Does Evangelion seem absurd to anyone else?

Does Evangelion seem absurd to anyone else?
Or maybe it's because I don't watch animu.
But it seems that so many things are... off, and I can't explain if it's intended to be absurd or if it's just that the world-building is retarded.
For instance:
>nobody questions who Rei is and why she is so weird
>noboby question where Rei comes from and where she lives
>Shinji is literally saving the world every week but he goes to a normal class, where he isn't a huge star with bodyguards everyhere, and he fucking get bullied
>Shinji doesn't fucking question what NERV really is, who runs the show etc
>same for most NERV employees
it's like there are tons of shit that makes no sense from a narrative standpoint but I don't understand if it's cultural difference (because animu) or if it's deep plot points they keep purposely in the dark. It's like no character is questionning anything and just going with the flow
Not posting in Yas Forums because they are retards

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>the world-building is retarded
Also apparently it's a deconstruction/analysis/whatever of 60s era japtoons so maybe there is some of that cultural stuff

wow... a floating triangle. Very scary

Wow turns out anime is shit

Unironically agree. The Angel designs in this show were boring and uncreative.

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It's part cultural, part anime, part just storytelling. Characters in Hollywood movies don't often reflect their situations, either. It's the suspension of disbelief.

>nobody questions who Rei is and why she is so weird
She's just autistic. No need to question that in a japanese classroom.

>noboby question where Rei comes from and where she lives
All the background info on the children has been scrubbed. This goes for their classmates, too. So they are basically everyone like her.

>Shinji is literally saving the world every week but he goes to a normal class, where he isn't a huge star with bodyguards everyhere, and he fucking get bullied
This is literally normal. Only in America you need bodyguards?

>Shinji doesn't fucking question what NERV really is, who runs the show etc
He's fucking 14. Of course he doesn't care or understand.

That's a pyramid, dumbass.

Octahedron you fucking mong.

>sees a giant cube

>ahoughuhuhu no not logica-ahhh logical geometric shapes my brain is going cry-cry uhhhaugauhu

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>tfw no giant floating octahedron gf
Why live?

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It's called "in medias res" storytelling.

You're supposed to infer things from context or things are initially unclear but revealed as the plot progresses.

American education.

Ano has just read "philosophy for dummies" and had a raging erection for Catholic mithology, so he vomited Evangelion.
Watch the movies for the eyecandy, that's it, the rest is garbage.
t. Have watched over 500 animeS

it's a D8, god i thought nerds were here

They don’t have the time for shinji to question everything.


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to me this seems like really weird bullshit
Like, it's supposed to be a mystery for the audience, but it's not supposed to be a mystery for all the characters (besides Shinji) ?
I love this show but it's like sometimes I don't understand if I just missed some explanation about stuff, if it's supposed to just go along with it, and if I'm supposed to be inquisitive about "why is everything so weird"
Same thing about the fact that the generatl population just lives their life normally and don't care that there are giant robots and that their building collapse in the ground every week or so. Or that they lived the apocalypse or almost during the 2nd impact

why did you throw away any credibility you had with that last sentence

Only normies get dates.

bugmen don't question the hierarchy or the orders, they just blindly do


I'm really starting to wonder if it's not just this

If you read the manga there's some behind the scenes stuff where they explain they wanted to create the sense of a world that had already kind of ended. Everyone has that strange detached sense about what they do, because they've basically been living in the apocalypse for decades by this point. The kids don't know any other world.

its not for everyone

All of those are either nitpicks or explained besides the Shinji at school stuff which I agree is stupid

It's all Kabbalah, it has nothing to do with Catholicism you fucking retard.

It's a post-apocalyptic world and the people are at the apex of scientific progress with the Evas, Magis and Angel so I think ordinary people don't really question shit anymore. I don't think that's really a plothole, just a flavour of the setting

>Shinji is literally saving the world every week but he goes to a normal class, where he isn't a huge star with bodyguards everyhere, and he fucking get bullied

Is probably the silliest part of the story, and it extends to Rei living in a shitty council flat and Misato living in "the suburbs" and living paycheck-to-paycheck despite being in-charge of the most important military organisation in the entire world at that moment. The idea that any key figures in your organisation would not live in Nerv itself, let alone be allowed to be in the same place outside of Nerv (the royal family travel in separate planes, so if Eva was realistic the Children would not attend the same school, let alone be anywhere at the same time).

It's basically just a contrivance for the sake of a setting. People say its a reference to the original super-robot setting but I imagine it's just done so the characters can still have normal interactions. If the show was realistic, Shinji would probably have his own own personal whores and anything he wanted in a luxury cell underground, which wouldn't make for much of a story or be relatable to similarly angsty teenagers.

>The idea that any key figures in your organisation would not live in Nerv itself, let alone be allowed to be in the same place outside of Nerv
All of Tokyo-III is NERV. It's a fake fortress city that pretty much only houses NERV employees and pilot candidates. You never noticed that there's never a single other light on whenever it shows Misato's balcony?

Doesn't seem that out there to me. You have to put your employees somewhere when they aren't training or fighting angels. Gendo hates Shinji, and probably doesn't want him around any more than he has to be.

You have to remember, it's anime. It's for kids. I watched Eva when I was 14 and it blew me away. All this weirdness, it was so fascinating. Now I look back and see it for what it really is. Totally different.

>nobody questions who Rei is and why she is so weird
They kinda do. Everyone thinks she's weird. She is. But she's not a bad person, plus she's hot. The kids don't think much of it, and people at NERV know not to.

>noboby question where Rei comes from and where she lives
They do, and find it fucked up. Hence why Misato takes in Shinji. To avoid the same fate.

