We can no longer trust or vote for Trump

We can no longer trust or vote for Trump.

It's Over.

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Says who? Trumps the man Trump2020

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Says all the people that died on his watch

4 more years faggot. buckle up.

He's gonna be in PRISON soon for the Americans he got infected and killed

We can actually trust him more than ever. He took down Epstein, Weinstein, and more to come. You're all shitting your pants you adenochrome junkies, you're ALL going down.

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your mom's the man

Hopefully you will get the virus soon and can thank Mr.Trump on your deathbed

OH look another reeeeeeeeeeee thread. Day after day do you really think you're making a difference?

>>Also this potato.jpeg

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Your vote never mattered to begin with. Your opinion is worth less than your vote.

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He's just giving himself enough rope to hang himself.
Won't be missed.

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you never could trust him faggot. why don’t all of you white fags go back to europe instead of being illegal immigrants? fuck off back to europe and take orange cuck too

Biden's gonna be in a home before November, do you genuinely think you guys have a chance?


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Is he tired of winning?

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The Democrats are voting shit down we need for political reasons. Right now. I like Trump. And if the Democrats keep it up. I am voting for Trump. In November. I'm a independent. So I don't give a fuck. I vote for who I feel like voting for. Plus I despise the open borders and gay agenda the Democrats are pushing. I trust Trump. He doesn't endorse that and is an American patriot. I like President Trump. He loves the U.S.A.

lol why do you type like such a fag tho

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Fuck off kike, all you can do is lose.

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lol, what did Trump do to spread it? Do you actually think Hillary would have done a better job?

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Lucky for us they cant vote!

hillary developed the virus with obama of course she couldnt have done any better

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Cause I'm awesome.

ayyy lmao

Trump ties are awesome!

i think atleast 8 more years is more accurate

Trump didn't do any of that shit. Do you think he is responsible for great ribs? How about that nice smooth road? He doesn't get to take credit for shit he had no hand in.

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I agree.

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Im voting Trump 2020 and everyone i know is too lol

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yes he did, he was playing 4345d chess, put all these people in jail just like he put killary in jail and your god obama is next. You cucks are gonna be so butthurt

everyone is.we are gonna see putin esque win %, somewhere around 80-90% of the vote

Trump is a kike, but every other candidate is even worse than a kike

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you must be overjoyed with the Middle East peace plan then. Also the embassy being moved to Jerusalem.

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>We can no longer trust or vote for Trump.
You never did, nigger. Thats why your opinion is irrelevant.

Lazy ass bitch, you haven't even given us a invalid reason or made up story as why.

It's sad how an entire party has turned into such faggots. I would be embarrassed to be seen in public if I were a liberal.

I dont give a shit about peace in the middle east, it wont happen

why would we have in the first place?

Dow jones doesnt even have a svale youre too trash to even use statistics, get rekt. Trump2020

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russian bot checking in


>russian bot checking in

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We certainly can't vote for him right now -- the election is not until November. By then, we'll know for sure how this current crisis is resolved, and will take that into account when we vote.

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I don;t let Trump live in my head all the time, and so do not usually pay much attention to the memes about him. But the Super Long Tie thing is so goofy, I admit to smiling at it.

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lol'd,chances are we'll still have coronavirus then.and i bet donald duck uses it to declare a state of emergency and shut the polling places down in an attempt to keep himself president

You seriously think a shitty flu virus is going to stump the Trump?

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How you gunna feel reposting this thread daily for another 4 years?

Remember he put fucking his Vice President in charge of the virus because he didn’t take it as seriously until weeks later

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