Do you think this guy would handle the pandemic better than the orange lump of orangutan shit
Do you think this guy would handle the pandemic better than the orange lump of orangutan shit
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How would a nigger do anything better? Obama was one of the worst presidents ever. Are all libtards retarded?
He sure wouldn't have fired the pandemic response team and replaced all the heads of orgs with political hacks.
He also wouldn't have said "I take no responsibility" like a 3 year old.
Yes. Even this guy would've.
Well, he certainly wouldn't publicly berate the American people at a press conference.
Say what you will, but Barack was one of the classiest guys to hold the position
And no I don't.
But what I do know is that if Obama was in this situation, some faggot on Yas Forums would post and ask if Bush would handled it better then this shit skinned nigger.
that nigger colored log of shit had more deaths then the orange man your so terrified of
nah, the media was on his side
Lol the fact that he’s black doesnt mean shit you retard, if he was white you would feel differently about him
>hUrR nIgGerS LiBRulS
yes you are such a shining beacon of intelligence
If that nigger were president the media wouldn't even bother talking about corona virus at all
probably not cause he was a pussy
No the press conference would have gone something like
Followed by some comment to divide everyone
Racism automatically invalidates everything you say
Give proof faggot or GTFO.
why dont you take that nigger cock ouuta your mouth and join the winning team
Doesn't sound like you were even around during his presidency.
im not a racist im a realists you fucks cant see past your own bigotry to figure that out
I’ve been around for 43 years. Jackoff
look up h1n1 and swine flu you uneducated fuck. stop getting your news from biased media and read a book
These facts are incorrect. A good American fact checks his memes before he posts them. Assholes dont.
You sir, are an asshole.
No Refunds
But Fox news says they are the only people we can trust!!
Agreed, and it would have a small but noticeable difference
43 years too many i'd say
Say nigger to somebody then explain that you’re a realist, I’m sure they’ll understand
He also didn’t go on TV and call it a republican hoax.
We are not blaming Trump for the virus, but we are blaming him for how he is handling the situation.
Contradicting and arguing with the surgeon general on live TV also is causing uncertainty about the issue.
Also, in regards to your post about the deaths caused by H1N1. The estimated death toll of COVID-19 could easily surpass 300,000.
yall are all bait chasers. eat it up faggots all of it from both sides. the world deserves the corona china virus. this website is proof of that
he would of handled it the same
trump supporters dont realize it,but they are just as left wing as obama
would he of though? Fucking moron.
Most likely not. We didn't have the health equipment then, and we don't have it now. Its the same with every country. Nobody was prepared for a pandemic at this scale, spreading this fast.
Its easy to blame it on Trump and make it political, but the situation would have been the same with any other president.
this shit was released by the libtards in cohots with the yellow man. trumps tards will believe every thing he says and their banking on that.
they hope he'll call an all good and shit returns to normal with his followers going outside and getting sick.
demtards are hoping that once they die or too sick to vote they'll take all the power.
We can judge how Obama would of handle this virus by how he handle H1N1 and Ebola.
bait chaser enjoy it faggot enjoy it all
yes,he would
the morons are trump voters who think donald trump is a republican god.he's just as left wing as the democrats
cant wait to see your faces in november when the blue wave happens,thanks to president orange faces lack of response to coronavirus
He couldnt handle insurance. What makes you think he can handle a virus.
i guess this would matter if ebola was even an issue in wasnt
next time try not being a zoomer fag who is edgy and alt right because his classmates are sjw libtards
lack of response, wasn't he the first to ban travel from China, and then Europe?
what is bait
>We are not blaming Trump for the virus
lol nice try newfa-...oh wait i see what you did there you wily fuck
oh wow,banning travel.that should work just about as great as gun control did to prevent gun violence
i hate trump supporters just as much as i hate democrats.your president is currently whining about the economy when he should be focused on preventing coronavirus.i hope you enjoy your precious economy when your sick and dieing from a disease that could of been prevented
they arent though
its like everything else trump has screwed up on.its either
1.immigrants fault
2.the media's fault
3.they ignore it and bring up something bad about obama or hillary
i guess right now we should hope that at the end of coronavirus,the people who died the most voted for donald trump.since republicans arent doing enough to get rid of them
>Most likely not.
>a person who accept science as fact vs another who decides what is fact
nice bait m80
eurofag spotted
for the love of god it's "would HAVE" not OF you mongoloid.
