Drink water shitheads

Drink water shitheads

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is that a liver or a kidney

Kidney judging by the size of the scalpel

are those pieces of corn

wow nice human pearls

Kidney. Anatomy checks out.

kidney stones

>kidney stones
How did they form and why are they so many of them?

they look tasty

Why is there so many of them wtf

Why does the kidney have teeth?

They look like teeth.
At which point do you start feeling these shits, only when they start to come out?

calcium deposits, usually formed when drinking lots of soda and not enough water. pic is like worse case scenario

kidney found in stones!

I was taking zinc and calcium/vit d and eating lots of fast food and working outside last summer and I got a bunch of kidney stones. Still haven't passed them all yet. I was going to get drilled through the dick but this whole corona thing is happening so fuck it. I have a 6 mm stone that still hasn't passed yet.

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is that a full egg lol

Yes. Corn ended up in a kidney like that.

I only drank soda today I'm scared

I work with people that have literally told me they dont drink water, i dont understand it. I got a kidney stone when i was 18 and after that ive beens slamming water. Sure i drink lots of soda and alcohol but i always make sure i drink a decent amount of water each day. I cant understand how these people "dont drink water" and dont have health problems like this. Im talking energy drink every day and idk what else, the one dude i was talking to is in his 40's. Wtf

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i'm drinking tea a lot, am i safe?

you're toast

I go months without water.
Only drink soda, juice, beer and booze.
No kidney stones, can't afford to get tested if I'm just not feeling them.
5"10" 160 lbs

just give it time.

you are not special.

It will catch up with you over the years. Now is the time to take action before it gets painful in so many ways

Plan to be dead by then honestly.

faggots drink that shit and live for half a century.

youll have to do more than that to die

Probably won’t happen. Life is cruel. Hell, look where you are . . .

this is water drinker cope.

I'm just saying that speech gets old.
"Don't do X or you'll regret it when you're older/It'll catch up to you."

Yup, I get it.

I weighed the consequences of my actions before taking them.
I like my soda and I like my cigarettes and alcohol.
If the cancer, pain or whatever is bad enough I'll just drive into oncoming traffic.

>drinking milk
instant death

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They do get health problems. At the same time I've come across many people who just pop one gram paracetamol every morning like its no big deal.

How old are you, user? This is a relevant question


>If the cancer, pain or whatever is bad enough I'll just drive into oncoming traffic.
nope, youll be laying in a bed staring at the wall wishing you didnt do that shit.

milk is for a calf weeing from the womb, its designed to pack on hundreds of lbs in a matter of a year

denatured with extreme fat removal
loaded with sugar

anyone that drinks that shit past being a toddler is an idiot.

You're taking selfishness to another level.
>I'm going to do whatever I want
>When I kill myself I'm taking random strangers with me

So your either planning to die by 50 or you're going to an hero over some kidney stones

More of a literary device than a pre-meditated method.
As far as I see this experience.
You can eat, get your dick wet, breed, travel or kill things.
You can listen to people do the above.
You can watch shows about the above.
You can play games about the above.

It's a hollow experience I was brought into to serve someone else's selfish desires.

he must have sounded like a maraca band when he went for a jog.

you have the mentality of someone that figures it out too late.

life is a movie, and youre the director. everyone fucks, plays games, and watches people. everyone no matter who. what is done in between is up to you. 100 years from now you and everyone on the planet will be dead. so enjoy the ride of just hop off now. noone will care either way.

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this is the most coomer post i have ever read

Holy shit. I might actually start drinking water daily.

It's not too late, it's just not interesting.
>Do you want to do some homework for a discrete math course?
>It's not to late to learn!

That's your argument to me

Then you don't know how healthy living works.
Living a healthy life is not a guarantee that you wont get disease or bad things happening to you. The same that living a bad life is no guarantee that you will die a horribly painful early death. HOWEVER, you do increase the chances of such, that same way that living a healthy life substantially reduces the chance of such.

The chance that your boomer energy drinking buddy gets a bad medical condition is substantially higher than someone around him.

nigger the idea of doing a math course isnt to learn the math, its to prove to employers down the road that youre capable of applying yourself successfully.

do yourself a solid and get a yearbook from the 1940s or 50s. go on etsy and buy one for like 10 bucks. its a fucking sobering experience going through one. few hundred people in there. everyone happy, young, looking their best. worried about their picture in there, entire social circle, everything you can think of. they showed that book to their parents, etc etc etc.

now realize 9/10 people involved in that book in any way are dead. 1/10 are mouth breathers in a nursing home wishing they could go back and do it over.

20 years from now anyone affiliated with the book in any way is gone. Gone. like it never happened.

do your thing now the best you can because there are no do-overs. if you want to sit at home and feel like shit, because you put shit in your body, welp. 50 years from now youll wake up and see.

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>Be the best
I don't care what people think about me.
I don't exist to improve this world.
I don't gain satisfaction in this experience.

I can act normal and nice.
I can fake relationships for years.
I can DO anything.
It just brings me no level of enjoyment or satisfaction.

calcium deposits are made from eating leafy greens. basically veganism kills you, calcium oxylate after the plant metabolizes calcium it deposits it on the leaf outside the stomata where oxygen is excreted after carbon is sucked out of the air.

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dude you need to stop consuming whatever you are and go for a long walk or something. you have the mindset of a very unhealthy person.

That's some hardcore narcissism there man. See a therapist, for yourself man.

mmm, I love macadamia nuts

Implying water doesn't do that to your kidneys too

Yes, If you don't chew your corn properly, not only does it come out in your stool, in can build up in your kidney.

Doesn't work.
People suggest things like I've never tried them.

I bet you are the life of the party lol

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Watching someone play that worn-out character is depressing.

Wow you're drunk and doing stupid things for the umpteenth time this month all you talk about is getting drunk and doing irresponsible shit.
Wow so original.

kidney stones can be made of/caused by calcium oxalate, uric acid, struvite, or cystine.

It's not just soda. Diets high in salt or dense minerals can do it. You need to drink water to constantly flush the kidneys otherwise the residual calcium builds up and turns into stones.

Fuck off, I wanna grow my own slingshot ammo

doing shit you dont want to do is part of life. but everyone does it. the difference is what your mind picks to do.

notice how people that eat extremely well are happy and level? people that exercise on the regular are happy and level? im not saying chads lifting, but the dude that goes to a park with a bike on the back of his suv, walks around, checks stuff out, eats a sandwich under a tree. that person wants to do that because it globally works. fuck yeah they'd get drunk, snort coke, sit and drink pepsi and chain smoke all fucking day if it worked.

it doesnt. what youre doing obviously isnt. you need to unfuck your shit user. its ezpz if you just try a different method.

Regular water is filled with heavy and toxic elements, and humans kills humans selling purified water while nature gives it for free

Fire them out your dick like an mg 42 start chugging salt water to reload another belt of ammunition

as someone who used to chug soda and never drink water for the better part of a decade and a half
this really bothers me
I hope I didn't do this to myself.
It feels like I fucked something up. I'm too fucking scared to to the doctor and see what it is. Scared that it's something that I'm gonna die from and scared of the god damned bill too just to find out i have a few gall stones or something
it doesn't hurt really badly, just like a constant dull ache underneath my right ribcage
i think i'm gonna die soon but I don't want to trouble my family with it
fuck anons

Has cancer

>it be the devil's soda it is I swears it