How does one stay motivated when forced to work from home? Also porn webms.
How does one stay motivated when forced to work from home? Also porn webms
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Do you have adhd? If not get adhd. Vyvanse and Adderall will make anyone enjoy working whether they have it or not. It's a miracle for some and you can argue a therepeutic dose is similar to coffee as a crutch.
Well, you can stop focusing on porn and just sit down and get to it. After a bit you get lost in it. Time spent dreading it is time it spends working you. Time spent fapping before it is time it spends working you.
Good advice is good
Try to remember how many people aren't able to work right now, because their workplace is closed. You're actually in a fortunate position that you can still work from home and still have an income. The economy is tanking, so you're fucked if you need to find a new job right now
be glad you even have a job? since im pretty sure that alot of people who dont work from home that have gotten their jobs closed wont be returning
its funny how people casually ignore the past 4 years and only focus on the economy when coronavirus is tanking it
1) start your day as usual, shower, ...
2) wear proper clothes, similar what you would wear to work
3) create a designated working area where you ONLY spend time working; for everything else move away from that place; can be as small as a certain desk
4) set yourself goals and make a plan for when you want to work on what
basically do everything exactly as you would when going to work, except you go to your designated work place, and not to the office.
Stock prices are falling faster than they ever have in recorded history, of course people are going to care
>of course people are going to care
they are caring about the wrong thing though,who cares about the fucking economy.lets care about coronavirus first,your money is gonna do no good when your dead from it
either way,my trump voting father comes home and bitch's about the stock market everyday and it irritates me,so maybe this just a personal thing
i have no faith in donald trump fixing the economy though,he cant even handle coronavirus right let alone a failed economy
holy shit
that's a great body
I know right. another gem for you brother
shut the fuck up fatso nigger. go buy a wig and a new keyboard. worthless faggot waste
ahegao face is barely tolerable in anime, it should never cross over to real porn
I think it's because, for most people, the virus itself won't be more than an inconvenience... hopefully. Everyone's kind of assuming that we'll be stuck at home for a couple months at most, and then we'll all get vaccines and get back to our lives.
The problem is that if stock prices keep falling at this rate, a lot of people won't have jobs to go back to. We're already seeing some industries, like air travel and movie theatres, basically collapsing from a lack of income.
I have no income, i'm eating into my savings to pay rent, utilities and buy food.
And the icing on the cake? I just found out I inherited £50k of shares just as the worlds economy shits the bed.
I don't even have them yet, and I already watched about 3K value wiped off of them.
>shut the fuck up fatso nigger. go buy a wig and a new keyboard. worthless faggot waste
aww, are your widdle feelings hurt?
Vyvansefag here. I've been on Adderall, both long-acting and multiple doses throughout the day. Vyvanse is light years better. The curve is a lot gentler and there's no crash when it runs out.
Right now I pay $11 a day for it. Totally worth it, but if anyone knows a legal way to get it for less than $330 a month, please share.
Are you fucking high?!
looks like Jane Wilde and Emily Willis
This 100%.
Also, if you can't self-motivate in other areas of your life already...I've got bad news for you.
I'm lucky enough that I work for an essential service (FCC, telephony). Since lots of people are using this time to catch up with each other by phone, my workplace is basically offering overtime to anyone who wants it until all the building is at capacity. Luckily, the way things are set up you rarely even see your coworkers, let alone get near them, and they supply all the sanitizing wipes (for workstations) and hand sanitizer (for hands and whatever else you want to sanitize) that you could want.
Frankly, I'm glad I can't work from home but still have this job. I'd never get any work done at home: I always have to have another space to focus on work.
Pic not exactly porn, but I love this video clip so much.
But don't give up hope. I struggled the first 20 years of my adult life with undiagnosed ADD. The way it manifested was so bizarre: It was like I had a compulsion, but it was a compulsion to NOT do things. Anything that seemed important, I couldn't fight this anti-compulsion, and I would put things off and put things off until they were late and became an emergency.
Being unable to pay bills on time and make important appointments was bad enough. I couldn't even do fun things that were important to me. I'd buy a new vidya that I had been looking foreward to for months, open it up, and then say "Nope, time to do some more level grinding in this older RPG."
Then a professional I was seeing actually took the time to listen to what my history was like and she said "Sounds like you have ADD. Let's see if we can treat that.". A couple pills later and the anti-compulsion was under control and I could get shit done like an adult instead of fucking everything up like a kid.
Tl;dr you might have ADD, you might be running life's race with your shoelaces tied together, see a professional, you might become a chad.
Not even. It's hourly, and my regular hours are only part time.
The pay is shitty. Substantially better than minimum wage, but still not enough for me and my disabled wife to live on. My boomer dad helps me out. Obviously I'm not going to try to get a better job right now, partly because most jobs in my area pay about the same, and partly because I hate my current job less than any previous job I've ever had.
A man of culture and good taste , I've done the work for these people;
Have a blessed day, faggots
Ah fuck forgot the link
K now have a based day, cocksuckers
HOLY SHIT this sounds EXACTLY like my own struggle! I'm 25 years old, I was diagnosed with adhd as a kid but I don't think my parents or anyone took it serious. I'm not hyperactive but I absolutely cant overcome myself to do the important things.
Do you have to take the pills for the rest of your life? Are there any side effects?
Peta jenson
Have a drug plan. Not be a fat burger eating American cunt.
I just get to suck my neighbors dick a couple times a day. Gotta have something to look forward to waking up to.
sauce? gotta watch this
I’ve been Playing switch, reading comics, lifting weights, texting, and going on 4 Chan between calls.
Afaik, the pills are for life, but I consider it a fair trade-off. I didn't have any side effects, but that doesn't mean nobody has them, so you might.
I call the anti-compulsion my invisible bear. If I want to do something important, I have to fight the bear, and it's really exhausting. Sometimes I see the fight coming and just give up on doing whatever it is because I don't have the energy to fight.
Without medication, the only thing that gets me to pay the ISP bill is having my internet cut off, even tough I know they'll charge me an extra $30 to turn it back on.
We all cast spells on ourselves after performing routine rituals. It’s the only way to become successful. Work ethic is a myth.
Hm, thanks.
ta his girl is a chinigger, it quite rare to see one