Corona just does not stop

corona just does not stop
>50k infected daily and increasing every day

when will there be a recession?

Attached: daily zombies.png (663x378, 22.9K)

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there will be no recession
president trump promised me that the goyim would be working again by next monday
remember, buy the dips!

should we panic?

definitely do not panic
just stay calm, keep working, and keep buying things
if people don't buy things, more people will die of financial destitution than of corona

whatever you do, keep the money flowing

"president trump"
we are not all american , he is not the king of the world.

Yes he is, asshole

The number of confirmed cases is going up rapidly because we are confirming more cases through testing. Some people have weaker symptoms than others and thus were not tested before, so no they didn't add to the confirmed cases number.
The important line in your graph is the grey line at the bottom that remains VERY flat even as the red line goes up. That means lower and lower death rate. When all is calculated, the death rate will be less than the regular flu.

>when will there be a recession?
A recession is defined as 2 consecutive quarters of negative growth. Therefore it takes 2 quarters to make a recession. Given the size of the dip though, and how much the fed is fucking with shit again, I'd say we're headed into a depression.

the most important thing is that you spend money
if you don't spend money, everyone will die

Your stupid President is scrapping social distancing. All you stupid faggots are going to die.

Yet here you are....

in two successive quarters
A textbook recession takes 6 months.

Not true, there's a lag between infection and dying that can take weeks or months. Not saying you're totally wrong, just too early to make that kind of statement

Worldwide the shit just hit the fan. China got out of it more or less, the same for South Korea or Taiwan. They might have some local hotspots but hopefully can manage it. You can think anything about the Chinese reaction but the fact is that they still reacted much faster and much more efficient than what other big countries are showing now.
Italy hopefuly hit the bottom now and will slowly but surely rise, week by week.
Rest of Europe is also past the first phase and now they start to extinguish the fire. Numbers in Spain, UK, Germany and France will be skyrocketing for next 2 or 3 weeks.
Unfortunately USA and other third world countries are just at the begining. And take no efficient measures at all. The real damage will happen there. The worldwide numbers will grow almost exponentially for next month probably.

Months? Then it's really nothing to worry about. We already have treatments that are working against it, so they'll be widespread by then

>USA and other third world countries
>third world

That phrase doesn't mean what you think it means

On a Japanese website built by a Canadian...

It means exactly what he thinks it means. It also means that you're a fish.

What happens for the millions "temporarily laid off"?

It's exactly like how the number of children with autism skyrocketed after testing for it became more readily available.

Moot is from NY you fucking tard

Also the number of kids that died of autism skyrocketed after that, right, doctor?

>Imagine believing the oldest meme on Yas Forums is real
He had a Yankees hat in the nude pic. It's been a joke that he's from New York ever since, newfag.

It's hard to spend money if you don't have a fucking job

You're not very bright are you?

where's the number of deaths skyrocketing again? oh wait, they aren't.


this is a linear graph you idiot.

use a proper logarithmic graph like a sensible person.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh look at the death tracker? Is doubling every five days not fast enough for you XD

Fucking math noob. There's no such thing as a "logarithmic graph" are you talking about scaling?

Why do I love the smell of my own period blood? I looked it up and found a reddit post of some girl who loved to smell her pads and all the comments called her a fucking weirdo. Am I a fucking weirdo?

I have the cure, you gotta suck my cock

Not true again. People die from the irreparable damage the virus does while your body is fighting it. There are classically 4 groups people fall into:

Susceptible - people who dont have immunity
Infected - people who have it
Exposed - carriers and such
Removed - dead or recovered

Vaccines are only good for S group and people in other groups who are not dead and cannot develop immunity.

In a year the only people who will benefit from that vaccine are a minority who never got it and people not born yet

Fact: Global infections will top 400k today and the US will top 50k today.
Prediction: In 4 days the US will be over 100k and in 10 days global will be close to 1 million.

Attached: screen-4.jpg (850x565, 66.04K)

Thats why you and the millions of other retards should have saved your money more

not deadly enough. sadly

spend more money!
thats what big business wants you to think!

