Why the fuck do you not like White Pride supporters? If there's Black Pride then it's only fair to have White Pride

Why the fuck do you not like White Pride supporters? If there's Black Pride then it's only fair to have White Pride.

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Ssshh.. don't be right it's hurts libreals feelings

Your race is not an accomplishment. Racial pride is retarded.

We all know that only white people can be racist.

Yes that individual should abandon all the principles and lessons that brought his existence into being.

Heil Hitler!

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Because those 'white' people aren't white. You pale Indian chink.

Kek, you're intellectually inferior which is why when presented with something you disagree with you call everyone names from a list of Yas Forums talking points. Not an orginal thought in that easily manipulated 12 year old head of yours.

Kike, plz. I am 27 years old.

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He sold his daughter to the Jews you know

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Trump is a kike himself you know. Christian=kike

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Which makes it even more sad and pathetic. Seek help for your mental illness

You didn't know jesus was jewish? C'mon

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white pride is fuckin your cousin then starring in autism by the dozen

You're just proving how retarded you are. You're literally a broken record, crying about Jews and their superiority.

The kinds of people who say this are either mixed or just black.

Your entire sanity is riding on believing this anyway so keep on doing that.

Basically you start to realize your entire existence is a net negative on the planet no matter how hard you try. sad.

>The boss is always superior
amerishart detected

jews are so poor, all they have is money

>You're just proving how retarded you are. You're literally a broken record, crying about Jews and their superiority.

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I do like white pr... wait a minute.
I only like KKK

>When your ideology is so weak you have to samefag and use the same insult on people who clearly aren't jewish

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Being a tranny is a mental illness, but most pride members don't

Everyone born in that time and place was born an ethnic jew. He devoted his life to denouncing the Jewish faith and for them to follow in his (jesus') footsteps. He may have been an ethnic Jew but if a jew spends his life trying to take people away from the Jewish faith I wouldn't consider him a real Jew in the slightest. They crucified him because of it. Calling Jesus a Jew is like calling a man born into a Christian home a Christian even though he dedicated his life Allah and trying to convert people to the Muslim faith.

The moment I stopped caring about white pride when I realized 80% of whites are self-hating cuckolds who slurp up nigger ball NBA NFL shit or rap music

I'm not proud, I'm glad.

White pride* not the gays they're mostly mentally ill

So true. Just proves their ideology can't exist unless they make up scapegoats.

* to allah

There's no demonstrable evidence that Jesus existed at all.

kys faggot, Jesus wasn't a Jew

That's not really the point. It's theology.

>Enjoying things makes you a cuckold
This is why you're a virgin

The story books says that the the romans crucified him because he was jewish and didn't follow the roman pagan beliefs, and christianity got founded by his jewish followers when he died, and therefore the jewish sect of christianity got founded. Have you studied the bible and torah?

Then what type of family was Jesus born into?

>Jesus was an ethnic jew who hated jews
>Hitler was an ethnic jew who hated jews

Exactly, white pride I'd exactly the same thing as black pride. And black pride is gay as fuck.

Pilate (Roman) was forced to crucified jesus because of the jews influence. He wanted to let Jesus go, the jews saw jesus as a man that committed blasphemy so he couldn't just let Jesus walk. Pilate gave a crowd of Jews the choice of who to crucify; barabbas or Jesus. Pilates thought they would choose barabbas because he was a rapist and a murderer. The high Jewish priests incited the mob and through their anger of jesus' denouncing of the Jewish faith chose to crucify Jesus instead of barrabas. Typical kike move.

Saying Christianity is a Jewish religion is silly. The leader of the faith was crucified by the jews because he denounced that very religion and was influencing people to step away from it to follow him instead.

I've studied the bible more than the Torah but the short answer is yes.

It's almost like Hitler was the second coming, world war two was the holy war of good vs. evil, evil won and now we're living in the 1,000 years of darkness that was to follow. Interesting to think about, isn't it?

People who advocate black pride are less likely to advocate racial supremacy. People who advocate white pride are more likely to advocate racial supremacy. This is why society is against a white pride movement and says nothing about a black pride movement.


