Based and Jasiripilled

based and Jasiripilled

Attached: seductive look -o.png (640x360, 247.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fell of the board there.

Attached: 1443628613147.jpg (800x1200, 116.37K)

yerp, my mistake

Attached: jasiri alternative -o.jpg (1280x889, 184K)

what is the thing in the grass?, for the life of me i can't tell

Attached: jasiri wink -o.gif (480x270, 1.08M)

is that a fish stuck in a block of ice?

Attached: jasiri on kion -o.jpg (474x344, 22.57K)

It is!

Also, hola both of you again!


hello again
the hola always gets better with every thread iteration

Attached: sweet hyena -o.jpg (950x832, 98.59K)

A fish frozen in a big block of ice, it's a fairly large fish too.

Lol it's fine I'm not chiding you.

I know

Attached: 1503037739001.jpg (768x576, 70.13K)

>Lol it's fine I'm not chiding you.
haha yeah i know, just meant to say i didn't notice

Attached: jasiri and kion alternative art 2-o.jpg (400x268, 15.98K)

No one did, or I'd have bumped myself.

Attached: 1486768381156.jpg (480x480, 48.41K)

man these bird images are amazing, do you get your material from Yas Forums or do you just scavenge for bird memes

Attached: jasiri in her glory -o.jpg (223x226, 5.73K)

Kill yourself.

>the hola always gets better with every thread iteration
That is precisely why I do it ;D
There are tons of it all over! I myself found this which is just great:

Parrots are very funny. -J

It's an old folder I've had for a very long time, it's not really all that big, and the images come from a multitude of sources.

Some come from from /s4s/ BAVI threads.

Attached: 1413371469028.gif (315x302, 1.9M)

haha those little jumps of pride he does and the "screw you" is amazing, birbs are amazing
i see, there needs to be threads about this here

Attached: jasiri and kion 7 -o.jpg (1346x813, 83.2K)
this ones good.

Attached: 1410175100389.gif (250x250, 1.15M)

Of birds? kek, I doubt it'd take on Yas Forums with al lthe shitty porn threads constantly being spammed.

Attached: 1361109580813.jpg (974x1217, 655.73K)

added to my "watch later" playlist, i love these compilations
definitely not on Yas Forums, but i could see this on /wsg/

Attached: IMG-20200321-WA0001.jpg (1080x1350, 88.26K)
this is one of my favourites.

Attached: Birbs.gif (250x150, 752.23K)

Attached: IMG-20200319-WA0002.jpg (720x875, 73.47K)

nice meme
haha this one i've seen, very cute birbie
thanks for that meme too

Attached: jasiri and kion grown up -o.jpg (1000x800, 66.99K)


Attached: IMG-20200319-WA0004.jpg (1024x968, 39.17K)

Surfing! -J

Attached: 1574899114021.webm (400x227, 908.21K)

Psht, htis is REAL surfing

Attached: hitch a ride.png (882x784, 260.12K)

these are great, thanks for sharing

Attached: kion and jasiri 6 -o.jpg (480x480, 33.35K)

>these are great, thanks for sharing
Damn, since we became friends I have deleted dozens if not hundreds of memes like that other friends or relatives send me. Should I had known you liked them I would have shared them, jajajaja. -J

Attached: 1579785929401.webm (460x612, 1.98M)

Looks like I get to keep working, somehow I'm an essential employee

Attached: great_dane_german_shepherd_mix.jpg (417x390, 12.99K)

Hola Z! Those are great news, no? You are valued and you get to keep earning money.

That said, I hope that from now until the corona disperses you use gloves in your job. -J

Attached: 1584677995890.webm (720x720, 1.54M)

I kinda wanted the break, but I can't complain about the money. They're taking lots of precautions so we should be safe.

Attached: il_570xN.1255034013_ljqe.jpg (570x884, 66.26K)

well I'm fucked, assessment due that I didn't know about, excuse me while I pound it out real fucking quick like.

Attached: 1370471827810.gif (420x236, 1.9M)

seen only the part after the cigarette, he went into a whole new level of "cool"
plus what kind of idiot drinks while its still on fire, you're supposed to put it out beforehand
that's good, glad to hear it
its for the best you continued, who knows how long the corona thing is going to last in america and you'll most likely lose money for sitting at home
shit, good luck

Attached: jasiri (2).jpg (526x628, 44.76K)

Vaya, buena suerte. Ya nos contarás qué tal te ha ido, raptor.

