"Trump weighs restarting economy despite warnings from U.S. public health officials"
He's going to kill you.
"Trump weighs restarting economy despite warnings from U.S. public health officials"
He's going to kill you.
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If you're not ready to stand up and fight for America then you are a coward and should leave.
Soldiers fight wars so you can have the luxury of living in a free world. Are you gonna let some aids stop you?
Get out there and fight. Those hospitals aren't gonna build themselves. And God knows we're going to need them.
We need researchers antiviral drugs and doctors. So get to work make yourself useful.
>us public health officials
so even trump's ball washers are more concerned with the economy then people's health
I agree. That would be a very dumb idea. What do you suggest instead?
Not me, cause I work from home but he's going to cause even more economic devastation and many deaths that could be prevented, including a lot of nurses and doctors.
Donald Trump is a moron who thinks he can control the economy like it's a PR event for one of his shit-ass real-estate deals.
get back to sucking megadicks you ultrahomo
I would probably suggest sucking a creamy log of shit out of Andy sixxs puckered asshole
You seem like a smart guy. What could be done as an alternative?
That is a great idea no matter where on the political spectrum you fall
Praise GEOTUS!
>including alot of nurses and doctors
oh well,they choose to pick the shittiest job to do after obama and his free bullshit healthcare that destroyed the healthcare industry.meanwhile,republicans do nothing just like they did with coronavirus
Praise GEOTUS!
>Trump restarts economy
>Pandemic utterly explodes and decimates America completely
Can we please remove Trump from office on the grounds he's a fucking pyscho?
Looks like he removed Dr Fauci today as well. He's going to lie to you about killing you.
It's as though he cannot accept anything any news (that isn't fox) says as anything but some fake shit hoax designed to prevent his reelection.
Now that it's becoming apparent it's not a hoax his supporters are starting to eat up the idea that this virus was intentionally released to "remove trump from office" (quotes from a magafag I personally know who watches too much qanon shit)
if he kills off the old farts that vote for him and increases the solvency of social security, i see that and a win-win
>He's going to kill you.
No, hes going to kill the boomers. I finally understand what the Q conspiracy is all about now. They really ARE going to make America great again.
Of course Trump removed him, Fauci's been the only honest one.
When the tons of bodies pile up, Doctor Fauci will be remembered way kinder in history than Trump.
Donald Trump, Butcher Of America.
Make America Die Again.
This thing is going to take off like a rocket this week.
>Global numbers from exactly one week ago (3/16/2020): 167,515 confirmed cases, 6,606 deaths
>Global numbers from right now 10:48PM est (3/23/2020): 383,789 confirmed cases, 16,591 deaths
We're going to hit a million by April 1st, and half of that from the US. Hospitals are going to become warzones. Get your riot gear ready.
I didn't dislike trump before all this, but now.. He seems basically retarded. He has to be trolling.
I think his suspected dementia is seriously getting in the way of how he sees this entire situation.
Talking about beginning to reopen shit within a week... he has no clue
The economic pain is going to brutal. Quarantine to save old people already dying. This virus is doing them a favor. This is fucking ridiculous. Stop with this blanket shut downs. Shut down the hot spots and let us go back to work.
Are you retards like 60+ years old? .01% mortality rate got you freaking out this much?
What the fuck is wrong with liberals heads? I'm genuinely curious, You fags do literally nothing but insult with 0 logic at all whatsoever, it's fucking weird you guys literally shouldn't even be in this country.
idk man, seems too parabolic
I'm not even a fucking lib. Do you want to end up like italy?
>Fearmongering: the thread
Covid isnt a death sentence, knock it off with your bullshit.
People who disagree with him just to disagree.
Everything closed, people quarantined: 'Noooo, Muh fr33dums'
Considers allowing things back to normal: 'Nooo, muh h3alth'
3+%. Its called google, dipshit. Use it. Get Daddy's dick out of your mouth for five minutes and educate yourself.
Thigns won't go back to normal in a week. I'm sure someone with a brain actually talked some sense into him after he said that
No, a lot of his advisors and industry leaders are onboard. They don't care how many people die or how bad the hospitals get, they are fucking terrified of an economic recession.
Bet. It won't happen
Honestly it's like they want a Civil War at this point. "Going back to work" is going to become the fucking draft, since it's a death sentence.
>companies decide again the worker doesnt matter over profits and donny agrees
Yup makes sense
Trump's is a goddamn fool who should be branded a lunatic and removed from office on those grounds. He's fucking insane.
You know not everyone who has it is tested?
And that skews the numbers down
You’re right. We should all follow the leadership Biden has been doing through all this.
The virus has an incubation period of 2 weeks, and it doubles every few days I believe.
This is why "going back to business as usual" is fucking suicide. People who get infected don't KNOW IT, and thus they mass-infect their co-workers. The virus then doubles within them, dramatically increasing infection numbers again.
It's exponential. Coronavirus is contagious as fuck.
Goddamn Trump for setting the stage for it overrunning America.
Would Biden have covered this up? Denied its existence? Branded Coronavirus a hoax?
I don't think so.
Also, Biden's not President.
And on top of this, the symptoms can easily be mistaken for other ailments.
All because we don't have fucking mass-testing.
You realize of course, the disease is real.
The spread is real. The threat is real.
Look, I know you're all scared, but you really ought to be preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. Shows of bravado and making stupid claims is really just being a cute little edgy teenie and will not help you.