Maybe you are right. I have never studied the bible or torah, but a lot of history books. If what you are saying is right it's really shocking that the romans was that heavily influenced by the jews since the pagan romans got the power of palestine/judea at the time.I have only studied a little christianity sinja my family is christian, but overall i study paganism or odinism. I see some connections since the christian side of my family really backs up the jews and israel. But we both know that a kike is really a snake

Primarily because they're the cancer which they purport to cure, which is the case with everyone with tendencies of the populist right--in which tribal identity gains at the expense of prestige to high culture generally. At every turn of argument, they beg for subjugation by arbitrary authority no matter what the subject of controversy is, or how a question about it is framed, and are about as hostile to the Renaissance cognitive style as the average African warlord is.

Actual faggots


pride shit is for minorities dude, white pride is just a cringe circle jerk. like imagine rich folks all congratulating each other on being rich and marching around declaring that it's great to be rich. like yeah no shit dude, go enjoy it instead of bragging about it

you again? the actual Yas Forums jew


I'm proud to be white

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The Roman Empire as powerful as it was was in fact invisibly controlled by jews, the banks as well as people of political influence. It's almost like the U.S., on the surface the country seems like a strong independent nation but the reality is that it's controlled by jews. A proxy, so to speak.

There are parts of the old testament that speak about protecting israel but Jesus openly denounces Jews many times and never says they're our allies. Most practicing Christians today study the new testament, or at least they should. The laws in the old testament were put in place before Jesus and part of Jesus living and dying for our sins means we aren't supposed to live by the old rules, aka the kikes rules. Something that's blurried quite a bit if you go to church, but true Christians do not follow the ways of the old testament, for that is of the jew, and jews are evil. There are interesting stories and lessons can be learned from those stories but the laws and rules spoken about in the old testament were created by practicing jews, not true Christians. That's where the judeo-Christian bullshit comes from but is absolutely wrong. The bible is often printed with the old testament, but I'll reiterate and say true Christians do not live under those rules.

>rome controlled by jews

>The Roman Empire as powerful as it was was in fact invisibly controlled by jews
Jesus. Soon I'll be encountering posts about a copy of Torah that Seneca maintained in secret crypts excavated to house backup copies of his ledgers, or how he deliberately setup Nero to fail during his tutelage.

In old rome they were roughly 10 percent of the roman population. They controlled the Roman banks. Much like today where they're less than two percent of the global population but control all of the worlds central banks.

Are you fimilar with the 'cleansing of the temple' story?

We all know the US is controlled by jews, after seeing all the money sent to israel nowadays.

When i got the time to i will study more of the bible and torah, but i suggest everyone to study hàvamal (ancient northern european holy book) before, because the abrahamic religions is younger than norse religion/mythology. Then you can see what christianity and judaism have copied from the much more wiser religon. For example santa claus is a copy of odin. legend says he rode through the winter with gifts over 10.00 years ago according to old norse tales and hàvamal

Why would Seneca be keeping ledgers? I thought Seneca was a philosopher, author, and playwright.

Because both white pride and black pride are degenerate Burgerland ideas. Normal European, African and Asian peoples don't go for that mutt ideology bullshit as the rest of us still have our tribal, ethnic, national and racial identities.

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I'll be sure to do that, do you have a source? I doubt I can just pick up a copy of the hàvamal lol

Pride is not an idea faggot, its more of a sense of belonging to something good

The Jew is a pest, but not to the extent some people give them. Think of them as a disease. They can enter your body only when your immunity is low. The US and Rome both got Kiked badly once they were already on the road to decline. While the US and Rome were strong functional societies the Kike was no problem .

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Well, I have plenty of pride in my European race. What dose white even mean? Are Greeks white? How about Turks? How about Italians? Many white nationalists don't consider half of Europe to be white.

Pride of something you are born with wow much achievement

whites aren't superior pal, there is plenty of white trash out there, degenerate slaves retnecks etc.

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Hey listen we put up with your nigger, woman trash now it's time for real equality

There are many different versions of havamal, just like the bible and other religious books but you can find many on ebay. I have an ebook account to read online but the only book i have found in stores is called The sacret hàvamal. Difficult to find these books outside of scandinavia in the book stores though

That makes no sense xD

Nazis/WSups deserve a claw hammer to each eyeball so they bleed to death seeing nothing but black.

Greeks and italians are consideres white iin my view because they are european, just tanner. Even albanians and bosnians are white even though they are muslims

Greeks and italians are consideres white iin my view because they are european, just tanner. Even albanians and bosnians are white even though they are muslims

That's a very good way to look at it.