Republicans trying to give everybody free money and extend unemployment benefits

>Republicans trying to give everybody free money and extend unemployment benefits
>Democrats stopping it
What are your thoughts on this, Yas Forums

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Democrats should die

Also go back to Yas Forums you cuck

I think democrats are contrarian to the point of getting their vaginas cut off.

That's a shit ton of money. What's the US population now? 370 Million?

Math nerds, how much would it be for every American to receive 1000 each?

Not even close to what happened.

Democrats are stopping trump and McConnell from railroading the country down the shitter even faster


Not only did they stop it, but their counter bill included provisions to curb carbon emissions of airlines and put diversity enforcement officers on the board of every corporation. It's insane.

I really want to punch that kid.

Ooh? who brought the bill? Repubs. And who voted no twice? Democrats. Get rekt fag

210 million adults times $1,200 is only $252 billion, a tiny fraction of the annual budget.

37 billion, about 1/17 of our annual military budget. Although the rich and children won't get it, so that number is actually lot lower. Considering they are pumping 1.5 trillion into wall street its chump change, and more than doable.

Also not everyone gets it. It’s for the poor and middle class. Bread and circus I suppose is done for. Now it’s just paying the masses off. Cool with me, I’m in the mass and I could use a few thousand bucks

The Republicans in the Senate want to give the Treasury Secretary a $500bn slush-fund to distribute to corporations and businesses as he sees fit - no disclosure for six months, no provisions guaranteeing it goes to workers, no limits on executive compensation, stock buybacks, etc. It's worse than the '08 bailouts, which we made some money on.

shid thats not bad mane

Is that a kid?

Its because republicans added a clause saying that you need a minimal annual income of $2500 per year to qualify meaning the unemployed people who really need this money wont get it. Both sides are also trying to slip in extra legislation that won't get passed on its own.
Why dont politicians ever just do something good?

The stock buy back plan pelos I introduced was insane. Fact is, both sides are playing politics here. Those provisions could have been enough to make republicans agree to terms but pelos I introduced 1001 pages of ideological garbage.

that sounds like a good idea, the corporations are what makes the world go round, who cares about the "workers"

Corporations and businesses that have millions of employees dipshit. Also it’s not a bailout. A bailout is for companies that simply fucked up. This is reimbursement for companies that were forced to close down

It’s a machine. All parts need to be greased. Otherwise the world stops turning. Th corporate elites are nowhere near their dream of AI euthanizing the masses. And we are in a turning point in history. I’m anti communist and anti socialist. But fact remains the wealth/power distribution is totally out of whack and people are getting ready to blow their tops. Everything in life is balance.

what if this is just a way to automate shit, i mean in 6 months a ton of industries could see automation, especially restaurants, and theaters

How do you get 37*10^9 from 37*10^7 * 10^3?

> meaning the unemployed people who really need this money wont get it

You mean the people who have been unemployed their whole lives?
Even mcdonalds employees make at least 2500 per year you fucking moron

Actually it's people like nurses, grocery workers, truck drivers, etc., that make the world go around. The reporting on this has been shameful. The Democrats are right to reject corporate bailouts. If any company wants a bailout they need to pay their workers, limit executive bonuses, and give the taxpayers a stake so that when this is over we can recoup our money.

I just dont get how this wont lead to inflation

>doesn't have to disclose where the money went for six months
>no mechanism or provision that guarantees money goes to workers
>no mechanism for the taxpayers to recoup their losses

It's a fucking bailout. there is the bill in its full 274 pages.

Democrats are fucking crazy. They have a wish list of add-ons that have nothing to do with the Corona virus recovery. #Trump2020

That’s all nonsense. We’ll see automation creep in as the years roll by but not in the way tech freaks talk about. The most renowned experts in the field say we are at minimum 50 years away before robots are really taking over shit. Also even if true, a shock like that to the public would cause revolution. Don’t underestimate humanity just yet. Man has conquered this planet and it can figure out how to put the lights out on a bot.

Hmm so a walmart fag is actually important to society? How does that work? Wouldn't someone like a bank teller be worth more?

Otherwise you are making people who work at stores feel like they actually matter.

It’s technically a loan. Not a bailout. There is a difference you know.

They do matter. Their skill set however is easily replaceable.

Being this retarded.

corporations dont give a fuck about workers, or consumers. their #1 is the share holder. if you ever think otherwise you're dumb

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The republicans and democrats are slime.

No the people who lost their jobs because of this pandemic and the homeless. Its just a worthless clause that has no use being in the bill. Does nothing to help anyone.

That's because the "bailout" isn't free money. It's a credit against our future taxes. Poor assholes don't get a bailout because they don't pay tax.

