Mr Johnson is addressing the nation at 20:30 from Number 10

Mr Johnson is addressing the nation at 20:30 from Number 10.

If he tells me to not go out I'm heading straight out cos I hate Boris Johnson.

Seriously, fuck this guy

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Your Johnson is ugly and small.

Don't blame him, he's trying his best. It's people like Piers Morgan who are whipping up hysteria and trying to force these measures through.

he has piggy little eyes

Lol okay mate


So you're going to put yourself and your neighbours at risk because you dislike Boris Johnson? Well, I guess that'll really show him - he'll never recover from that

He will need to say something judging by the stupid people ignoring all advice.

Seeing groups still hanging out
Busses and trains full,
Stupid people with masks on but still holding on public handles ?

You can’t help the very stupid , but unfortunately they can still carry and kill others .

To go off-topic for a sec. Can anyone explain to me the sudden interest in hoarding toilet paper?

So let's have all our rights taken away because of a few morons. Let's destroy our economy (which by the way would lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands if not millions), destroy our society, just ruin everything.

The way people are acting is ridiculous. People are going to die either way, imposing draconian measures which kill them indirectly isn't going to help


>If he tells me to not go out I'm heading straight out cos I hate Boris Johnson.
You are literally what is wrong with this country. Fucking brainlet. But yes, Johnson is a useless tool.

The stupidity is off charts. I thought we'd do better than this but the british public have proven me wrong. Utter retards.

ha OP eat that


A psychologist on the radio said it gives panicked people a sense of being in control, because it's one thing they need and don't have to worry about. Also the whole internet went full-on with the TP memes for a few days and I guess the unthinking majority got spooked and went buying as much as they could, thinking there would somehow be disruption to the supply.

Pick one faggot

>bat eating chinaman
>chinese virus
>virus very killy
>everyone poop in pantalon
>need tp, lots

On the British scale, he's a 9/10. Maybe 9.5.

I mean.. They voted for brexit and a party full of eton boys with rich daddies, a tendency for nepotism and a long track record of not looking after the people (Read underfunded NHS, Schools, benefit cuts to the elderly and infirm) Now we're facing a crisis and the government they put in power, and voted to be given even more power, doesn't have the moral compass or competence to navigate this shit effectively.

So you think Comrade Corbachov or the Labour Party (who only care about immigrants and transgenders) would do better? Hahahahahahahahaha

Haha idiot. Unless your're a slave driving business owner or want to own a gun, UK has as many rights as the US

This guy should be appointed emergency PM or at the very least Chancellor

Best we've ever had

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Not if you want to make porn

>only care about immigrants and transgenders
If you can't be serious, I won't take you seriously.

What the fuck are you on about?

It's true though. My town has been Labour for 100 years, had Labour councils for almost has long, and it's gone nowhere. Labour have allowed it to fester, whilst giving more money to London because most of them live in posh houses in Shoreditch.

I totally believe you dude. Double 00 speaks the truth. CHECKED

Look it up m8

Is there a posh pronounciation of shore ditch, like posh people pronounce streatham as "St Reathams".

Look what up?

You're talking shit.

What's wrong with him?
I'm new to the UK. Just moved here from Atlanta.
Compared to American politics, it seems he suggests responsibility onto the public, instead of making empty promises.

Mate, he's just shut down all the pubs. Your out of a job me old cobba.

Is your town econimically viable or is it a ghost town with no sustainable industry? There's a lot of small towns in the north of the UK that cling on to its existence even though the industry that made it a suitable location has been gone for decades, and these places expect some magic wand to be waved or some minor miracle to fix the problems, and blame whichever party is in power for not throwing money at them in a useless attempt to stop them facing the reality that without a sustainable industry, small/remote towns are not feasable except for quiet retirement villages.

Ask all the hipsters who used mummy and daddy's money to move there!

Enjoy your chinese nigger aids!

British GEOTUS.

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Depends, really. We're adjacent to a major city, close to two well regarded universities, have Europe's largest shopping centre, reasonably large scale manufacturing, and major cultural sites too. If any northern town can survive we can (and we also didn't really have one industry back in the day - parts were based on coal, parts were shipbuilding, parts were transport/logistics)

When in danger, when in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.
Danger, danger, Will Robinson!

