Post ugly traps or trans women to discourage me from becoming a trap

Post ugly traps or trans women to discourage me from becoming a trap

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Reminder only a very small percentage pass.

Reminder a lot need constant makeup work and effort.

Reminder a lot of them only pass because of photo editing and angles.

Even the ones that “pass” don’t really pass, they wake up and spend an hour everyday doing their best to look feminine. It takes one day without makeup for people to realize you’re a man.

b a s e d

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fucking yikes

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holy hell (songs ok)

op plz dont cut pp off

I saved this for just such an occasion!

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man, this story is so fucked. apparently the doctors just kind of ignore her now and they dont give a shit about their patients, everything is just for the money.

>discourage me from becoming a trap
ok .....

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even the ones that pass kill themselves like pic related

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imagen you greansons see you like that

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I've seen uglier cis women. would fuck this faggot up the butt after couple of beers

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Is that you dad?? What the fuck are you wearing?

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I’m sure we all remember him

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your asshole will never close again
pic related

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faggots will vecer replace real girls

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I'd probably fuck some trans bussy if I was desperate, but even to choose between a girls' ass and pussy, pussy is infinitely better.

>I'd probably fuck some trans bussy if I was desperate

you will only find shit just shit
>and maybe some undigested tomato skin

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always go fo the pussy
even ugly girls have killer bodys and the pussy as 10/10

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I've fucked my gf quite a few times in the ass. Never came out with shit on my dick.

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Thats what I'm saying. I'm decently attractive and good at talking to females. So the situation where I'd fuck a tranny is slim to none. I'd probably make some fat girl feel good about herself so I could dump my load in her.

Looks like this polish girl named aga in grade 8. I think aga had a bigger cock tho

Is that Father Jack?

the fuck,
what kind of pussy is that?

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A fat one that I'd love to make out with.

i had a girl like this years ago
meaty as fuck

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She probably od'ed on accident

i would

not an accident
*he* posted about how his family heat him and did not support him with his faggoty after the transformation he lost everybody
overdose and go to sleep

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Knedlík detected xD

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Give me some meat flaps any day.

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roast beef nigga

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