>plus what kind of idiot drinks while its still on fire, you're supposed to put it out beforehand
That is precisely what makes it even funnier. Trying to look cool and all like a big doofus.

>you'll most likely lose money for sitting at home
I understand you wanted a break, I do. Thing is that what JP says is as true as it is obvious. All this job problems the corona is giving is a big issue in France, Spain, Portugal... check this article out:


Attached: 1583537970418.jpg (900x600, 101.48K)

It'll pay off, but I don't have many expenses so either way I'm fine, but I know I'd get lazy on a long break, so its best I don't stop.

Attached: stick-dog_2603828b.jpg (620x387, 59.2K)

IT's done. I was a fucking idiot and forgot to check that particular subjects profile.
luckily though because of it I learned of an exam in 2 days as well.
I've been doing the study and such I guess I was just absent minded about a couple things.
it's submitted now anyway.

The more people they keep working, the more stable the economy is so it is important. I also enjoy my job so it won't be bad, although all the safety steps we're taking could make it annoying to do my job.

Attached: dog-2.jpg (1920x1080, 243.26K)

bloody hell my folders switched again.

Attached: gifs_11.gif (346x260, 1.08M)

yeah, same with me, if i take more than a few days off work it gets hard to get back to it, thats why i prefer not to take too many breaks, and hey, its better to have more than to have less
>although all the safety steps we're taking could make it annoying to do my job.
yeah but its for the best, getting corona isn't pleasant and its gonna cost you a lot of time, pain and money if you get it

Attached: happy yeen girl -o.jpg (462x595, 18.62K)

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Attached: Iain_Mallory_02222.jpg (1024x691, 620.5K)

someone needs to caption this

also don't mind my name, just checking out some ids

Attached: jasiri playing with kion -o.png (1000x554, 268.22K)

testing without name

Attached: pinned ya -o.jpg (1280x905, 103.25K)

jp or j?

Attached: Happy_little_duckling.jpg (1200x800, 194.77K)

alright cool, it works
still jp, J can't really use names as shes on her phone

Attached: drawn face -o.png (634x748, 341.98K)

last empty post, i'll save these for when i need to talk

Attached: kwetu ni kwetu -o.png (1665x897, 1.58M)

If you want I can ask someone to generate a particular trip for you?
the one I showed you earlier was made by them, they've got a good rig for it apparently.

Attached: funny-cockatoo.jpg (436x600, 201.11K)

>they've got a good rig for it apparently.
oh i didn't you could do it outside of Yas Forums, thought it was just trial and error, thanks for the offer, i got a fairly powerful rig myself
i'm downloading the app right now, i'll see how it goes

Attached: confident look 2 -o.jpg (805x842, 44.47K)


woops, meant to test this

yep, this works nicely, sad its not a secure trip but oh well

yeah, as long as you've a good cpu/gpu you can crank them out, the program I'm aware of you can also ask it to specifically search for trips
which is how my friend got my current one, I think he worked on it for a week if not longer tbh.

Attached: sharing_memes.jpg (480x427, 54.29K)

yeah i see what you mean, my computer is pretty decent, but its not decent enough
it takes an average 6.6 months of constant run time to find out a "jasirifag" trip and without liquid cooling it will make my computer burn to the ground, personally i prefer secure trips so its near impossible to crack your pass down

guess its back to the trial and error

Attached: hi there -o.gif (480x270, 1.92M)

I'll ask my friend if he can find one for you.

Attached: eagle strut.jpg (640x426, 106.96K)

naw its all good my dude, but thanks a lot for the effort, i prefer them to be secure trips and there's no way to do that with the software besides the way i'm doing

Attached: so cute -o.jpg (788x936, 490.75K)

If you're sure.

And a confused/frustrated looking falcon(?)

that ones a peachface I think.

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man, these are some pretty bad birds, but cool nontheless

Attached: hey! -o.png (416x410, 114.8K)

Attached: smoking-makes-you-cool-like-snakes.jpg (640x512, 41.31K)

I was just keeping the thread bumped tbh.

Attached: 3mFtf.png (498x713, 301.8K)

>7 posters
Is this the autism meet ups I heard about?

>I was just keeping the thread bumped tbh.
yeah i know, thanks, i meant bad as in cool, not bad as in bad images
>Is this the autism meet ups I heard about?
no but we're always happy to accomodate special people, so you're welcomed here

>bad as in cool
I knew what you meant it's all good, I'll probably have to switch to dingo posting soon though.

Attached: 3PPFa.jpg (670x754, 70.35K)