Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off
Rhe rrue rroblem rith /ree/ rrawfreads ris re rrocus arround rre rindiriduals and rot re rontrent. Rit's riterarry re ropposite of whrat rimageroards rere rreated rrorh.
Re reople rere RRhORCE ridentificration ronto re rosters rhere. Rreople rill rrlame rhe ravatarfrags, rand rrhile rey are in rart respronsibrr, rhey're rot rhe rrroot of re rroblem. Rhey're rerely a rymptom, a rymptom rhat rreinfrorces re regative rehavior of rocusing arround re rindividual, re rersona, and rot rhe rontent reing rroduced.
Ryou'll reeee rhat other rrawthreads rocus on rhe rontent. Rhell, ryou'll ree rhat on riterarry revery rover rrhread on the rite. It rreates a roonique, and rultimately rositive, rulture rhat rocuses on the rroduction of rentertaining and rintellectually rigorous rontent, repending on re roard and rread rhat is. Rimageroards were resigned to regate the rindividual, rhe rrersona. Rhey're rerigned to restroy any rattempt at rattention rrwhroring. It's whry we rave ro rikes, ro ravorites, ro rooser raccounts, and rith /ree/ in rarticular, ro ramefag roption. Rhere's a rreason rhy reople ron rimageroards renerally risrike ramefags, rriprags, and ravatarfrags. Rit's recause rit's a rirect rattack on the rery rrrrulture of rimageroards. Ro one rares arout ryou. Rhey only rare arout rhe rontent you rost.
Yet rere, in rhese rhreads, rhere are rarrons rhat rinsist on roing arainst reverything rimageroards rand ror, and rhey round a rooprole to arrow rheir rarrention rrhoring ronsrense. Rersorarities are the rocus on rhese rhreads, rot the rontent. And ruch rike you'd ree on rocial redia rose rery resign also rocuses on the rindividual, you're reft rith rold, recrycrred, runorigirral rontent rombined rith ronrensical rattention rwhoring and rendress rickering.
Ras rong as reople rocus on the rindiriduals rosting here and rot the ronrent, rhese rhreads are roing to re rexceptiorarry rhitty
Requesting her NTRing user
Do you ever wonder why you can never leave the Yas Forums drawthreads, even though you know they are a waste of your time? It's because you're trained like an animal. You type "draw" into the catalog, skim the thread, post something and sit there refreshing until activity pops up. Just like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and tumblr. You've become a social media drone. You may claim you're independent and can stop any time you want, but you never try because you're afraid.
You're afraid of finding out that you actually can't stop.
That this stupid thread you're sick of is a dirty temptation that keeps calling you back because 1 thread out of 12 that pop up a day were enjoyable. 24 hours and 3,600 posts later, you might get what you want.
You might laugh.
You might get a delivery.
You might be on at the same time as your favorite avatarfag.
But you probably won't.
Being the fastest drawthread on Yas Forums doesn't mean shit when people can't be banned.
Shitposters pollute threads to the point where a thread can hit 300 before a request is even done DECENTLY. Most requests should take 45+ minutes to ensure quality, but Yas Forums doesn't support that kind of time. In 45 minutes the thread might already be overrun by fetishfags who won't be banned for throwing tantrums on threads.
It's an ordeal that can be avoided in drawthreads on other boards. Hentai, adult cartoons and oekaki are always looking for talent and are grateful and diligent. They have drawthreads in better shape than here, and not only that, the shitposters get banned.
So stop putting up with the garbage people that can't leave Yas Forums. Go to another board and see what you've been missing.
Like this is some hilarious stuff scoob
Requesting these 3 women from The Fairly Odd Parents with cookies inside their pussies in this position.
I love how the person with the worst addiction to the drawthreads posts this copypasta
Is this the leyla I've heard so much about?
I mean, this isn't wrong.
Fuck off
Requesting Ruri getting lovingly knotted and impregnated by a dog
Requesting color.
Are Leyla eyes a meme or somethin? They kept bein brought up yesterday.
Would anyone be willing to draw a lewd that looks like a friend?
Fuck off
meme eyes
ye np ~
we're safe up here, no one can hurt us :(
can you see my house from there!?