>Shinji is literally saving the world every week but he goes to a normal class, where he isn't a huge star with bodyguards everyhere, and he fucking get bullied
He is, but Misato instructed them to let it happen. I'm not kidding.

>Shinji doesn't fucking question what NERV really is, who runs the show etc
But he does, the only one who doesn't is Asuka because she's a puppet.

Evangelion is pretty well thought out while still staying a giant robot show.

>Gendo hates Shinji,

Eva is an excellent character piece with cool robots.
If you think it's any more or less than that you missed the point.

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Shinji reminds him of the wife he lost, so he prefers to ignore him.

Are there any anime in the vein of Eva?
Not like the robot shit but more the psychological shit / apocalypse shit
Besides Devilman and Berserk, that i've watched

Attack on Titan.

Even so, the surface is the most vulnerable place in Tokyo 3. Even if you decide to give the pilots a normal life and let them go to school on the surface, why would you let them sleep there? If I was in charge of Nerv I would want my pilots accommodation in the Geofront with about 5 minutes walking distance from their Eva.

Hell, the entire episode with the power outage and the weird spider angel highlights how dumb their arrangement is. I don't really mind but it's objective bad worldbuilding and they never present a reasonable explanation for it (because the reason is the show would just be less interesting otherwise, which I get)


The power outage was sabotage though.

>Even so, the surface is the most vulnerable place in Tokyo 3. Even if you decide to give the pilots a normal life and let them go to school on the surface, why would you let them sleep there?
The surface buildings can withdraw into the geofront.

Japanese writers aren't very good at plausibility.

well OK it makes sense
But I agree to me wth other user that what doesn't make sense is the fact that
>people at NERV know not to ask questions
why ?
Also tons of adults don't freak out / don't care when they see Asuka / Rei / Shinji, whereas they are literally saving the world
It's basically the idea that everybody is chilling / comfy which is super weird. I agree it makes the anime more comfy to watch though.
It's like the boyfriend of Misato, I don't remember what was going on but I always thought he had a retarded job compared to how he acted

The Geofront is so massive that Kaji has room to plant fucking watermelons there.

Why would you not just put a few luxury mansions right next to the Dogma and have your key staff live there at night? Katsuragi, Misato, Gendo and the Children are 10x more valuable than anyone else in Nerv.

>Attack on Titan.

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>Evangelion thread on Yas Forums
>it's civil
what's going on

>Does Evangelion seem absurd to anyone else?
Only to Chads

Chaps, you fools.
Shinji does not "go to a normal school".
It's said in the show (by Fuyutski?) that any of the children in Shinji's class could have been an Eva pilot.
They live in a fake, decoy city which is in fact a retractable fortress built over the Black Moon.
There is nothing normal about anything you see in the show, it is a fabrication, similarities to 1990s life in Japan are intentionally superficial



fucking retards

Well, Rei is the Commander's adopted daughter essentially. That's the official story, as Gendo is raising her for a relative.
Considering what douchebag Gendo is, better not criticize. Secondly, all of Rei's background data is blank. Smart people working at NERV see that, and gets the picture. Don't ask questions.

It's also supposed to be a secret.If SEELE finds out that Gendo is raising the god of mankind as his daughter/shinji replacement in secret, EoE would have started before episode 1.

you are correct but also a retard.

Style, I'm going to say mostly. It better hammers in the idea that NERV doesn't really give that much of a shit about it's employees when they aren't on duty.

Victory Gundam

Bet you feel real fucking stupid now.

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No one cares, you pedantic asshole. Not only are you retarded, you're also wrong.


speedwatching rebuildbaby

yeah, all those questions are precisely why EVA is so Meta to the point anything anime hasn't come close to its greatness: the 14 year old pilots, the stupid star trek structure, waifus everywhere and Celestial Kaijus with strange forms... the point of the director is that you shouldn't watch this shit and if you like it THAT much you are probably one of those otaku losers that get very serious about anime and can't even get laid if you dont change your priorities.

has there ever been a bigger simp than Shinji, Simon was close until he got better

Shinji didn't simp for no one though.

RahXephon is the famous Eva clone, one of many.
Bokurano has alot of similar themes. Manga is better but anime is...fine.
Fafner I don't know much about, but has similar ideas of angsty mecha pilots.
Noein is pretty crazy.
Eureka Seven I would also recommend, it's different but it has alot of similar beats as the story goes on.

Honestly there are tons of Eva-likes that appeared after its success, they all cropped up between 1997-2007. Most were forgotten because they were bad/good but generic and Eva is the OG that people remember.

If I designed Tokyo-3 or was the guy at Marduk in charge of social planning, I would have like 9 different schools with Children scattered between all of them in case half the city explodes. The school doesn't like the central city buildings too, it's just a normal building.

The fact that Tokyo 3 is artifical doesn't explain the situation, in fact it only makes the situation sillier because it suggests that somebody put thought into Nerv but forget basic ideas like maybe don't room the First Child alone in a crack den.

>one episode with an actual robot

madoka different genre same category

>Instrumentality is too complicated to explain, so we'll examine the case of Shinji
Cause we're so fucking dumb right. I hate it when assholes do this

They explain Instrumentality multiple times.

You have to ask if the show would be better if instead of living in some depressing apartment alone, Rei lived underground with body guards. It may make more logical sense, but it tells a different story. Not everything is an exercise in creating the most believable universe. Sometimes you sacrifice a bit of plausibility to better get your point across.

Listen here faggot, everyone who has seen the show knows it's not actually mecha cause Eva's are not actually robots but you're not supposed to know that from the beginning (although you may suspect something's shady about the robots) so people call evangelion a mecha show because that's how it's presented at first. No one's gonna go oh I love evangelion hurr durr it's not a mecha anime though cause the robots are actually alive beings well thanks for spoiling it retard.

Fuck jannies.


what the fuck