Can you imagine still voting for this moron after coronavirus...

can you imagine still voting for this moron after coronavirus? will you even be able to vote in november or will this piece of shit try to shut the voting places down and crown himself king of america

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Yes I can imagine voting for him again, yes we will vote in November, yes he will win.

No I couldn't possibly imagine anyone being bamboozled by him anymore. I hope we do vote come november, so I can vote against this dope.

MAGA 2020

Go suck dicks on Reddit, you tranny faggots

America realized how fucked up republicans are and how they will rather kill half of the people, than have decent healthcare for every american. Like any first-world country

>> MAGA 2020 Go suck dicks on Reddit, you tranny faggots
And here we have seen this poster utilize their entire vocabulary. Good job, sir or ma'am. Or both.

Don't worry guys
Because of the Chinese virus pandemic, you're going to be able to submit your votes via your Chinese phone

>decent healthcare

you mean like obamacare? lol'd,first off.he hasnt even replaced that yet

2nd,its not decent healthcare

and in another 4 years you and I will vote for him again, god bless you and god bless america

He’s going to either cancel the election or refuse to concede if he loses.

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the elites are laughing at us
>the virus was patented by Bill Gates' Pirbright Institute in 2015
US Patent 10130701
>Event 201, an exercise funded by the Bill Gates Foundation where members of "several industries, national governments, and key international institutions" (((predicted))) and simulated a coronavirus pandemic in OCTOBER 2019, a month before the chinese wet market near the Wuhan BSL-4 lab infected the supposed patient zero
^^^event 201 in its entireity
>said Wuhan BSL-4 lab (founded in 2015) has a history of creating hybrid coronaviruses and weaponizing them
>World Health Organization claimed it was nothing and worried more about racism than actually containing the virus.
>within three days of it going out of china, all wannabe commies start claiming the need for immediate martial law, all right-wing leaders preaching calm shouted down in favor of fear and chaos
reportedly 10 cases for every 1 reported case, meaning the mortality rate is actually something like 0.5 percent at worst
>media incites mass panic, spends 3 weeks saying everyone will die if infected, tells people not to panic when it arrives in the west
overnight, the world's media and governments starts shilling terms like self-isolation, social distancing, flatten the curve, etc.
>governments around the world are passing increasingly authortiarian laws (including martial law) with no end date and infinite resignability, this goes unreported and is cheered on by general public

he has coronavirus, he won't make it to november. he's too old and too fat.


AND Trump's cronies will get a $4trillion pay-off from all of this so they can buy the next election. Even if they fail, they will have cashed out.

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First leader to shut down borders... yea such a moron.. if you want to find the real moron, look into the mirror.. moron.

BuT iT cAmE FrOM chINa

says the trump supporter who voted for a president who speaks like a special education class 3rd grader

as a serious response,im pretty sure spain has the most coronavirus cases now

JoE BiDeN was in Chine once. It's HIS fault!

Fuck Obama and Nancy and chuck

you have no clue who i voted for dummy... did u vote for Clinton!!! LOL!~!!!! too dumb to turn off CNN ?

>as a serious response
Oh wow, that's like saying the Japanese created atomic weapons because that's where they ended up. Please do not vote.

He's always been a full-fledged RETARD.

Anyone who votes for him deserves to be electroshocked.

Kill yourself you retard-worshiping faggot.

so you on the side of the media and the dems? you Chinese ? if not your a fucking moron.

He's never won anything in his worthless life.

Fuck off traitor. MAGA 2020

I'll take your bait. Yes, people are still going to vote for him. He's not responsible for COVID-19 and he doesn't have absolute authority over the CDC anyways. He can control their budget, but not much he can avtually do to interfere with their operations otherwise. Aside from that, he can't prevent people from being retarded and going against the advice the CDC has given out, which is all they dare do given America's current social and political climate (people literally begging for Civil War 2.0 is a bad sign for the government, so they're not about to forcibly lock everyone in their own house and risk actually causing it to happen). Also, the government can't totally shut down voting in America anyways. Delay voting, maybe. But term laws are very strict. Not even Martial Law can give a politician the right to totally shut down voting, despite what people think (try actually reading the laws regarding Martial Law, rather than making assumptions about something because it sounds scary). Couple all of this with the fact that the Democratic party has been acting ridiculously stupid ever since Trump got voted in, and they shot down their only candidate who stood an actual chance against Trump, and you have a perfect recipe for Trump Term #2. I'm not a genius, nor can I read the future- both of which should be obvious given that I even bothered typing this wall of text over such a stupid argument, but I digress. Trump is likely to win a second term, but it's always possible he won't. We'll just have to wait and see who bothers showing up to the polls and where they decide to put their votes.


