Where do I find a girl into submissive beta bisexual guys? I tried dating before, but they always are disappointed when they find out I'm not a dominant guy
Where do I find a girl into submissive beta bisexual guys? I tried dating before...
Have u tried dick?
getting dating advice on Yas Forums
good luck fag
Yes, it's the only thing that I've tried, because girls aren't attracted to me
Better than not getting dating advice at all
Why not just keep goin for dick then if thats the only success you have found unless u can a girl who is super dominant
you stupid fucking idiot
find a girl who is boyish. They like to swap sides, so you can play off each other in that way.
I keep going for dick, but I want to know how pussy feels like
Butch women are my favourite kind of women, but they're usually lesbian :(
Guess put yourself out there and hope for the best lmao
That's my best suggestion, those are the types of girls who hit on me and I'm pretty much just like you
girly girls typically want a manly man but obviously there are outliers
That's kind of hard now that we're on quarantine
Yes, I guess I'll try to hit on tomboy girls more, who knows, I might get lucky. What kind of places would be good to meet tomboish girls?
Post pics faggot
Pics of me or of tomboyish girls? I'm 23, but look way younger and because of that not many people will date me unless I go pedo
do you have a discord, OP?
Yeah lets see what u look like pal
yea im curious too
Hahah I don't think it'd be wise to share my pics or personal info with Yas Forums anons
Dinkyone dating site
come on, be a good boy
What's that, is it good? I live in the middle of nowhere and there isn't people around me even on Tinder haha
No face just the body maybe some dick too
does anyone here have discord?
Show us your dick OP
A legit dating site made for smaller peens
C'mon, don't derail the thread, guys.
we're not, just be a good boy and post your discord, then you can get back to your lil discussion
You don't.
You become the girl as a submissive in a gay relationship.
But I'd like to try with the opposite gender before I enter a relationship :(
Either you got it or you don't.
Gay dude here. Had vagina twice in my life. At 13 and again at 16. Both were confirmations that guys are better fucks and partners than girls.
Yeah Vaginas never interested me, I always saw them as gaping holes of flesh and cum.
But that's because you're gay, right?
that isn't an option you have and you know it
That's precisely why they're appealing
Why is that? :(
because you don't deserve a woman
Nope. It is because women are vapid whores and vaginas are mucousy flappy yuck yucks.
Incorrect, you're just a degenerate sexual deviant faggot
I feel you, bro. Not bi, but sub here, it's insanely difficulty to find a girl accepting submissiveness. Try not to go for roasties, and more like those quiet girls. My girlfriend was one too, and 6 years later she's completely accepting of my stupid kinks. Just make sure you don't pour it on her too early and too aggressively. Slow and steady friend. Slow and steady.
Only real advice here
Not that I've tried it, but they say that vaginal sex feels way better than anal, it stimulates you all over your dick, and it's warm and tight. Anal it's just tight at the entrance, and then the rest of it just feels good because of the psychological factor
Don't quiet girls tend to be more submissive? I'm quiet and I'm submissive, and that's kind of the reason that I want an assertive girlfriend. I feel like dating a shy girl would be too difficult for me, because I'm shy as well
i think quieter people are more submissive. when i was in highschool i barely spoke a word in most classes, and im sub af
> quiet girls are submissive
Sometimes yes, sometimes not. But what's actually important is that they are way more accepting and less demanding.
Even if she is submissive, that's okay too if she's accepting! Because then she knows what it's like and how does it feel to be a sub, to crave for someone else to take charge.
So if she actually loves you, she'll take charge for you sometimes, and you can do it for her some other times. Both of you will get more and more comfortable doing both. Remember: a relationship is always about two people. If both are striving to make the other happy, everyone will be.
do you have a discord, sub boy?
this, this is how i feel
someone hit me up @Ze Bee#4828
OP here, that'd be cool. I'd really like someone like that
Same, I feel a bit lonely most of the time hahah
i honestly don't give a shit if she's submissive or not, i just want nice stable relationship, if she's dominant that's just a bonus
Yeah, I actually have social anxiety, and I can't dominate anyone or call them bad names because I get too nervous
I mean, I would be ok with a submissive girl as long as she was aware that I'm submissive too, but if she takes the lead, that'd be awesome
at that point you might as well find someone to dom you both
hahah I can't even find a girlfriend, I think it's way too soon to think about threesomes
i mean it's either that or bite the bullet and become the girl
I wouldn't mind acting as the girl, but I'd like to be with a woman too. I gotta say, I'm really drawn to the idea of sharing a dick with a girl and please a dominant guy hahah
then find the guy first, then you two can find a girl to help you pleasure him
The guy is easy to find, finding the girl is difficult
and yet you seem so reluctant to find the guy
Why do you say that?
well, from what i've seen, there are plenty of guys in this thread who would take you, and you've refused at every turn
ok, incel
I've done it with guys, I just don't want to share my pics on the internet.