that sounds like it's going to the right people.
>Keeping businesses alive so people can go back to work isn't capitalist.
Can you explain why this somehow made sense to you?
Are you saying you want some socialism?
Are you some kind of American hating communist?
Trump has the perfect solution already fellow republican: Drink Bleach. Its super safe and is basically a cure. You will be super healthy and get work immediately. Trust Trump my guy
Breaking news another dip shit
If you never had anything to lose at risk of the economic back-turn, how are you being "punished" by not receiving something that would otherwise help you retain what you were never at risk of losing?
hate to break to you, but that was the stupidest thing i've ever read. when you finish fucking your sister, maybe you should rethink your life you backwards faggot.
>People that own homes don't need the money.
>But, homeless people do.
>You're the dipshit.
Log off. Permanently.
Real republicans would argue the markets adjust themselves, Trump giving all this money out is socialist. Trump republicans are just fucking retards who have no real understanding of what they believe.
Countdown until the liberal cuck patrol blames the virus on global warming.
Can’t log off if you don’t log in dumbfuck
that pic isn't even from the USA, dipshit.
because it IS TAXPAYER MONEY in the first place you god damn moron
>Real republicans
You already lost.
See: "No True Scotsman Fallacy"
Try again?
Corporations don't need it.
Log out of life, faggot.
So "smart," but can't piece together a jab.
because no gibs for illegals, so democrats voted it down
Unfortunately for you the 1920's called. They want their economic policy back. While your at it get ready for the next 1936.
you hate when money goes to the poor but don't care when it goes to corporations who pay no taxes.
Christ. Literally who gives a shit, when people get to keep their jobs and pay their bills? Goddamn, you insipid, virtue-signaling elitists. I can tell you've never worked labor a day in your life.
awww...losers need their trumpbux!
Do you want the honest answer? It's because Americans are fucking stupid.
Right now we have a common goal. Republicans and Democrats alike are struggling to pay bills and feed families since the economy came to a grinding halt.
So instead of passing basic income adjusted relief, everybody is playing politics. All the sleasy congressmen look at each other and say "THIS IS OUR BIG CHANCE TO PROVE HOW GREAT WE ARE!" They shoehorn in stupid stuff, the hold up progress, and everything falls into the usual diatribe of dickwaving.
Meanwhile, Americans aren't able to pay their bills and are crying for relief. But they're also so partisan, they can't look at things objectively. They're going to sit on their asses and complain about "The party I don't identify with is at it again! Why won't they leave the party I identify with just be the superheros I know they are?!"
Both Democrats and Republicans screwed this up and, if anything, this hopefully reveals how woefully inadequate these people are to find solutions.
The republican bill was a no-questions-asked corporate giveaway with pennies for the American people as a distraction.
How many times are republican voters going to fall for the same fucking trick?
the way the Republicans wrote the bill the companies were allowed to take the bailout money and then fire employees to keep more of the money to themselves
cry more bitch nigga
Single parents who make shit for money get completely fucked over. And that's just one example. Cool and all that you want to save only taxpayers but do you really want a homeless surge?
Besides, the Dems want the government to give out even more money to start off with than the bill that the Repubs put out. Would you rather a $2000 check in 2 weeks or a $1200 one in 1 week?
>Corporations who pay no taxes
>You hate when money goes to the poor.
No one gives a shit about your inflated sense of morality. The people telling us it's "bad" to give corporations money are the people trying to implement their moral code and tell everyone else how much money they should have.
Isn't it wonderfully interesting how a bunch of Internet nobodies can sit here and dictate who deserves what, but never actually apply their beliefs to themselves? You sit there on your computer, pattering away, but I bet you won't sell your rig and donate the proceeds to a homeless shelter anytime soon you shitposting bum.
No they weren't. The bill had provisions to allow corporations to receive the bailout and immediately lay off employees to do more stock buybacks with taxpayer money.
Why not just skip the middleman and give the money to the people directly instead of paying off already rich corporations and hoping they do the right thing with the money?
>>>being this retarded
>Some people actually believe this
>No rational response
>hurr ur a dummy and a poop face
why do you hate the poor?
The republicans' bill was near perfect. The left is just shit and made their own that cost twice as much (most of which has no fucking thing to do with helping people right now).
you moron. There needs to be institutional change to have any actual effect on the problem. Me giving away all my possessions won't change anything. But enacting real government policy will. fuck off with your bullshit.
BS, sounds like fake news to me.
>All the sleasy congressmen
No. No. No, no, no.