Yeah, too bad he also "shut down" the pandemic response team, the CDC's budget and the fucking test kits from the WHO, huh, you bootlicking fuckwit?

Italy is doing great with their universal heathcare

>shut the voting places down and crown himself king of america
fucking hope so

you all are nuts.....

lol conspiracy faggots always deliver on chuckles.. Yes Timmy you're right! it's an illuminati microsoft death plague chinese hoax! fake news et cetera.. Now take your thorazine like a good boy..

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guess what.. i have a job that this wont effect .. how bout u??? LOLOLOLOL

The Dems have brains. The GOP are enemy criminals sucking off the worst president in US history and a pathological liar. They ALL deserve to hang.

im pretty sure you voted for donald trump.idiot,there the only ones who cry about the news media and hillary clinton still

have fun after coronavirus makes you even more poor and stupid

Guillotined in 8 seconds if he does.

I'm voting for TRUMP eat a dick blue haired snowflakes. Fuck y'all with your silly ideas of communism. Get a fucking job. Nobody's gona support your bitch azzzzzzzz

Woah, an actual intelligent response

Nope. Conservatives would like it and liberals are too pussy

Trump is the enemy and you are a fucking subhuman pile of shit and an imbecile to boot.

>muh handouts and comyunizm bullshit
The only handouts go to corporations and billionaires. FUCK them.

Those who voted for Trump and continue to support him have never done so for logical reasons. You should know this by now, OP.
The liberals and the alt right aren't even playing the same game; for the alt right, it's not about what's right. It's about winning.
Those who voted for Trump will continue to support him until the end of time, no matter what is said or done by anyone.

tje demcunts are the one you should worry about. trumps wants ppl to vote. the demcunts would be the 1st ones to shut down voting all in the name of public safety

>the media

>the dems

news flash trumpturd,donald trump has been a democrat most of his life.his family are life long democrats,why do you maga hat turds ignore this?

>alt right

nobody cares about the alt right you stupid millennial

nah,i worry about republicans putting up with trump's bullshit

can you imagine still voting for democrats?

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especially when i see trump doing the same things that republicans criticized obama for.yet you dont seem to care about trump doing it

they blocked it because they dont give a fuck about the economy and want more funding for getting rid of coronavirus

It's 2020 and people are still using the term "alt right" to sound cool. You just sound like a dumb, autist faggot Kill yourself.

ah want muh gibmes! gimme muh checks! fweebies for geeter! gibme gibme gibme.

as if welfare isn't enough for your kind, you red state scum. get a JOB, pederast.

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fuck off you alt-right terrorist fag, you're on so many watch lists it's uncanny

The politicians you like are the enemy too.

you are so wrong.

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I'm not "alt-right", dipshit. I was criticizing retards like you who still use that term. Autist.

fuck off commie, and fuck your check

you're an alt-right mass shooter in the making, you MUST be deported.
>but muh gubment check daddy twump pwomised me


why do the alt right worship trump so much?? like what did he do to earn their undying support?
a video of do him fucking a baby could surface and the alt right would still find a way to spin it into a good thing and support him anyway

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You do realize fucktard that it's the Dems holding everything up in the Senate. Why don't you explain what abortion funding, solar credits, and other bullshit like that have to do with the Coronavirus..... America would love hear that.

>t. whiny samefagging alt right pissbaby

try giving me a real source,not some turd on twitter. trumpshit

Yeah, obviously your wonderful preferred system is working very well in Europe right now... oh wait, it's not.

here you go about your check again, COMMIE. republicans have so much PORK IN THAT BILL, there's no way it's gonna go over. so you can suck semen commie. get it. kiss that check buh bye, get a job, and fuck yourself alt-right-fagmaster

>dems holding stuff up

>when the republicans have majority

k then

step aside and let people who can handle a crisis,republicans have shown they can not


I'm not American so I don't care, but I know when the dust has settled there'll be only one superpower left and it won't be the US. My guess is deep down Americans know this but they prefer fairy tales over hard reality, so they'll keep supporting the professional bullshitter.

lefties are too stupid to realize this hurts them more
There are 5 conservatives in quarantine lessening voting power

Who knew that Covid-19 would target stupidity?

stay inside - you’re probably next

Yes, why won't dems give Dumpy a 500 billion corporate slush fund with no review or accounting on how he distributes it. Surely we can trust the founder of Trump University and the Trump Foundation to do the right thing with that money.

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Tom Cotton making a complete retard of himself on Twitter hurts the left? How??

no u

conservatives are conservatives

if you cant tell the difference between a republican and a shouldnt have voting rights

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explain why planned parenthood tax funding is of any relation to this pandemic

Explain how joos made you an incel loser.

nice argument as expected

>thinks he's having an argument on Yas Forums when he's actually being ridiculed.