how do you feel about people that kill themselves ?
How do you feel about people that kill themselves ?
Yo what's the story behind this vid
I want to know too, the plot looks promising.
I feel sorry for them because they chose to opt out of this temporary suffering to get put into damnation in hell for eternal suffering, it's a lose lose situation
That's a vague question. I guess some people just need an escape from their depressing existence and they feel they're better off in the dirt. Just don't kill yourself expecting it to do anything impactful. Even if a pedo commits the only justice served is knowing they're no longer breathing.
every adult has the moral justification to choose whether to continue living at any moment (we can quibble about certain classes of people later, such as prisoners, children, etc.) this justified because no living creature asked to be brought to life, so they have no obligation to continue living if they choose not too. if people are free, then they are free to choose how and when they will die.
ultimate selfishness.
uncaring for those that leave behind, selfish to the point that they don't care about the hurt they cause others that love them.
I think it's a shame more people don't do it. Most of you are worthless piles of shit that can't even think for yourselves. Also, I think that most people cant even do it properly. Aim for the brain stem people, its not rocket brainery.
Depends why they do it. Dead blackmailed girls will have brought it on themselves
My brother killed himself and it just made me angry.
Sauce? This girl is cute as fuck, with or without the tears
>how do you feel about people that kill themselves ?
Better that, than killing others i guess?
My sympathy and my heart goes out to them. I know what it's like to feel like there's no way out. I know what it's like to feel as if though you're trapped.
I don't want to feel like this anymore bros. I just want the pain to stop, and to feel like somebody actually loves me.
Unpopular opinion but strong, strong in the way they leave things we take for granted but need, things that they maybe found valuable and believedin I think if there is a higher power that these are the lost sheep in the heard that need a little extra guidance not know to us thaaaaaaat ooooooorrrrr insane as a wombat and doing stupid shit they'll regret
do explain.
On one hand, it's totally their right to kill themselves.
On the other hand, most people that want to should really just get mental treatment,
leave the suicide to the ones in their right mind who want to avoid a painful death or long prison sentence.
The aliens love us. So do the gods. You are not alone.
Usually people that off themselves don't "feel the love". With that logic it's just as equally selfish to want a loved one to stay living a life they don't want to.
you lost me, emotional "feeling" and logic are often at total opposition to each other.
Always a waste when these girls kill themselves for silly reasons, but there's only so much that can be done to save them from themselves.
Mostly sad, for them, and me if they were close to me.
No judgement though
Her boyfriend dumped her. Have all 3 with sound
Maybe you should love yourself first
Can you dump user? Have a fetish for crying women.
I feel sad. Not necessarily because of the knowledge that someone killed themselves, but because of the knowledge that they went through a lot of suffering. And then sympathy for the people around them who may be going through hell. It's just a really sad phenomenon; like I know most of us are suffering, but I feel like people who kill themselves, for the most part, where really just in a state of total pain. And this is just thinking about sucide in general, when I hear about an actual case it can often make me cry and very upset. Especially young men. There's been a couple in the area I live in over the past few years, two were friends of friends. It's a terrible thing.
If anyone is on this thread because they themselves are feeling very low, please try and fight your way out of your depression, I'm sure you already know where to start: exercise, diet, mediation, honing your social skills etc..
One thing that helped me was to understand the power of giving. It's incredible how approaching people with kindness will change their approach to you. You'll have much nicer experiences if you treat others as brothers and sisters, we're all in this together. (Don't mean this in a religious sense)
People that don't get suicide and call victims selfish are awful people in my opinion.
Suicidal people hate themselves. They just don't have the internal belief that their life is worth anything. It amazes me how some people just cannot grasp such a simple part of empathy
Wait, she got dumped and perv cammed on the same day? Daaaamn.
Post a magnet , I'm harder than Chinese math
god here
>> (Don't mean this in a religious sense)
Yes you do. This is the basis of good religion and human devotion. You are brethren.
He's calling you out on your clear contradiction.
People who generally feel loved and supported dont kill themselves. You have to be in a really dark, hopeless place to actually kill yourself yet you assert they're selfish because
>they don't care about the hurt they cause others that love them.
>others that love them
The two are mutually exclusive. People who kill themselves don't really have the love of those you think are hurt. if they didn't they wouldnt turn to suicide
>you lost me, emotional "feeling" and logic are often at total opposition to each other.
Yet your entire argument that they're selfish is based on an emotive and subjective one. That they're "hurting someones feelings" so you "lost" yourself.
You may want to consider you're not even half as intelligent as you think you are
Lol that's the new golden iPod
>I didn't get enough likes I'm better off dead
I honestly admire the bravery it takes to do it you can call them cowards but that doesn’t make it so
everything in life is about being selfish
Case by case basis.
Almost never justified, though it sometimes is.
If the phrase "Permanent solution to a temporary problem applies" then it's a stupid fucking thing to do.
Is there a point were suicide becomes a logical rational decision? yes
Oldfag here
Hero is not the way. Entropy will slay us all. Why not enjoy cheeseburgers, Blacked, and weed?
Fuck off, cunt.
As long as they don't leave young children behind, why the fuck not. It's your life. You should get to choose when you've had enough.
Her mom told her to shower because she smelled like sperm and cigarettes. It upset her. Have the vid with audio somewhere. You can hear the mom yelling at her.
They should do it more often
Why would God care if we believed in him or committed suicide?
So, does she kill herself in the vid?
Can't please God without believing in him. It be in the bible yo
well dont say shit if youre not going to post them.
Not the dame person from ops post
In general it seems selfish. The reason I can type this is that the beltbuckle broke, this was a long long time ago. Glad I'm still here, I was desperate back then.
A friend killed himself last year (fucking stabbed himself in the heart wtf) and the world is better off without him. His family was fucked for a bit, but in the end they're better off now. This is an exception, though.
In general you cause so much suffering for the people around you if you have people around you.
No she takes a shower.
I need sauce for this
An acceptable statistic
I don't pity them or get angry about it. My Dad was in the Jim Jones cult and he cant explain it, he got caught in a suicide loop repeating the day over and over until he decided to eat a half oz of mushrooms and drive on over. Wound up showing up after everyone already died and made a change for the better. If its true he got his next life that was promised.
People go where their bound to go, whether its eternal suffering, endless battles, an adventure or something beautiful, why should we be mad at anothers choice? Its kinda selfish to question why they didnt think of you ain't it?
More of the crying girl with nice titties please
You forgot to include cowardice, but other than that this is pretty much right