PA thread
PA thread
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Anyone know her
any 717, i have nothing to contribute
You know Hailey H?
Any Darby S? From HBG
Go to bed, you're not allowed out past 8pm now faggot
Kik k10chevy for butler and 724
Hey guys check out
Anyone from around Richland, Windber, Geistown area?
Tried this b4 an nobody had me
Anybody got any girls went to Ship U like 10 yrs ago ?
Anyone know her?
No. Got any more
Ship Happens! Dropped out in 2011!
haha faggots. I grew up in Shippensburg and ShipU had to have had the least attractive college girls on the planet haha you must have had your pick of those mongoloids
Got kik, can share better there. But 412
Anyone got any in Pittsburgh?
Preferably Bloomfield/Lawrenceville area
Sara P?
West SiEeeeed!
Pittsburgh has inbred hillbilly hot girls. You want city 10s move to Philly
this post has been brought to you by section 8 housing
Just post her already
North Hills area of Pittsburgh
Any 570?
Have you never been to Pitt?
She cute, but I don’t know her
looking for k shawley 814
717 anyone got mistys nudes
Pittsburgh has slightly hotter girls than Erie and Hburg girls. Philly has hotter girls than Pitt and Baltimore girls. DC and NyC has hotter than any of them.
I'd rather fuck a Philly street whore than a Pitt 10
go on....
God damn. More?
Anyone here ever go to Neumann U?
What are you talking about
The majority of women in New York are overweight and speak broken English. The rest are black hood bitches, and homeless people.
Hotness of average girl is not correlated with population, you mongoloid
Sheri R
what areas do you got?
I already used mongoloid. Come up with your own insults dumb fuck. And Manhattan girls put whatever gutter trash you chase to shame. Go watch your crush get bad touched by Ben Roethlisberger in a bathroom you virgin. There is a correlation between people having money to spend on themselves and having the time to stay hot and Manhattan girls have that money, so they make whatever you're into look like a rabid chimpanzee
215 , Montco
where the fuck the delco bitchs
I grew up in Shippensburg, near Hburg. Halfway between Pitt and Philly and seen the best of both. Then I became a pilot. I've been all over. I know where the hot girls are and I've actually fucked them sad boi
Delco also. Hoping someone posts Becca W someday.
Hoping for york
He doesn't have shit dont bother hitting him. He posts the same girl in every thread and never has wins of her.
Anyone know Aubrey C. from Abington?
Very nice.
You have very bad taste and women if you think boujee Manhattan chicks are the pinnacle of beauty, and I can tell why you would like some of the cities you mentioned
With better taste, and if you were actually a pilot, you’d know random eastern europoor countries really contain the highest average hotness of girl, and arguable the highest max hotness as well
I don't fly to 3rd world countries lil boi. If I want some color I can find it clean here. You go for it though, and enjoy your AIDS. I'm out!
lol didn’t think I’d get someone so mad by saying boujee chicks are gross
I thought everyone agreed
Anyways, I’d literally rather have aids than spend 2 seconds around daddies money Manhattan bimbos
britni b, 724
724 need butthole pics
Yes! Don't wanna say which, but I'm from one of these and I never got any when I was younger. This would be a huge help!
Just found out one of my favorite pa sluts is a preacher's daughter. Anybody want to send daddy his daughters nudes?
Looking for 215
Lehigh valley?
Sorta kinda. You got disc
Rebecca hoff
Her dad is preacher doug hoff
Nah I don’t. Looking for Northampton/Whitehall area
Looks like my friend Amy.
traveling to PA this week for work. York. hows the apocalypse down there?