Fuck off
requesting user shoving this flashlight up his ass
But why are they meme eyes?
Requesting Mallow wearing a qipao bound and gagged.
Fuck off
>it took him 1 hour to make that shit scribble
They're my most identifiable feature of my art.
I am here ready to do a request! Also hi how is everyone doing?
I want to fuck this thing but I'm not sure what my request involving Her should be. You other Anons got ideas?
Requesting Monster Musume's Liz (left) riding the cock of a lizardman monster guy (like what Liz is) shota and getting impregnated by him.
Front ref if it's needed: imgur.com
i want to see you fuck it i will pay you to fuck it
Requesting turning rule 63 Wendy into futa Wendy (female).
I like the middle torso
Just do a bunch of torsos
Different sizes and stuff
Can be severed if ya nasty
Can you draw this OC of mine? Nothing specific in mind
oh look it's you again. fuck you you sperging cunt
Hope I’m not misreading your post.
Requesting Todd getting fucked like the sample image on the right.
i want Chiro to be my waifu
Somebody completed your request already faggot
Gotta say, that's a lot less memey than I was expectin.
Requesting her getting raped from behind
Fuck off
Kiss, kiss, let's fall in love, user-kyun.
Fuck off
A tsundere? I can get behind a tsundere.
>also this
Fuck off
Now I remembered a shitty anime thanks file.png
There you go
>please consider this
Lol omg you really thought that was him
That was me you vendettafag
Give me an idea?
ahaha this guy thinks im prioritizing a drawthread over what im actually doing
hahaha oh lord
nice trips
idk man, one day we'll figure the threads secrets out
cute requests? no furry shit, no fetish shit
Fuck off
At your service, bro.
Fuck, didn't even realise I'd gotten trips. Still doesn't explain the memeing though.
>there is this to consider as well
You are becoming more and more irrelevant every time you post the most disgusting looking, shitty pieces of work you call "art".
Please just fuck right on off.
Fuck off
A Pretty girl that is strictly for headpats
shut up tranny
Nice work bro
Did my dad leave me?
I love how easily you infuriate the fetishfags here. You are the star of these threads
anchor point
Requesting this girl in your artstyle
>this suggestion is for you
I’m staying up here forever
Daaaaaaaamn you're gorgeous
Because you were a brat
Fuck off
Requesting name plZ
btw i wrote it wrong i wanted to say i'm ready to request again
Oh, stop it, you. I'm going to blush.
I’m sorry but you’re getting NTRd by fuckoff fag
>it's like this is calling to you
Rag ascended into the good life
I'm so happy for them
Fuck off
Why are the drawthread speeding through at light speed now?
Chiro is best waifu
Tits or gtfo.
If you are a trap you have like 1 million other threads on b to be, you arent welcome here.
Besides you suck at drawing if i draw better than you.
Requesting nude akito/agito from air gear pls
>this ones for you too
This guy?
Requesting this shota getting thigh fucked by a stranger pls
General Set, here's two extra pics of her. She's gotta be preggo in the delivery though.
no this girl
Kill yourself abusefag
Because avatartards that's why.
Abusefag will duplicate the thread message count with his spam so the threads are getting done real fast.
It's not like opening a new thread costs money.
I- what. No way, you gotta stop bullshittin me.
You wouldn't cheat on me, would you, sweetums?
i hope for insects in your pubic hair and for a corona carrier to cough on you repeatedly
What in the Panic at the Bobby's World Disco fuck
Fuck off
She sure is!
It’s true, I even know he has an f shaped birthmark next to his throbbing...
>this seems a good fit for you
bbbbthhhhh btbbthh truck.
Minors arent allowed on this site.
Fuck off
Just because he's an exhibitionist doesn't mean he's NTR'ing me, user. There's no way.
So charming.
Beeg truck go brrrr
And to think that i once thought that sperfags and fetishquesters were the true reason these threads went to shit...
Fuck off
Thread moving fast enough it doesn’t need a bump in angel
I can’t help but think of a tsundere now cuz of what was said
Always jealous of their lineart good for them
>this is light speed
You would’ve broken your neck at the old thread speeds
U should make a road in the sand
Fuck off