At the risk of causing panic, consider only the 'concluded' rates. For example in Italy there have been 4825 deaths versus 6072 that have recovered of the 53578 cases reported. We don't know what is going to happen to the 80% who haven't either died or recovered. So if you consider only those whose disease has run its course, you are looking at a 44% mortality rate.
Since the people who are gonna die will almost all be Trump voters... total agreement. This will MAGA.
Thia faggot doesn't even realize the overwhelming majority of healthcare workers support the single payer model.
>This is why "going back to business as usual" is fucking suicide.
Suicide for Boomers maybe. But it will Make America Great Again by killing off Trump's strongest base. Praise Darwin!
>44 percent mortality rate
Great. Only nearly half of us will die.
Fuck. You. Trump.
you're an idiot
He's being honest. He knows that we can't do it for more than 1-2 months without completely destroying the economy. Yes, it's sad that people are dying but would you prefer millions more die in a global depression? That's where we're heading at this rate.
This idiot pulls stats out of his ass.
KEK that chart is stupid.
>Death% France 97.91
It is counting everyone who is diagnosed but not yet recovered as already dead. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA but it doesn't work that way.
>think the death rate is 44%
Democrats detected
We can't put workers in HAZMAT suits and set up decontamination facilities?
At least give us some fucking protection!
Which China virus would that be? SARS?
Trump sucks. That being said, people are going to die from going broke and being out on their asses and starving, so we need to just suck it up that about 1/6 of the old people will die.
23t in debt, 47% of the population already on welfare, economy ground to a halt, as this goes on business will fail exponentially which means no jobs to return to. And people think n this can go on fir months and everything will be ok?
nobody expects that dipshit to find a cure for a virus
that would involve science and math and reading
it's more like don't be your usual dipshit self Donnie
>duuuuh no I am Donnie Two Scoops Trump
>a literal retard elected by republicans
Thanks for your groundless contribution
don't forget to kill yourself faggot
>groundless contribution
hmm, somebody is trying too hard
that's like something a non-English speaker would write
>no argument in this post or OP
>troll account or foreign agent
either way kill yourself faggot
you're ticking off the bot boxes cumsquat
Yeah let's just give every American a hazmat suit and call it a day. Are you fucking serious?
You're right my bad, Wuhan Virus
So what is your opinion of those "dipshits" in China?
How about those "dipshits" in Italy and the rest of Europe?
Nothing to say about that?
No they're not expected to do jack shit are they?
Once again America has to save the day right?
Shut down air travel
Use the military to issue MREs
Put the country on fucking lockdown
Offer aid to Europe
Provide a bail out package to mainstream
Suspend power and utility shutoff
This is a short list
yep stay mad about it too
so mad you make the same threads over and over again filled with impotent (foreigner) rage
kill yourself lol
>meaningless drivel from a butthurt faggot with no argument
kill yourself
wow these are terrible ideas
kill yourself armchair expert
Failed Businessman goes into Reality TV. fuckin morons think he can run the country because of the TV show.
Mr President...your a fucking moron..
Noone in government will say to his face
who the fuck are you replying to? Nobody expects Donald Trump to develop a vaccine because the guy is an actual sub-iq mongoloid
when he talks only bullshit flows from his mouth
he's one of the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet at this moment
Yes. Old people don't even have to die, just quarantine them. .01% mortality and the libs run for the fences, embarassing.
>not an argument
wow how fun :\
>your a fucking moron
lel irony
kill yourself you dumb faggot
It's almost like he's a piece of stupid shit who should have never had a position of power, but due to nepotism, capitalism, and the uneducated here we fucking are.
Goback to Russia faggot.
i'm not trying to be fun
i want you to kill yourself
do it fagget
>Greatest country in world
>Can't even protect workers from a fucking germ
this is a foreign agent spreading discord
I tried...this planet sucks...The Fates allowed me to live. (God Damn Pricks)
So now I get to be The first 21st Century Prophet.
You never want the role given to you
>If I keep talking like a retard, maybe people on 4chinz will agree with me
>Hehe, I'm so good at this
A fucking germ, right. So you admit the rest of the world is shit compared to America right?
Good thing I'm not at risk, right? Didn't die from pneumonia when I got the flu, so I'm not gonna die from this.
Hey fucknugget what are your solutions to literally prevent the world from entering a new dark age
God, you suck so hard. Seethe more, faggit.
>Most of the population will starve and die without their jobs
>you'll get sick for two weeks
Obama was objectively worse yet I bet you view his presidencies through rose tinted goggles
I love how they blame Cheetoman for the deficit like Obama didn't take it to new heights over 8 years with poor fiscal planning and a general lack of care. It's sat at 22 trillion for more or less Cheetoman's entire presidency yet somehow he racked up 22 trillion dollars in 4 years according to you fucking retards. It's disingenuous.
Republicants come up with a stimulus bill, the democraps shit on it IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING CRISIS LOL and then blame Cheetoman AND THEN release their own version of the bill (WE'RE HEROES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!)
It's a complete fucking shitshow and retards on both sides keep the show going because well... they're fucking RETARDED.
Telegram is kinda better.
Yours are not "solutions"
you are not an expert on any field
you don't know what you're talking about
meanwhile you keep shitting on everybody else as if you're some kind of infallible political god
you really should kill yourself
I hope your are right, not for your sake you could diein a ditch
The people around you whom could get sick from your malice and negligence are who would be the real tragedy
Is Biden the president? Should we looking for leadership from him?
Because we sure as hell aren't getting it from The Grifter.