>fired the pandemic response team
>a small but noticeable difference
>oh wow,banning travel.that should work
Considering this virus spread all over the world by travel, yes. Europe should have closed their borders weeks earlier and the situation would have been a lot different.
We can only contain this virus by going full china style.
I blame Trump for the spread, the confusion, and the misinformation.
>Do you think this guy would handle the pandemic better than the orange lump of orangutan shit
Yes. ANYONE would handle the pandemic better than the orange lump of orangutan shit.
And don't insult orangutans like that.
Who is that?
lack would have response?
Jan 29 2020, Trump sets up Coronavirus team
Jan 31 2020, Trump bans travel from China
Politicians and media mock Trump for fear mongering, xenophobia, and pointless trade war because Chinese Wuhan Virus is not that bad, and the Flu is worse.
Trump continues to do a good job while impeachment fails.
Trump tries to keep economy going strong and people calm by stating that there are plans in place and work being done.
Media then flips out and causes panic, the great TP shortage of 2020 begins and the economy suffers
Trump, and most of congress works together to get a stimulus/aid bill passed that will give money to all U.S. citizens to help them out.
Key democrats come back from a vacation and stop the bill from passing, because they don't want Trump to have a chance to look good.
Who knows?
Absolutely without question. The WHO and the CDC wouldn't have had to twist his arm for a full month.
im just happy that you are here to discuss this matter friend. Lets make a difference on the inturnet guys
the numbers for h1n1 was after a whole year
we are just getting started with covid19 with no end in sight
>fired the pandemic response team
This is what the media comes up with during a crisis, more bullshit for idiots to regurgitate.
They just reorganized one of the offices that deal with this sort of thing into another.
No. That nigger was a disaster.
actually,america could contain the virus a hell of alot better by getting rid of donald trump.but since that isnt happening.lets just hope people remember this in november,and the republican party regrets even considering donald trump as their presidental nomination to begin with
Corona "virus" isn't real fuckwad, it's Chinese propaganda
he says,while cheering on donald trump even though america ranks among the worst at handling coronavirus
He was a racist that divided the nation and sold out the U.S. by colluding with terrorists and Russia
Well given the fact the virus is from fucking China, why aren't you bitching about people bringing it back from there? Which you won't answer, as you instead will go on about faggy rant about drumpf or republicans or some other bullshit that doesn't make any sense, like you do literally every fucking day
>I blame Trump
At least you're honest
Have you noticed people say "loose" a lot now instead of "Lose"?
Cool, thanks
No way. Obama would have pretended it wasn't happening and called the whole thing a hoax just like Trump. Exactly the same, as others have said: No difference whatsoever!
>divided the nation
and yet,trump has did nothing to unite the nation.go whine about the news media more,retard
i think we need to celebrate every death you hear of coronavirus from people who voted for donald trump.since your the fucking problem in america
>which you wont answer
because people are stupid,i bitch about the fact that if america quarantined people wouldnt be an issue right now.but nope,your just as dumb as your fucking president is
also,dont even call them republicans anymore.they arent worth being called that,they are trump supporting pieces of shit now
good luck melting down in november when trump can thank his response to coronavirus for that
>actually,america could contain the virus a hell of alot better by getting rid of donald trump.
I think people are using this as a golden opportunity to blame everything related to Corona on Trump since you have nothing else to criticize him for.
This is less about Corona and more about Trump.
probably not, Obama is more like-able but he couldn't even master the exonomy.
once again you refuse to answer,why you are not whining about ching chongs spreading it around the do know the virus is from there right?where is your faggy rant about china covering up the virus?
the only people who will be melting down,is cock sucking retards like youll even start calling the election rigged.anything you can come up with for your team losing agian.
Conveniently missing is all the information regarding how he set up the response team. And more. But what fucks can I give? The fire is already burning.
Yes, I honestly don't think Trump is the reason for a virus' existence. Thanks, faggot, for simultaneously acknowledging that the virus came from somewhere else, but omitting "for the spread" from your incorrigible analysis.
It wouldn't have made much difference regardless of who was in the shite house.
Why not handle it like China and deny the virus exists for several months?
Trump is at fault for China spreading the virus? Yeah sorry, that's not how that works
meant to quote
Obama had a pandemic response team.
Trumptard got rid of it.
>I blame Trump for the spread
>Trump is at fault for China spreading the virus
Learn basic English. Or fiddle with your mountain of toilet paper, whatever's easier for you.