>Living hard to mouth, should save money
You really don't understand the economy do you

Only spend on the necessities, its fine if non essential product producing companies go out of business, your "economy" would be fine

>your "economy" would be fine
mm hmm

Attached: THIS IS FINE.png (1309x862, 113.7K)

It's only the housing bubble collapsing but happening 5 times faster.

Thats why i used the word "would" you fucking idiot


is that really that bad?

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Like I said, you really don't understand it

I thought if enough people died I'd get a job easily.

Not necessarily. Those dead people's skills don't just automatically transfer over to you. You have to find a corpse and eat it's heart to gain it's powers, then go for the job interview.


Sometimes you just have to have sex with the corpse, no eating required
Depends on the profession

I hope you do know that, that's not the economy.
I know US fags want to believe it is, but it really is not.


The DJI has been the best reflection of the short-term American economy since the great depression. But of course you know that, you're just pretending to be retarded.

>people dying over a human construct while something real is actually killing everyone else
Sad world

>that's not the economy
No, but 30% unemployed is
Thanks Trump

more like shitty system. in actually developed countries nobody has to die just because they have no money

Yeah, not really.
Manufacturing output is a way better guideline.

True, and that is part of the real economy.

>Manufacturing output is a way better guideline.
Manufacturing output WAS a good barometer before the US outsourced it's manufacturing and went to tech and service. It's not 10 years ago, manufacturing isn't nearly as important as it used to be in the context of economic predictors.

if there is going to be a "cure" in the next few months, there has to be an earlier recession

Hahaha, thank you user

>The important line in your graph is the grey line at the bottom
Here looks clear

Attached: cc.png (624x284, 16.02K)

This apocalypse is turning out to be lazy, boring and a few extra sneezy boys.
Would have been more fun with zombies, but no, no action here. Just an apocalypse in the form of a fucking medical drama.

Daily reminder that COVID-19 is no worse than the flu

The zombies can come until I get a chainsaw

Ok Donald

Until the medical system is overwhelmed and then that death rate climbs again.

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Yeah that's why tens of thousands of people died and governments world wide are being shut down. That happens every flu season.

Except it stopped in china..
Were a few weeks behind them.
Get a grip.

and that will be in about 7-10 days for New York City. It will be 2.5 weeks from now in Miami, Atlanta and New Orleans. And 3-4 weeks for major cities in Texas.

Italy always closes down the entire country during flu season. It seems every year they bury their dead this time of year without funerals too. Those crazy Italians!

Sure thing Bud.

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let's not start sucking each others dicks just yet, my dude

CORONA It's the prayer of the people of Al Baghuz, whom you burned alive, it as killed you so reap the result of your actions

Yeah and its completely normal that Spain is filling up its ice skating rink with bodies.

FYI Hong Kong had a resurgence this week. Their quarantine practices got a bit lenient because they thought the worst was over, but their new cases doubled this week so they put the hammer back down again. It hasn't "stopped" in China, they're maintaining their quarantine practices UNTIL it starts to subside. It's a good lesson for the world: just when you think it's over - IT'S NOT.

Those crazy Spanish

At my hospital we just backed a reefer trailer into the loading dock, easy peasy.

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Wait until it spreads in India. The shithands will die faster than the speed of light.

It's flu season that's what they do this time of year. America too, it's perfectly normal for the president to spend $4 Trillion dollars during the annual global contagion.

1,3 billion poo in loo

but when that happens they will continue visiting our countries

I dont buy the sensationalism you swallow. Sorry.
It will end sooner than the media is saying. It's not going to be an 18 month long shutdown. That's just not going to happen. Period.
Then why have the reported zero new cases for days in a row? Are they lying? Probably. But it's not 5000 new per day like it was.

>not even corona is willing to go to India

Really makes you think.

Oh no it's god again. He always chooses sides and is so interested in humanity thats why he sends a virus which should punish first world but will erase in the end 5% of third world population. Mhkay kid.