Everyone knows that the Republicans literally gave up their vacation time to get this bill passed while Pelosi took her vacation away, only to come back and fuck everything up.
No, Democrats AND Republicans came to an agreement on this shit, and this cunt just rolled in and "NOPE'D" everything out of the water.
Don't you sit there and lump everyone in with that old bag of garbage with your NPC slogan of "Politicians all bad" when dipshits like you vote for them in the first place. If every politician is bad, then you're no better in a system where voting is how you get people elected.
inb4: "Votes don't count"
response: "Yeah, whatever you have to tell yourself. But, I bet you were itching to get in that vote for Sanders, you damn commie."
You and I both know that is not true.
This. 100%.
You're a dumb faggot if you thought any of those cunts would help us.
Fast food and grocery stores are hiring. Get your lazy ass a temporary job.
fuck republicans. every single one of them. Pelosi is kicking their assess. She rolled in and cleaned up the bill and is gonna get it through either today or tomorrow. don't worry you'll still get your trumpbux you poor loser.
>Me giving away all my possessions won't change anything.
Then tf do you keep insisting that taxing corporations to high hell and sending it out will solve anything? There are 300 million people in this country.
After that, what good does it do to tax them out of business and ruin jobs for everyone else -- just like AoC's dumbass did in New York regarding Amazon jobs?
Like, who do you think creates the fkin jobs in the first place? Christ, people.
Trump 2020
>it represents how gay you are
>willing to let economy crash, people get evicted just because they hate Trump
Perfect insight into liberal logic everyone. Remember this in November.
this is what falling for false populism looks like.
you idolize an elite that has always taken great pride in his elite status, but all he has to do is talk real simple and play into your base emotions and you wet yourselves with "we're the common-man party, now!"
everyone in here is RUSSIAN to conclusions
This is fucking bullshit.
Trump fucked this up from the beginning by downplaying Coronavirus -- saying it wasn't a big deal, saying it's going to go away, saying the hot weather was going to kill it, saying it wasn't going to take any time.
Then by the time this fucker realized there was a problem, governors were already quarantining shit.
>No. No. No. no, no
You sound like a child. Educate yourself.
Don't you sit there and lump everyone in with that old bag of garbage with your NPC slogan of "Politicians all bad" when dipshits like you vote for them in the first place. If every politician is bad, then you're no better in a system where voting is how you get people elected.
You know nothing about me. Quit projecting.
And no, I didn't vote for Sanders.
And yes, this is exactly how it happened. This is how it happened in the Obama administration, and basically every president since Nixon. Open a fucking book.
lol you got me
You guys realize this isnt "free money" regardless, right? This is basically getting $1000 from next years tax refund without waiting til next year. If you got $1800 back this year, your ass is gettin $800 back next year.
Youre not remembering how the democrats were all up in arms about being labelled as not caring about the American public and how they were blamed for politicizing the virus. Then Pelosi turns around yesterday and shoots down the bill and no one gets any money because she wanted airlines to fit their planes with low emission gear and how we need to reorganize labor unions, etc,,. all stuff that could have waited until this virus shit is over.
She clearly is using her bill she reintroduced with all her changes to POLITICIZE the virus and get her agenda passed on the Americans backs. Selectively forgetting the past is becoming a staple of the democrat party and its puppets.
>Get a job
>during an economic crisis
>where people are being LAID OFF
>from their jobs
I wish COVID-19 only targeted stupid people.
FFS, man.
sure thing comrade
You're completely retarded
Fuck off, ISISrael.
You uninformed moron. Amazon ending up building the center in NYC anyways without getting tax payer dollars, proving that AOC was right, the workers have the power. And nobody wants to tax corporations out of business, they just want them to actually pay the taxes they are supposed to be paying. Amazon pays ZERO taxes every year, and so do many other billion dollar businesses. wake the fuck up.
>gives good advice
>WAHHHH your stupid for trying to help me get a job.
Get an essential job. Do something with your life other than being a waiter or managing a Ross.
You are going to get your Trump bux eventually. Stop whining, You're supposed to hate this. Can't pick winners and losers right? That would be "communism". It's your patriotic duty to suffer so the free market can thrive.
>some people actually remember Obama wrongly bailing out auto manufcturers and banks who then misused the bailout money.
Why do people try to talk about things they don’t know anything about?
Give it a rest Ivan
Because we fucked them first? You knew what we were getting into. If you don't have what it takes to watch the world burn then go out and rob someone.
People still remember The Family Circus?