This clown is genociding america

This clown is genociding america

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Go ahead, no horse in that race

White genocide, courtesy of Lumpy himself. When will David Duke come out against him?

that's fucking neato

amer*cans deserve this

bout time we got a boomer doomer

He's killing the Boomers who fucked us over anyway. The alternative is to completely collapse the economy and drive ourselves into a Great Depression.
I didn't even support him in 2016 but if he can actually have the balls to realize the economic collapse is worse than some 80-year-olds dying then I may unironically vote for him.

Considering the majority of the population is constantly on the edge of disaster, it might just be the best solution.

America's president is not very smart.

(People that have investments in wallstreet, Corporations, Rich politicians, etc) "The workers are suffering and can not last long with rent/mortgage money. Get the workers back to work. Protect the economy"

(Workers) "how about the government protect our rent/mortgages for a few months, so we dont die and can get back to work paying all the rich people back?"

The wealth of the US want all the workers to get back to work, while they sit in quarantine safe. If the rich and powerful get sick they will have incredible support to make sure they survive. The rest of us can keep working and fuck off.

When do the hunger games start?

But he isnt a corrupt politician

>oh no. Hes stopping the dems from crashing the economy just so they have a shot of winning the election, better damage control
Fuck off NPC fag.

USA gets what it deserves finally.

> When you realize humanity is shit regardless if they vote red or blue. Politicians only care about staying in power and amassing wealth.



Please Please Please
Let rich, powerful and important people start dying from this in the thousands.

Only then will the people below them in social class be truly protected.

i think he is right for the first time

Or we could push the capabilities of the technological and commmunications solutions while a more decisive solutiin is developed, thereby advancing society in spite of the crisis We could do that.

All this ridiculous bullshit is deflecting from the true issues. WHAT ABOUT HER FUCKING EMAILS? WHY IS SHE NOT IN PRISON?

Stop waiting and start building guillotines fucker

>He's killing the Boomers who fucked us over anyway
I find it astonishing how stupid americans are.

It is killing young people aswell, who have other sickness, fat, or have diabetes

>inb4 it kills boomers, and weak people why do I care

You will care when all hospitals are full as fuck, you will be hit by a car or have a heart attack and the ambulance will arrive only in hours cause all the medical personal is busy you dumb fuck

>isnt a corrupt politician

He's plenty corrupt. He's not a politician. Marketer, demagogue, narcissist, all that, but not a politician

I said this would happen yesterday. Say good bye to grandma and your parents, they have to sacrifice for the American economy.

Carlin said it best "They don't give a fuck about you." I wish he hadn't of died...

>Per South Korean government, Trump called President Moon this morning. From gov't readout: "President Trump asked if South Korea could provide medical equipment to deal with the U.S. Korona19, and Mr. Moon said, 'I will provide as much as I can if I have the freedom at home.'"

virgin america begging chad south korea for help

The virus is killing a lot more than people than just the elderly.

I actually am pretty against trump (BERNIE 2020 niggas!!!)
but I kinda agree with him on this. The quarintine is fucking everything over, like hard. The economy is literally collapsing beneath us, and we are heading for the great depression v2.
I know like 3 people that got laid off already, thats a lot more than I know that have gotten corona virus.

what about the wall, and why is mexico not paying for it
what about the ten day plan to destroy isis, why was it 3 years
what destroying obamacare

>fat, or have diabetes
nobody in the US is fat


yeah you right
you know, I just realized trump is right aswell
just go out and shout MAGA, it will protect you from corona

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>I know like 3 people that got laid off already,
>great depression v2.
You're a moron.

whatever. We're a nation of nigger loving traitors anyway

Do you think he asked about or googled capitalizing s in Seniors?? Or you think he just boomer typed this after eating a ham sandwich and shitting his brains out before getting 4 hours of sleep?

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Trump should've been 6 feet under years ago

Imagine worrying about this.

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oh yes a whopping 0.0001% of young people will die!
>hospitals are full
you mean the hospitals we can't afford to use anyway because Boomers selfishly oppose universal healthcare?
it's really not. Look at the numbers, very few people under 50 are dying.
lol no, that's not going to work. Young people who have already spent our lives being fucked over by Boomers aren't going to sit around unemployed and going bankrupt in the hopes that maybe we'll make some technological breakthroughs that won't fuck us over. Even if we do have technological breakthroughs all it's going to do is make greedy boomers richer while my generation gets fucked over even more than before.
Killing boomers will advance society

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>I'm hiring young healthy non-infected to work at my Crematory Factory @ $25/hr.

A crematorium or crematory is a venue for the cremation of the dead. Modern crematoria contain at least one cremator, a purpose-built furnace.

>Only 10% of the US population will die. So we will have 35,000,000 bodies to burn. If the Germans did 6 Mil during WW2, we can do it now.

Trying to make up the difference for the media/nation's overreaction to it.

> Total COVID19 cases in the US: 48,778 (as of yesterday)
> Total SWINE FLU cases in the US: 61 MILLION

> Total COVID19 deaths in the US: 588
> Total SWINE FLU deaths in the US: 3433

If anything, Trump is handling COVID far fucking better than Obama did Swine Flu.

it's not going to kill 10%. Probably not even 1%.

>economy crashes
>lowest stock markets prices in 200 years
yea hes doing aight

> You never count your money
> When you're sittin' at the table
> There'll be time enough for countin'
> When the dealin's done

>Fuck you, I have a great business model to jump-start the economy.

>Why don't you go Hero yourself so (you) can be among the first bodies cremated.

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Kenny is as dead as his fucking song.

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Trump derangment syndrome.

Shes far more powerful than ever imagined
The real question is , how and why is she this powerful?

Cause there's a bunch of backwashed shit skinned niggers that back her

Says the one who's actually deranged

Just a corrupt businessman

Where do I apply?

I mean, he wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't true

So do nothing rather than use a non perfect solution? See why your side doesn't get votes?

Hes living in fantasy lala land and is only arguing, retarded, lib points because he's brainwashed or was raised in a libcucks family.
Dems have no solutions and will not debate on reason, you're better off not talking to him.

so we when did we switch from “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”?

Americans will be fine, no one here is fat or has diabetes!

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Le foreign cuck

God get off the American image board and stop talking about American politics like your worthless opinion matters

Trips of truth

Butt hurt sanders supporter. Sanders cant even come to vote

Just because people are saying it kills boomers that doesn't mean they believe it doesn't kill young people.

Y’all remember how Ebola and Zika and all those never amounted to shit? Because there’s usually an adult in the White House. Now we see what happens when a corrupt baby is in charge who fired half the CDC because a rich donor told him to. The Fucking flu is sending us into another depression because this moron denied denied denied reality per usual. Meanwhile mother Russia has like 10 cases

Is America great again now?

>Can’t spell quarantine

Sounds about right

The Rona is harmless to almost all of us. Let the old people quarantine themselves while the rest of us live our lives. The virus isn’t worth a recession.