> “(a) In general.—In the case of an eligible individual, there shall be allowed as a credit against the tax imposed by subtitle A for the first taxable year beginning in 2020 an amount equal to the lesser of—
> “(1) net income tax liability, or
> “(2) $1,200 ($2,400 in the case of a joint return).

Again, this is all a machine. There’s going to be an immeasurable amount of damage. All corona did was put the peddle to the floor. Everyone and everything has their own interests at heart.

From the outside, it looks like the Democrats (and I cant believe I'm calling them by their political parties) are just making anything trump wants to do as difficult as possible.

Idc who does it, I want my free NEETBUX!!!!

First off, retail bank tellers don't make any more than Walmart workers. Secondly, big box and grocery stores across the country have seen a surge in hiring and bonus pay during this crisis. They are classified as "essential" in areas that are on lockdown. So, yes, they do matter.

It's a blank check. When you and I take out a loan there are pages and pages of terms, the issuer is protected, and they charge interest. The Republicans don't want that. Mnuchin (who is an investment banker) wants to dole out cash however he sees fit, meaning to his friends on Wall Street.

It's a faggot that came in here years ago asking if he should go tranny. Worked as a IRL shota escort, so he was advised to keep the gig he had and not be a retard. Can you imagine the money that little fucker made off of rich queens?


Republican were offering a tax rebate. You'd get money but all of it is just an advance on your future tax return. Which means you won't get the money then.

Its a BS shell game and it certain wasn't free money.
Also they were not extended unemployment benefits. Dems wanted to increase benefits until social distancing was over. Republicans want to go it for 1 month.

Believing Republicans makes you dumb as shit. Sorry.

There was also a 500 billion dollar slush fund personally controlled by the Treasury Secretary who would bail out companies as he saw fit... he wouldn't have to reveal who got bailouts until after the election.

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how the fuck do they matter? a fucking nigger can do their job, provided they dont steal shit every other minute.

> When you and I take out a loan there are pages and pages of terms

Yea, that's called a "bill", in this case. You just consent to it ahead of time as a group alongside your peers.

Your question was if they matter. Without them shelves don’t get filled. Products aren’t moved around. Again read what I wrote. They matter, but they’re easily replaceable. Think more like a business

Republicans were offering free money with no oversight to big corporations
they were offering you an advance on tax refunds in 2021, which of course is after the election Donald shitbird Trump is so desperate to win because then he won't go to jail for his numerous crimes and criminal schemes

That's true, thats why Trumpy went on stage with his CEO buddies because they are shitting bricks because their shareholders are losing out.

Why do you think Walmart has an annual shareholders convention where they parade a "select" group of workers that show off how great the company is, and all people care about is how much money each shareholder can make from the company,

What in the fuck are you babbling about?

The name of the game is "you do the dishes I do the laundry." Those provisions are as irrelevant as Mnuchin's trust fund, included only to set the extremes, to be removed in pairs of opposites.

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In fairness I haven’t read the bill. I’m still working. But my understanding was that it was a loan with terms.

I agree, but the extremes introduced by pelosi are completely irrelevant to the issue at hand. She could have at least kept it in the same ballpark

Mitch should be hanged.

Yeah, "increasing benefits" is totally paying off postal services, ensuring retirement for newspaper editors, green gas incentive, minimum wage requirements, totally dude.

Sadly, he'll never go to jail

That thread was like 10 years ago. Never heard from him again. This is the first time I've ever seen anyone repost his pic.

he might due to NY State AG
his properties are certainly fair game once he's not president any longer and doesn't enjoy the full force of the US government backing him

Too bad, I could've possibly found it through archives

Do you guys really think Trump could restart the economy? And everyone thinking everything is fine, goes back to work, normal and then the virus just spreads like crazy?

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what if this virus isnt even real? I mean how do we know the world isnt just a huge man titty?

thats because the republican bill included forced virginity examinations ITS GETTING OUT OF FUCKING CONTROL

I don't get where any of this is coming from. My state just went on lockdown. But we have to find the line, we can't just hide in our houses for months until it blows over.

whats new?
wut's fiscal conservatism again?

I swear both parties take turns digging our fiscal grave.

>You'd get money but all of it is just an advance on your future tax return.
That is to say, exactly the same thing as a loan, payable within a year, maybe two if you're a working poorfuck. You'd literally be better off using a credit card to buy the dip, if you weren't too broke to get through a month recovering at home.

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When your this poor, and you care about government cheese

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Where is the tweet though. All that's on there is him signing an anti-hording bill.

The shit the Republicans tried adding to the stimulus bill is the whole reason the bill died. Had nothing to do with Democrats wanting to stop people from getting a check. Blame the dumb ass Republicans for trying to be slick in the finals hours.

Indeed. I'd rather die fast from Covid19 than die of starvation, homeless in a jobless country.

That's a line we have to find. Can't just hide in our houses for months.