>Get arrested for making joke
>Have rights
Ok cuck

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Here we goooooo

It's been in the public subconscious for a few years now.

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Double 00 speaks the truth. Can't ask them, theyre all blocked in customs, returning from their 'gap year' in far east exotic lands, the posh bush meating wank pots of elephant cum

Good idea, just die you brainless fuck

>the day when Great Britain starts measuring in centimeters

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Holy fuck. Nice err whatever it is. Thanks for chan

I genuinely think we should burn straw effigies of Piers Morgan - thanks for putting us all under house arrest, you jumped up little twat!

Mr Johnson has cancelled Britain

I know a boozer near me doing a lock in for the tob boys, I'm heading out for a good sesh

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>A psychologist on the radio said it gives panicked people a sense of being in control
That is the most viciously disingenuous account of how the psychology of panic buying or selling works that I've ever heard of. It's literally a scramble to get ahead of the curve, in this case before being in crowded public places becomes more dangerous than it is. The people who shop further ahead of the curve actually do gain more control in reality, not just perception, just as those who sell further ahead of a downturn all indicators point to, are in reality better off for having done so.

Independence is a good thing. The EU imposes its will upon its subjects without any election required. If you don't see the harm in this, you're absolutely fucking retarded. The fact that it took over 4 years to get out of it after democratic process shows just how evil the concept really is.

Look at those handsome men!

>From this evening people must stay at home except for shopping for basic necessities, daily exercise, any medical need and travelling to and from essential work.
I can absolutely fucking guarantee my work will claim to be essential work tomorrow when i turn up. Too many managers will lose their tasty quarter end bonus if we don't.
Bunch of cunts.

Britain has used the metric system officially since 1970

It's weird how many people people think unelected, unrepresentative bureaucracies like the EU and the UN are more moral, just, and efficient. I think it's the totalitarian in them -- "if only the right people [me] were running things!" Which is course is straight out of Mussolini's plauybook.

Do it then you dopey cunt. I hope you and everybody like you suffers horribly after you get chink flu.

He was a fucking awful PM. Wanted the job for years, plotted to get it, thwarted Blair at every turn and, when he finally walked into No. 10, didn’t have a clue what to do. During the 2008 financial crash he was just acting as a super-Chancellor

>Wake up at 8.50
>Get out of bed and turn on computer
>Sit in 9.00am meeting with team from work
>Go back to bed

This aint all bad you know

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Nobody is taking your rights away you dumb cunt. You literally don't have a right that lets you ignore public safety in a time of crisis.
Kill yourself and please don't ever breed mongo.

So what work do you do?

Feinds, nomads, and cunty men, it has been nice not knowing you. In the words of bill and ted.

Dont fear the reaper
I mean be excellent to each other

We're lucky Brown was PM during the financial crisis. He had one job to do and done it well. Other world leaders followed his guidance as one of the most respected economic guys of his time.

Fucking hell double 00 guy. Please rescue me. Also be a hot sexy long legged blond with...
Nah fuck it, please be sean connery.

Yes they are, they are forcing people into a state of house arrest. All just to prolong the life of a couple of hundred thousand old people.

Are you really that stupid?

Well he dain't get me my fucking giro on time did he? And being a scot he shudn ken that.

If he hadn’t had been he would have just done the same job as Chancellor

Build stuff for monitoring and protecting transmission of electricity. But we're really early in the food chain, stuff going out the door won't hit the grid for months as it has to be assembled into panels elsewhere.
But they'll bullshit any authorities who question it by claiming power will go out without us which is total shit...especially when our competitors build better, cheaper and faster delivered stuff and our warranties and service agreements are the only things keeping us competitive.

Hardly stupid to think forcing your people to stay inside and tanking your economy over less than 1% of the population is a bad idea. You've been listening to way too much Piers Morgan.

At least we're still allowed to go food shopping. They better have whiskey left on the shelves

We should have a new general election once corona has wiped out the elderly and labour have elected a non demented leader.