Are americans this dumb?

Are americans this dumb?

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They drank fish tank cleaner. Not what the president was talking about.

>murrica, fuck yeah

media hype

some, yes

Yeah, a lot of them really are. Don't get it fucked up, there are intelligent Americans. I'd say it's probably 3 out of 10 are intelligent, 7 of 10 don't know what extrapolation means

>I'd say it's probably 3 out of 10 are intelligent



AND I'LL ADD : "Please, your life matters too."

Youre really asking? Not abvious enough???

4d irony on an imitation 3d plane

What about me?

You would defend anything he said. Shill.

literally not an argument
this is why nobody takes you seriously and you end up saying more delusional bullshit as a coping mechanism

All praise Trump for playing the long game, exterminating repubs and retards with coronavirus and drinking drug cocktail "cures,"

10/10 president, would elect a second term

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Are euro this big of cucks?

Yeah, a lot of them really are. Don't get it fucked up, there are noncucked Euros. I'd say it's probably 3 out of 10 are not cucked, 7 of 10 don't know how to say no to the BBC

>meanwhile in Euro....o sorry i mean The United Nations of Merkel.

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CURE 2020

> americans?
> republicans?


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> trumpcuck pays 600 bucks for 2 dollars worth of Insulin and thanks his corporate overlord for it

> trumpcuck complains about socialism, but paying welfare checks to farmers who got bankrupted because of trumps retarded trade-war is fine somehow

The wife took the aquarium cleaner too, and died. I don't know who the fuck they are trying to quote. They were meth head desert rats who saw chloroquine and ignored the phosphate.

>> trumpcuck pays 600 bucks for 2 dollars worth of Insulin and thanks his corporate overlord for it

Adorable, you get this from reddit?

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Look at who they elected, OP. Yes, they absolutely are

Gayest shit i've ever read. Your president is a joke to the world and you can't even just accept it and move on lmao

>a virus with a 98% genetic similarity to this eats shit tot chloroquine

yeah man he's just totally full of shit on purpose haha lol trump and white people lol haha finally I can hate white people in fact and they'll just disappear and get auto-owned

yeah that's what will happen, no worries, we won't just kill you

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There are people that dumb all around the world, never underestimate the power of stupid!
It's just most nations don't have a media that will glom on to shit like this to make persons in their government look bad, I mean honestly could you see a Chinese journalist write something that made Xi Jinping look stupid?

We could do a fucking lot worse than having Merkel as World Führer.

We are doing a fucking lot worse right now.

>Endless rows of uniformed young men, armband with her profile on their arm
>Loud singing, thousands of boots stomping in perfect rhythm
>Arms fly up in salute, all at the same time
>The Führer is ready to speak, billions of eyes and ears await furtively

"Can we all please try to be nice and responsible and not kick things over? Together, we can do it!"

>Thunderous roars of approval and waves of applause make the ground tremble

>You would defend anything he said.
You would be too stupid to see the truth.

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There are stupid people all around the world but nothing compared to the tards bred in the USA.

Socialism works if everybody is honest and responsible.
Capitalism always works fine... for the worst people.

It's almost as if some middle way should be found...

Stfu nigger. You would attack anything he says.

Dare I say 'Darwin Award'?

>basically pretty much
this is how people actually talk now

Don't know about that.
But the American ones certainly get most publicity.

Sounds like 1 Trump voter less.

And he would be right.

Be honest. Contradict everything Orange Man says and you will be right most of the time.

>Sounds like 1 Trump voter less.
He was a progressive liberal democrat

Isnt it a bit early for summer?

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>It's almost as if some middle way should be found...
here was gulags for dishonest and irresponsible.

Kys shill

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Fucking lol, Bill Gates’ wife is Melinda. Try again, cuck

The left can't meme!

Whereas the right is brilliant at "Me, me!"

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Obviously not. Hence the question.

Top tier TDS

Just any FYI, trump breaths air. Do you wanna breath air just like a racist?!?

WOW nice rack and thigh gap too

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Are you gonna be ok, big guy?

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Stay jelly, Eurofag.


It still demonstrates how dumb people are doesn’t it.

>It still demonstrates how dumb people are doesn’t it.
Never said it didn't. I know this is a bait thread, but I'm sure every country has it's dumbasses. It's impossible not to.

Anything he SAYS, user.
Be honest. Just try it for a while: contradict everything he says (Well, let's say on cogent issues. Not stuff like "Nice weather we're having today" or "I sure like chicken wings") and check whether you are right most of the time.

He is a narcissistic psychopath; that is not an insult, but a fact. He suffers from pseudologia fantastica; not an allegation, an obvious fact.
That such a man is POTUS is evidence that the US electorate is FUBAR.


He will be... for you.

Oh, sweetie. Nobody in Europe is jealous of you. We were, once. But after the Reagan era the smoke cleared and we got increasingly amazed by your undying efforts to see how deep you could dive into the sewer.

So so jelly.