Hunger games thread
Land of Happiness
24 tribs no more, no less
Hunger games thread
Land of Happiness
24 tribs no more, no less
Other urls found in this thread:
Corona Chan
Jesus Fucking Christ
Rigs Fucking Ackerman
Rachel Green
Full Frontal
Richard Rawlings
Michiru Kagemori
Divine Cat
Kizuna AI
Someone else used Akari :( so I put up YUZUKO!
Spades Slick riding on horse hitcher pretending to joust
Ducke detective(s)
The Arbiter
someone else has been akari for ages
What a cutie
Hmm. Pixel art saved.
Yeah I know
I stared Akari posting on the hungergames threads yesterday
yuzukos names off maybe
My Persona is ready
My district sux let's roll
Wonderful. I'm old and can't read your text through the background though.
Start whenever you want.
>tribute stealing
chinatsu wants to have fun
akari and Liz are best friends
the Arbiter has been a good boy
name looks good to me
my district my persona
blame rigs
Early money from Vegas is on Richard Rawlings, with Duck detectives coming in on a close second. The gay weeb shit is clearly not on the bettors mind
I'm crying in all years of my life. I had to go through space and time to read his mind. I studied everything about psychology and the brain and body to discover Matthew's body.
Izanagi mean to akari
Chameleon rude to Doremy
Group hug!!
Rawlings takes his cat with him
The Arbiter takes his pokemon with him
Corona takes rigs to licorice land
Full frontal sharing his ice cream
i blame rigs for everything especially corona chan
Some behind the scenes maintenance is due
Whachu want
At least you don't have some dude Photoshopping their face on your body, or are you with the head and name upside-down
The fuck were you thinking?
Fuck even my persona got arrested
Well this is nice.
I played Corona-Chan as a good a couple of times, but used sexier photos like this one
We forgot to fix the thingy on the autocropper proper
Doremy wasn't/isn't happy enough
Jesus Fucking Jenny
Kizuna's viewers need her
Gonna try to not Akari post while the OG Akariposter is here as to not mix us up
(Also Yay!)
no one is safe form the fun police
Usually in the afternoon and Weekend games, I think Ripcord is part of his name
Also played Qassam Solemani for a few days after his demise
Just fucking with you, boo boo.
Dragon Cunt is gonna be mad. You better not get preggers.
this song seems appropriate for fun times:
Happy birthday guys
Thanks Rawlings
Yuzuko gets bullied
Divine cat has had enough
Group hug
Is that the name of the OG Akariposter?
shit forgot pic
Fuck. I need sleep.
So do you, Chinatsu.
Stop it! Stop messing with me!
Full frontal doesn't like saying goodbye
Rigs gets candy
Rawlings X Jesus Christ
yeah after
just no tribute steal
Needs an update
needs an update
Liz getting rid of Rachel
lots of games this slide
Corona to the land of pudding
put me in the next one
scat fag
I only have like 10 pics of Yuzuko, but I have like 2000 picctures of Akari; It’s just easier to Akaripost, sorry.
You could come up with an opposite character. I originally wanted to play William Howard Taft because of his awesome Twitter presence; but then I remembered Bart Simpson's immortal words...
Why is RR not there?
are we having fun yet?
no akaripost
No one likes him
Megumi's time to go
Chinatsu bullies Jenny
akari reads Rigs a bedtime story
Fran likes Jesus fucking Christ
Rawlings dreams about ducks
the arbiter has a bad dream
Spot the Newfigs
Kizuna likes him
huh, what a bunch of fags
Tell me about monke jesus, yes
group hug!!
Vex and Spades holding hands
free ice cream
Rigs is happy
Jenny gets banished
Fine, I succeed. I will Yuzukopost from now on. I understand how you feel!
I just Google image search when I need more, my luck that Rawlings is all over social media.
Wanna ride on the tire machine?
Also my luck giving an inspirational talk to a brand new player being bullied imprinted him as my son
Bros before hoes. Keep your mouth shut.
I'mma clothesline RR
I'm up. What are we doing?
I like him.
he once turned a glass of piss into a banana smoothie
Corona has decided to stop with the virus
Chinatsu has to go.
Rawlings gets arrested for DUI
Spades is a little baby
Jesus is nice
Yuzuko gets punished for not being happy
It's an older image, and Kizuna and I share a dislike of Chet Arthur
Show of hands, who like Adachi?
Kizuna likes him
The same we do every night, trying to not die while enjoying the death of others.
For real though.
Oh. I like this game.
akari gets banished
Rigs feels underage. inb4 b& him
Vex and Liz are best buds
raises hand
who even?
I do
That was fun, goodnight guys
Show of hands, who like Patty?
How magical! I love monke jesus!
Me, but let's not talk about avas like this
Dude, nobody likes a white knight
I'd let Patty have my babies
Ducke detectives try bribing
The arbiter gets banished
Spades gone
Jesus wasn't having enough fun
no probs man
Thanks Kyon, means a lot to me
What's wrong with the 'Dach?
Lookit the lil bastard go.
i'd prefer you not speak for me but yeah he's pretty cool
I wish he were this guy