Thanks, Trump.
Thanks, Trump
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>OD'd on an aquarium additive
Fuck off shill
You dumbasses are blaming trump because you can’t read a fucking bottle. That’s on you.
Not your president.
He probably didn't have enough toilet paper. The news failed to report on that I'm sure. Smh
That's Dr Trump to you pleb
I hope Kobe is okay. I heard he got it
Pol is that way, bitch------>>>>
Liberals were never very smart
You know you guys are on the same side, right?
>Surely, no one will be able to defend Trumps utter stu-
spoke to soon, this astoundingly dumb nigger can do no wrong in your eyes can he? lmaooo
you dumbfucks are taking pills and dying, because trump's telling you to
>durrrrrrrr Ivy League-educated, Wealthy Libs aren't very smart :))
>Takes aquarium additive, instead of a pharmaceutical-grade formulated dose prescribed as a tablet.
iT WAs tRUmPs FaUlt
Are any of Trump's supporters total retards?
What Trump advocated wasn't what the idiot took, either. There's a huge difference between a vetted drug, given at an exact dose, with the right additives to make it safe and effective vs an aquarium additive.
Are any of Trump's supporters totally retarded?
Everyone of them ive met irl are.
tell that to the dead GOP'er who took it, and died
Lmfao you're an idiot if you believe anything a politician says
So you would agree that a large portion of Trump's base is too stupid to use their own brain? Perfect.
Every one I've ever talked to online too!
Are any of Trump's supporters totally retarded?
Are any of Trump's supporters ....
totally retarded?
well howcome is that?
Trump 2020
You realize that you shouldn't be taking health advice from your president, right? Yeah he's a dumb shit for even saying it but he's no more qualified to give medical advice than I am and you should know that.
If you decided to pop a bunch of chlorine pucks in your asshole because your president told you it would cure rectal cancer, you're a fucking dumb shit and that's natural selection at work
Why do you care?, don't you have anything going on in your life?
> two democrats take fish tank cleaner
> tHIs iS TrUMp'S FAulT
Yea, like bernie supporter shooting up congressmen, it must be bernies fault, right?
Are you?
each politician must take responsibility for their follower's actions.
trump's retards have killed THOUSANDS. trump says "I take no responsibility" and keeps spewing hate speech, dividing the nation. republicans MUST be deported.
Incorrect, I do NOT agree with your ramblings
Deflection because you cannot admit that trump supporters are dumb enough to take off fish supplements for an off label use recommended by a real estate failure lol.
>hate speech
Citation needed
How do you classify a trump supporter taking unproven fish medicine to preemptively kill coronavirus? Smart? Retarded?
Incredibly dishonest and reckless reporting.
These morons didn't take pills prescribed to them. They took aquarium cleaner with similar ingredients at like 5 -10 times the proper dose.
The media is so desperate to keep the panic going that they are purposely trying to scare people away from a treatment that has shown signs of being beneficial.
It was proposed by French doctors and fda trial was allowed with a doctor's script not huffing random chemicals that share a few letters in the name
"treatment". You mean a person without any medical research background saying some people got healthier on these random pills and meds.
Cry harder faggot, you voted him into power, if you don't like democracy you're free to leave any time
I really don't care what you and your friends do as long as you don't bother me
I'm not crying at all. It's just weird that you can't admit that trump supporters taking fish medicine is evidence that some of them are retarded. Cry more.
You're clearly retarded
the dumbest liberal is about a thousand times more intelligent than the smartest conservative and over a million times more intelligent than the "smartest" Trumpanzee.
He didn't just come up with that on his own. If you actually spent time researching the subject, a number of doctors have used it with success.
I know people are desperate to blame him for everything because they have been instructed to, but this is completely on the idiots who were worked up into a frenzy by the constant fear mongering that they did something incredibly stupid.
You are incapable of answering a direct question. You are BTFO. Shoo shoo.XD
Cry harder faggot, you voted him into power, if you don't like democracy you're free to leave any time
Cry harder faggot, you voted him into power, if you don't like democracy you're free to leave any time
Well, the dead guy proves it. Who else but a Trump worshiper would see eat something you find in a pet store - because Trump said it would prevent coronavirus? There's not a lib in the world that would consume something that's not got human consumption just because Trump said so.
this article sucks, it doesn't say how he actually died. lol no actual medical treatment should be so intense you die, they are very specific about that not happening.
>what are Tide Pods Alex?
Trump 2020
this is like drinking hydrogen peroxide because it's composed of the same elements as water.
>self medicated
stopped reading there
Select one:
Zero Trump supporters are retarded
Some Trump supporters are retarded
All Trump supporters are retarded
(Remember one of them just died from eating fish food because a failed orange real estate developer told them that it might work maybe)
>There's not a lib in the world that would consume something that's not got human consumption just because Trump said so.
This is obviously true. Liberals hate trump and would never do what he suggests.
They only eat tide pods
You're retarded (and homosexual)
Believing Trump is what got the US into this crisis to begin with.
>taps the sign
Youre very nasty and should be ashamed. Hes very clever and has a good feeling
So Trump is to blame for every stupid American nowadays? The USA really is getting more and more a nation of gender neutral fags and whining girls. LMAO
Cry harder faggot, you voted him into power, if you don't like democracy you're free to leave any time
Trump 2020
Maybe, maybe not. Buwhat user said is obviously true. Which is what we're discussing. Please try to stay on topic.
Nobody said anything about trump or what I believe caused anything. It's very clear that some Trump supporters are retarded and that fact somehow bothers you lol. You are defending a man who are fish medicine because a talking pumpkin told him to. Please take a moment and consider why you're incapable of admitting that some Trump supporters are retards. It's pathological and weird.
What? Trump said eat fish medicine. Retard eat fish medicine. If Trump not say eat fish medicine, brainless follower not eat fish medicine.