I think we're gonna have martial law.
I think we're gonna have martial law
And of course its the rethuglicans doing it. Party of small government not encroaching in your personal lives and freedom my ass.
You're thinking of the libertarians in truth lol.
The danger of the virus isn't the death rate, it's how transmissible it is. Experts have been hypothesizing that it may infect between 40-70% of the world. 3% of 7,500,000,000 is still 225,000,000, OP.
But no, let's turn it into a political game, dodge that fact entirely, and use it as an excuse to seethe at drumpf some more, because that's what REALLY matters right now, isn't it?
No need to get so ‘projecty’
>But no, lets...dodge that fact entirely...
Case in point.
I don’t even think it’s that high I think it’s closer to 1-1.5% death rate
I heard that the virus for a fact has been linked to an alien invasion. Can anyone here red pill me on this? God bless you all.
the disease is in its early phase. Come back with deaths three weeks from now and see if you are still in denial.
It already has killed like 9,000 and a little over 200,000 infections. This is bad info.
Ok, you asked for it, here’s my retort.....
More people die in America from car accidents per year then will die from this. That’s not that scary
As of Jan 31 2020
It’s not denial it’s called realism. A 1.5% death rate is not a global killer.
Those numbers are wrong.
People get hung up on fatality rate, doesn't mean shit without considering infectiousness and amount of people infected.
The regular flu would be on the bottom of this list in fatality rate, but in terms of deaths its easily more than everything combined.
But oh.. it's only 0.1% fatality so no big deal.. but it infects a billion fucking people per year so it still adds up to hundreds of thousands of dead per year.
Well, it's actually some over 300,000 as of today.
>H1N1 stats in OP's pic says there are 214 infected countries
>There are only 195 countries in the world
Seems legit.
Me again. I see you decided to hush that pretty mouth in response to my masterful counter argument.
What are you talking about?
Can you clarify this please? It was very incoherent.....
Don't see what's not to get.
I get it also. Comprehension probrems?
'09 - '10 H1N1 didn't have a 17% death rate, not even fucking close. Where did you even find this shit chart OP?
the spanish flu had a 1.5% fatality rate but got 50 million deaths
almost 17000
Yes, governament should interfere seldom as possible in life. As long as the president is a democrat, of course.
Calling it the Spanish flu is racist
>but i just made a few "adjustments" that suited my agenda
nah. its just jews being greedy and boomers being scared af again.
>kek the pangolin is a slav
Welcome to Yas Forums everybody. Where you can post your political beliefs randomly, almost without aim, and are not limited by your understanding of the subject matter.
Agreed. It's just the flu brah.
Are you a new user?
Yes. Yes I amn.
dont be such a fag about it
Are you a cuntface dickmonger.
Yes. Yes I amn.
Sameflagging this hard
Thanks, i thought everyone here was retarded.
2009. Well done Obama. You worthless nigger
Do you ever get used to be being so wrong so much of the time, user?
nope. check out the post that follows this one where I reply to you but there's not (you)
no You.
Haha I can remove (you) too
I think so too. Those numbers are really off though I thought H1N1 affected over 60 million
>3% of 7,500,000,000 is still 225,000,000, OP.
so fuck off.
so there. na na nanana nah
120 million worldwide is no biggie.
Millions of people already lost their job, which is a bigger threat.
Majority of US lives paycheck to paycheck, they're instantly fucked when they lose their income.
* For ebola
Not me, I got my.house and car paid off, 43 grand in the bank, and zero debt. This is a fucking vacation.
>still adds up to hundreds of thousands of dead per year.
So nothing, that is just factual.
Only 43k in the bank kekkles. I make that tax free every free on top of my 9-5 job.
With a sentence like that it's, got to be true.
so what?
* ** *** what are these?
Oh well, I tried. Thread must be cursed or something.
Nigger really did go blind
>excuse to seethe at drumpf some more,
more like your excuse to shove Trump's cock deeper down your throat
I realy think I had it last month I was sick with what was like a flu and got better but after 4 weeks of it all my throat as still sore like it was birt but thay olNY started testing hear in my part of pa a week a go and everything is on lock donw I gess thare no way of finding out if you had it allready if what i had was it I'd have to say it bin hear for about 2 months and a hafe what do you think?
I think you need to stay in school.