Do republicans understand how pissed off people are going to be at trump and the republican party if coronavirus really...

do republicans understand how pissed off people are going to be at trump and the republican party if coronavirus really does last until august?

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probably til Aug 2021

>do republicans understand
They do. I know a few who've fallen into a state of cognitive dissonance and grief over it.

Trump is actually talking about lowered restrictions soon. He's out of his mind.

Probably not half as pissed as they are about demorcrats fucking them over today.

oh no a corporate slush fund was voted down
keep licking that boot
check the stats, americant is fucked

the guy is a complete failure,he's to stupid to realize it and thats why this is going to be alot worse then "just a flu"like republitards keep saying it is

So let me get this straight?

The one guy who actually wants to build a wall and suspend travel for specific countries to keep out brown people.....

.....Is now responsible because the brown people came here and gave us a virus?


>'party of the people' said no to giving the people unconditional money in a crisis because businesses would get some too
>if you don't like this you're a BOOTLICKER
Are democrat shills getting progressively more retarded?

so china is full of brown people?

stupid fuck,trump supporters will still whine about immigrants.even though american citizens are the ones walking around right now with coronavirus giving each other it because your shit president doesnt know how to quarantine people right

People who didn't file taxes, i.e. the poorest, would get nothing.
Meanwhile there would be zero accountability when it comes to handing corporations billions.

>He's out of his mind.
Took you long enough to figure that one out.

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Not at all what happened. Try actually reading the news - not just FOX headlines.

china is capturing people and exterminating them. there are stories of people being shoved into vans and being immediately gassed or suffocated.

we do it the human way, not the chinese way.

if ur a smart person.. u listen to donald trump and do the exact opposite of what he says ... im thinking the conspiracy theory of puting giving trump the coronavirus and unleashing it on china to win his trade war seems pretty valid if he thinks the coronavirus is going away in 2 weeks.

Hava nagila, my dude.

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Uhmmm … ay-yup!

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>no you can't do this you don't have enough things we want in it!
>this doesn't have enough benefits for tax evaders and illegal immigrants! Shut it down!

is this what trump's twitter account told you? uneducated fuck

how about this,believe real media know,the ones you trumptards call fake

>if ur a smart person

i stopped right there,you arent a smart person.move along retard

you're all insane, get a fucking grip on reality, everyone is going through this shit, and trying to find someone to blame is a pussy ass way of dealing with this.

i saw some redneck at wal mart today with a make america great again hat on

I hate Trump as much as the next LIBCUCK but people need to deal with this shit themselves:

STOP going to the store every day for whatever.




And your plague doctor mask you "totally bought ironically" won't help you reduce susceptibility.

Oh, tax evaders would get plenty. That's what the slush fund is for.

No, they live in their own Alex Jones tier reality so they don't have to face the fact that they're poor and stupid because of their own pathetic choices

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Yes CNN, Washington Post and NYT are very reliable news sources with literally ZERO bias goy!
Why do leftists say they hate the mainstream media but defend it to the death whenever Trump says something bad about it?

>And your plague doctor mask you "totally bought ironically" won't help you reduce susceptibility.
To be fair, it will help protect everyone else a little. Everyone going outside should wear something that covers their mouth and nose - a mask, scarf, whatever. Just so you don't launch virus all around you if you're sick and didn't notice yet.

people are stupid

what we need right now is a competant leader who can deal with shit.not some uneducated orange turd who is more concerned about the economy

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I can't understand how, in YOUR mind, all of this is Trumps fault? It's all the drugs, right?

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>hate the mainstream media

>even though trump supporters are the ones who criticize the media

It would be ironic if out of all the reasons to dispose off Trump the American people chose the meme flu.

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>I hate Trump as much as the next LIBCUCK but
Why do trumplets always say this when they criticize rational people?

every single case of coronavirus that happens in america is not china's fault.i know your just like obama voters who blamed bush on everything.but once americans in america start getting coronavirus,its no longer a foreign countys fault

time to do what every other educated person will do in november.not vote for republicans again

this is assuming you havent already made that decision by orange man's treatment of the 2nd ammendment

trumptards like u are the ones who should die out..

trumps lack of leadership during a crisis he didnt create. his inability to mimic human compassion. he only cares about himself and no one else.. except maybe his daughter...

>meme flu

why dont you head to china or italy right now and see how much of a "meme"this really is you uneducated sack of hillbilly shit

Leftists aren't rational people.

haha,your calling me a trumptard even though i have shit all over trump and his supporters in this thread and alot of other ones on a daily basis

i hated trump before coronavirus,and will hate him after it.if you voted for donald trump,dont call yourself a republican

A pickup truck cut me off in traffic! Fuck DRUMPH and fuck white people!

people who voted for donald trump might as well be lefties.since you cant even tell the difference anymore

Boy, you pretty think about him 24/7 huh? That is the definition of being owned. You are pathetic.

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Partisan zealots deserve to be shot

Thats not even close to what happened but i can see how this all very confusing for mommies special boy

it's an attempt to meet on middle ground, instead of try to piss in the ocean of piss. Also it puts the insult out in the open so it's not the ONLY REPLY we get from idiots who only care about arguing.

This is a fucking global crisis. Call me whatever, but wash your fucking hands and stay inside.

his base is too fucking stupid to put 2 + 2 together

All people will know is that Trump and the Republicans were ready to help them out and the Dems came back from vacation and said no.

I didn't think the Democrats could be any dumber, but then they always prove me wrong.

Fuck you magatard I'm throwing a barbecue party because FUCK XLOMPH

They're part of the growing population who believes that blame shifting is a real-world way to deal with problems.

lmao I'm literally the guy who posted this is why you are all retarded.

>Boy, you pretty think
Sit the fuck down user youre little retard brain cant handle all this excitement

>piss in the ocean of piss

>global crisis

take your meds retard

Strong arguments once again boys

I hope you catch this virus and it kills one of the only few people that unconditionally loves you. Maybe then you'll learn to wash your hands you stupid piece of shit

Are you all pissy because you didn’t get your gibs approved today?

Find the fucking shift key. And the space bar, etc. AND it's "you're" not "your," asshole. I don't have the time to argue with barely literate asshole Democrats.

Nigger please.

Donald Trump wants to give all the money to businesses for a speedy recovery of the markets, the Democrats want to give money to the people because they know that this is going to be a long process. What makes more sense to you stupid.

Looking at the markets, blocking was the right call. Futures are up.

lets see.. i posted reasons why trump is a horrible person and a horrible president and u insulted me... so u defended trump by anyone standards and that makes u a trumptard by definition

and no i never voted for trump. im no republican ... im no democrat.. im indepedent voter..

um ... uve been owned multiple times.. donald puts himself on the news 24/7... he is pathetic.. as for me.. im fine... if donald lets the american people have an election then i will gladly vote the democrat into office and we can move from this dark history of america

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