Hey Yas Forums, femanon here

Hey Yas Forums, femanon here.

Rate me uwu

Attached: me.png (771x1024, 753.01K)

degenerate tranny

Tits or GTFO

I approve. Quirky, slightly edgy = incredibly attractive


You have a dick until proof otherwise

Strip off then we'll rate.

go fuck yourself

sure bb uwu

Thanks user uwu

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It's a tranny I know him from some time ago

leg hair and covering crotch definitely a tranny

Nowadays I would not dare to take conclusions.

Lmaooo absolute tranny shit, you're disgusting

Didn't you get bullied on that discord server?


You will never be a girl user

Would take as a second wife.
Would breed.

Can you cook?

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>Would breed.
Unless yer a chick, you aint breeding with that dude.

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Oh look, a tranny. What a surprise.

You know you'll never be 100% passable right? Especially naked

He even got his whole adress and name leaked at one point

I am a girl though uwu

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You're not even hiding your estrogen patch

I can see the beard shadow, and your hips are virtually not existent.

snap pleeeaseee :3

Uh no.

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. You have a penis. You are a boy. Mentally unstable, prolly gunna kill yourself, but a boy nonetheless.

It wouldn't even matter if we could see your dick or not, the rest of your body is clearly male. You're deluded in many ways, including not knowing how good humans are at recognising what gender body parts belong to

Hi Sue! Haven't seen you here in forever! Nice nudes BTW

Just be yourself and don't let the degenerates here judge you


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would make love to

Why aren't you in the kitchen?

fags detected.

Me like!!!!!!!

I've talked to her before. Would smash

Nothing wrong with being a fag, but thats not a her, my son.

Reminds me of my sex I loved madly
10/10 would make love and cuddle all day

Would you have to have seen a woman's privates to know the difference?

Dont need to see the privates to tell thats a mentally unstable dude taking WhoreMoans.

Remember, 90% of dudes trying to pass as chicks cannot. This dude is firmly in the 90%.

It should be a crime to enable these people like some do.

If you're actually a tranny, tell us, we won't be mad. You're pretty cute and I'd love to make love to you, but I wouldn't if you were a liar

I meant you've never seen a woman's privates so you wouldn't know the difference

Yeah, cuz everyone on here must be a virgin in their mothers basement, not a 40's father of 4.

Go suck this dudes cock, and vote for bernie.

Are you blind? It's clearly a tranny. And now that it has seen that it can't fool anyone and isn't getting the attention it wanted, it's fucked off

>not a 40's father of 4
That's worse than calling yourself a virgin, shoulda just taken the hit

look at the self harm scars too, he'll join the 64% soon

femanons have vaginas

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I'm bi so I don't mind, but it is shit when they try to fool straight men or lesbians



almost every one of these people need psychological help, not hormones and surgery.

Think about if you knew someone that thinks their left hand isnt theirs, and keeps trying to cut it off. Would you encourage them and help them cut that hand off or would you do your best to get them some psychological help?

Its awful how these poor people are being treated, mostly for political points. I think this will age very badly. 50 yrs from now people are gunna be like 'WTF were they doing?" Kinda like we look at the witch hunts in salem.

You like?

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I agree, however, I do enjoy as im sure we all do, watching these mentally fucked cunts trying to pass, especially when they have self-harm scars too, hopefully, the video their suicide and give us some last enterainment

what an abomination

roadkill has fatter tits than you

you can literally see the adams apple you fag


It's a man

Lol this "femanon" needs to fuck off

Show us your dick

Would be kind of funny if after all this he actually had a pussy


Yeah, I suppose... But my main problem is they're now trying to get kids to take hormone blockers and become trans at 12, when they couldnt possibly know they are. They dont have the right to vote or smoke or drive, but can completely fuck up their body?

Its a sickness in society. And sad.

Dont worry. He doesnt.

and he never will