Friendly reminder that Obama is the reason we are currently sitting at 22 trillion dollars in debt
Friendly reminder that Obama is the reason we are currently sitting at 22 trillion dollars in debt
Before you try to tell me it was "Bush's policies" or some other complete bullshit, read the article above
OBAMA'S POLICIES ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE 8-9 trillion dollar deficit increase during his term as president.

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Guess nobody wants to argue against facts?


And the deficit has increased due to the policies of trumptard.

Much worse.

And Bush II debt was astronomical due to unfunded wars.

So fuck off

the tranny fucker

>Much worse.
>And Bush II debt was astronomical due to unfunded wars.
>So fuck off

Actually it has pretty much sat at 22-23 trillion
during his entire presidency
keep slurping up the propaganda

Or maybe, it's Wall Street scums' fault?

You're making excuses. You sound like a Trumptard.

that doesn't change the fact that trump is a pedophile

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this is a logical fallacy
it's called "shifting the goal posts"
it could also be considered a strawman
and also an ad hominem logical fallacy

It's a really complicated way of telling you that you're low IQ

>oh no trump is being a retard again
>I know, I'll do damagecontrol and post about obama

Logical fallacy
come up with a real counterpoint
it's your party making a big deal about Cheetoman's MASSIVE INSANE DEFICIT after all

where were you people during Obama's presidency where he increased the deficit by about 1 trillion EVERY YEAR?

You don't know what shifting the goal posts means.

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>can't deny the other logical fallacies
>still can't form a cogent argument against the OP point

arvo cunt

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high iq post
well thought out

And how much does this affect your life?. It doesn't at all.

It does every day you stupid fuck
It affects yours too
you'd know that if you had a brain cell

how do people like you manage to breathe?

it's shorthand for saying you're not worth engaging with, boomer. people like you migrate to this board to test your mettle and never stop posting using circular "logic" the whole time. you're a dullard.

another high iq post
>i can't prove you wrong so you're not worth arguing with!!!
I guess that would be true from your perspective... Why argue from a position you cannot hope to win from?
lol boomer

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i just read the beginning of the article. apparently there are three ways economists calculate budget deficits, and op is promoting the the way considered by the author to be least fair to a given president. if op had read the beginning of the article, he'd know that too. i guess we all learned something today

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okay ,
then give me an explanation of this effect that has legitimate citation that I can go to and read, instead of just YOUR interpretations of that citation


go back to facebook

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I just farted and it kind of has a sweet, tangy scent to it that delights the nostrils

>The third method is the fairest but also the most complicated. It adds just the deficits created by the president's specific initiatives.
>most fairest

you need to learn to read
(high iq post btw)

you dont even know what the deficient is or why it is. I hate fake people like you who try to argue statistics when you clearly have no idea what it is. I hate Obama, but damn you are stupid.

literally 3 seconds in google you troglodyte

>nonargument post
high iq
do you watch rick and morty bruv?

Ad hominem attack, and you expect someone else to find sources that support your own statements? Stfu

given the images you keep posting it seems like facebook might be more YOUR speed, not the other way around friend. It's okay though--it's an easy mistake to make!

you are stupid though
you are asking for a source for something that is easily self verified
we make fun of people like you

Guess it's a good time to give tax breaks to the ultra wealthy and try to sneak in a provision to give $500B dollars to anyone the GOP wants with basically no oversight huh

groovy gramps took his geritol xd

you mean like the democrats just did?
it's almost like the dems couldn't handle republicans being the one to want to give out free gibs to people so they just HAD to sabotage it
imagine that
political sabotage in the middle of a pandemic
people will hang for treason for this one

you are not worth engaging with
you are clearly a child who should gtfo because you have to be 18 to post here

You've got to be kidding me. Is that what you actually believe?

Do you genuinely believe otherwise?

Y’all keep deflecting and using middle school insults. I can claim Trump is a lizard wizard trying to manufacture cocaine waffles on Mars, and then say shut up retard you can easily google the sources for this. It makes others work when you should already know the sources. It just makes you a withholding bitch.

obama's policies also pulled us out of the worst financial crash since the 1920s (nevermind the fact that we're right back where we started)

trump continued the trend of both economic growth and debt growth too

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>Y’all keep deflecting and using middle school insults. I can claim Trump is a lizard wizard trying to manufacture cocaine waffles on Mars, and then say shut up retard you can easily google the sources for this. It makes others work when you should already know the sources. It just makes you a withholding bitch.

lol insecure about your intelligence are we
i wish you could understand how stupid you look going after low hanging fruit (Trump) for COOL WOW social points while your entire world crumbles around you
Idiocracy is a glimpse into the future and it is people like you who will get us there.

they didn't
we are just feeling delayed effects
try again
the debt inflating the way it did just put off the inevitable
when they cut off the debt well... look what happened?

Doesn’t look like a source to me

you sound like a clunky automaton. relying on every trope on this board in a vain attempt at fitting in. I swear there's 2 types of people here at all times-the 14 year old edgelords and the 64 year old boomers trying to show they still got it and the sad irony is that they're both alike in many ways. you should go to bed gramps.

the delayed effects of Bush carried us all the way into depression, out of depression,and continued into trump's administration?
nah don't be silly

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Well said

>another bullshit infographic

obama's policies carried past 2017, but 2017 was the last fiscal year "officially". In 2017 it had risen yet again to 19-20 trillion

your chart is cherry picked bullshit, if it obama's policies were not trash he would have reversed course after Bush. He didn't and here we are.

oh yeah and because fuck you that's why:
It's also really neat how suddenly Trump's economy is under fire after a virus has "forced" everything into shutting down an unfortunate side effect being that the economy is going to tank. So then to keep everything afloat long enough big daddy fed has to foot the bill. It's like you want to have your cake and eat it too. Get that government money AND shit on the cheeto that gave it to you

gg noobs you have no legs to stand on


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>3 trillion
literally didn't happen hahahahaha

Okay but the debt doesn’t matter so who cares?

Yeah Obama's policies skyrocketed the federal deficit to about 20 trillion.
It started at 10 trillion when he entered office.
You posted this same easily debunked meaningless infographic in the last thread too. It's just as neutered and meaningless here champ.

high iq post


imagine being stupid enough to believe shit you see on infographics on Yas Forums

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hhahahaha, did

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Do you people actually think the National debt has any significance? It’s like being mad and arguing about how a Bolivian farmer waters his melons.

haha look at my infographic it totally proves what i'm saying is true!!!

10 trillion under Obama
you weren't crying then
well maybe you were probably because you were in the single digit age rage where your IQ currently resides when Obama took office

Do you seriously think owing other countries trillions of dollars ISN'T a big deal?

Are you that stupid?

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no "infographic" means your statement is a lie.

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your infographic
is totally meaningless

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nobody blamed trump the the virus's effect on the economy. they blamed him for trying to protect his reputation with delayed response, but that's not what we're talking about here. He raised the deficit by making tax cuts where we didnt need tax cuts and then ballooning the military budget out of control. he didnt have to do that, and he did it anyway.

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