Gonna be starting a new hunger games thread. Post contestants with names and place yer bets...

Gonna be starting a new hunger games thread. Post contestants with names and place yer bets. First 24 people that post get to enter

Attached: itbegins.png (1233x848, 84.6K)


Attached: 1467456967832.png (1280x720, 511.29K)


Attached: 137.jpg (972x1456, 150.96K)

Divine Moonwalkat

Attached: 129.jpg (576x768, 126.78K)

Nyto Black

Attached: Nyto Black.png (1024x1024, 322.93K)

Nyto White

Attached: Nyto White.png (1024x1024, 399.11K)

Natalie Mars

Attached: 70961016_2388176414778414_5451990841842177855_n.jpg (1080x1350, 281.38K)

Keep em coming, boys, i dont have all day

Hunger games doesn't get hosted around these times normally

Happy Merchant

Attached: downloadfile-4.jpg (501x585, 51.87K)

This drawing of Mr. Peanut I did several years ago

Attached: 8cMKirS.jpg (1920x2560, 948.34K)

Thomas Banglater

Attached: 465FB8A4-86F6-48BF-B185-913870460C57.jpg (1600x1499, 399.85K)


Attached: 04fa9eb465f67af3d3447d92fe94535f.jpg (2990x4096, 1019.11K)

Seymour Skinner

Attached: Skinner yes.jpg (972x892, 71.61K)

Keep on drawing


The virgin Astronigger

Attached: 1200px-Neil_deGrasse_Tyson_in_June_2017_(cropped).jpg (1200x1734, 530.81K)

The Chad Rocket Scientist

Attached: matttaylor_shirt.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg (590x710, 94.09K)

We're running out of spots, folks! Act quickly if ya wanna see your favorite characters fuck each other up!


Attached: 1577508973625.png (317x349, 19.64K)

Astro Cat

Attached: 33.jpg (800x640, 153.43K)

Igor Stravinsky

Attached: 220px-Igor_Stravinsky_Essays.jpg (220x327, 12.56K)

Panty and Stocking

Attached: 1566233370784.png (600x704, 534.09K)


Attached: desuani6.gif (480x240, 194.83K)

Only one character per request.


Attached: iM3oK5bg9FzgrNxsV7F_x8Um-8F32FdQ_PVpYkrlryw.jpg (640x960, 74.48K)

Rika Furude

Attached: niipah.jpg (697x563, 54.99K)

Microwaver 9000

Attached: Microwave Robot 9000.png (672x570, 222.63K)

That wasn't specified in OP

Mr Moonman

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14.69K)


Attached: ranranru.jpg (600x436, 26.87K)

It should have been obvious in the first place, retard


Attached: 8b6.jpg (290x290, 42.06K)

Rude OP

Richard Rawlings

Attached: 519sNaqbQLL._SX385_.jpg (385x481, 24.14K)

>Only one character per request.
Does that mean you can't enter stuff like locations and buildings either?

Alright viewers, Here's our lineup! Place your bets! Everyone ready?

Attached: thelineup.png (757x722, 445.15K)


Attached: D818FpRUIAAqXbb.jpg (1200x1200, 202.39K)

whew! late...

You fucked up with district 8

Instant nut

OP sullied the chad rocket scientist

Oops, shit i'll fix that

>district 7 female

Attached: Nyto 1.jpg (1400x2299, 834.49K)

Mr. Peanut


sawp me in dude

Attached: 31807_FNL-201.jpg (740x462, 35.41K)

District 7 female shouldn't be there

Oop, i'll fix that too.

Good luck everyone

Attached: rigsbrowsingb.png (251x221, 8.27K)


Attached: C0dM2K9WEAANOIC.jpg (680x680, 49.41K)

Rigs! Yay!

Attached: Nyto 12.png (1536x2048, 1.53M)

The beginning is a bloodbath, folks. Four seperate images incoming.

Attached: beginning1.png (697x798, 144.92K)

Attached: beginning2.png (439x766, 110.25K)

Attached: beginning3.png (703x774, 214.97K)

Attached: beginning4.png (324x175, 29.62K)

'ello there lassie, make sure to get some good kills for me, got it?

Attached: Slashing yo tires.gif (100x102, 7.13K)

OP you should download Full Page Screen Capture next time

Attached: 1463876841322.jpg (1280x720, 57.25K)

Will do.

Attached: Nyto 5.jpg (2240x2940, 1.09M)

Thanks man

Attached: richard-rawlings-washingtonunitedformarriageorg.jpg (788x917, 59.79K)

...so you like a T-800 on mass production, right? no matter how much you die there is another Richards who come back again for another HG.



Yeah, but its nothing compared to the Megumi Warehoue. Remember the end of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"? Its kinda like that

Attached: Richard+Rawlings+Celebrities+Visit+Build+April+QZrz_jWjYQLl.jpg (400x600, 64.24K)

OP died
