Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks. The virus is already contained in China. In Europe it has peaked too and the number of daily cases is decreasing rapidly.
Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks. The virus is already contained in China...
Didn't it last 8 months in china
It's not peaked, it's just been delayed. All the people who are susceptible that are currently in their houses will come out and get it. Now or later, hiding does nothing
Yeah, and it took people having their doors welded shut and military checkpoints to do it. Shit hasn't even really begun in Europe.
Bullshit. The virus will just die off. All world is in quarantine right now. If virus has no chance of spreading, it dies off and. It is matter of 2-3 weeks. Then everything will be back to normal again. After all that's the reason why schools will open in 2 weeks.
>The virus is already contained in China
ja, but what makes YOU care, I wonder.
It's not like you would meet friends when the pandemic is over.
the reason schools won't open for another 2 weeks is because people travel on march break. They're keeping things closed an additional 2 weeks as a sort of quarantine so kids who traveled won't have contact with others.
Lol if think schools will be open in two weeks, you're out of your mind.
School's over for the year
>The virus is already contained in China
I mean, it only took them killing tens of thousands of infected people and disposing of the "evidence" in giant furnaces to get things under control. Surely something so easily dealt with will blow over quickly...
They will in my country.
Not true, the virus only has to live on in 1 carrier, or one of the people still not isolating (me and my friends) to carry on.
If you think I'm sitting at home for 2 WHOLE WEEKS you're insane. We just now have a network of house parties instead of a pub
>Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks.
I appreciate your naive optimism user.
Explain it to me then. How tf can virus spread if there are no people infected?
OP, kill yourself, in my country cases had trippled
(OP) #
Lol. Are you retards really believing in news coming out from China? The place that censors everything that makes it look slightly bad?
Also pic is from an HK policeman
From 1 to 3?
There will always be people infected because everyone's still going to the supermarket, using buses, taxis, hell even McDonald's only just decided to go down.
Do you really think everyone is at home? Of course not, in the UK everyone went to the beach at the weekend
What country? In New York City where the pandemic is at it's worst right now it's expected that schools won't reopen at all this year. Since this thing moves in phases through regions, it won't be long before other US cities start becoming new epicenters for their respective regions. New Orleans, Miami, Atlanta and the south in general seem to be getting warmed up for their turn. They'll probably follow suit as far as schools shutting down for the year too.
>Already contained in china
>Actually believing china to have fixed it
Yeah no. I'm 80% sure the disease numbers are three times as high as reported, because the chinese government is degenerate. Anyone that's reported "cured" are likely dead, than healthy. "Cured" to them might as well be "not having the disease". Can't have it if you're dead.
Fuck china.
we should do that here with faggots and boomers.
Also, just about anyone knows how to cure it. Too bad oppressive BIG FARMA lobbies against existing cure.
Wrong. Simply just wrong... if we are lucky and I mean extremely lucky schools will open in September
They will reopen in April.
>How tf can virus spread if there are no people infected?
Why on Earth do you think no people will remain infected? Do you think 100% of people will be tested? The unique property of this virus, what makes it so transmissible, is that people are carriers without being symptomatic. It's not going to be eliminated completely, probably ever. Outbreaks will pop up all over the place for the next year until a vaccine is produced. Then distribution is going to take over a year. And even then, probably less than 50% of the civilized world will get vaccinated. Forget the 3rd world, they're lucky if they're vaccinated against polio, small pox and measles.
Not where I live (canada). Where do you live ?
It's not even contained in China, they just cover it up. Not hard to when you have 2 billion people, who will notice a few thousand here or there?
3rd world is gunna get its biggest culling ever. HIV was the first stage, now Corona is here to finish the job. Africa is gunna be a shit storm
Eastern Europe.
you and your friends are a bunch of sociopaths
source or just your fucking bullshit
i wish its true,i almost run out of my fucking toilet paper
Not if you're in the US. I'm in Philly and I can tell you right now, things are going to get worse before they get better.
OP is always a faggot.
In Europe they expecting the peek of the epidemy in June.
China lies about the numbers.
Infected people need 2-3 week or more to cure. New infected people need another 2-3 week or more to cure. ... etc.
A bunch of drunk and happy sociopaths I'll have you know. Plus kids ain't dying. It's old people and frankly, it will free up some houses for me to buy so yeah, we need a good plague
This meme has been censored across the internet for being 'insensitive' about coronavirus.
Our children here won’t be in a physical school again until September
Imagine the summerfags comming early.
>bring it home to your own family and neighbors
You just keep being you, party user.
news flash: new orleans outbreak gonna outbreak
So if it's all a hoax, do we let the Republicraps still get their $4trillion bail-out?
My only question is, will students and teachers be forced to make these days up in the summer?
Kinda hope you get it and die from it
it just arrived in Africa, which means the worst is yet to come. We're talking 6 figure deaths
Wut, did somebody say Corona?
>believing flu bro shit
china recovered quickly because they locked their population inside at gunpoint until it passed. It'll spike in the US for another 2-3 months because idiots wont take it seriously.
google what any creditable medical professional is saying, it's going to get a lot worse.
>Covid 19 will disappear in 2-3 weeks.
>The virus is already contained in China.
t. the Chinese.. I mean, it could be true. But then again, they have a habit of not being entirely forthcoming.
>In Europe it has peaked too
>and the number of daily cases is decreasing rapidly.
Still on the rise in Spain and Italy though, and to soon to tell for most northern EU states.
it only started in dec, so its 3 months.
It will peak, then decline.
Get a grip dude.
Hong Kong lessened up their quarantine practices and BAM! in the last week their confirmed cases doubled.
It will peak, then decline, then peak again then decline again - unless the quarantines are extended for months.
>all world is in quarantine now
except for america,who doesnt understand how to quarantine people
even if school does open in 2 weeks,what about the states where people are told not to leave their house's? the american education system is a failure anyway
>idiots wont take it seriously
blame your idiot president on that
>creditable medical professional
also,china recovered quickly because they got shit done.they didnt have a president who sits on his fat ass in the white house wishing he could be on the beach in mar a lago
yeah me too but he has a point you know, whole japan is acting like this jerk...and for the same reason
believing what china says after all these years is like believing me when I say I got a 14" cock
china is blowing up and burning millions of bodies while you write your rubbish on the internets
and its people like these why the virus is still spreading
If EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE just stayed home for a solid two weeks straight
The virus would die out
However here in the US, we need to still keep some place open and have OPTIONAL but "Strongly recommended" warning to stay home.
Fucking morons.
It's a known fact that china has covered this up for a while, and they're basically the reason we're all fucked now.
> Implying china has or is recovering.
Chine lied about this for fucking months, you think they're telling the truth about their situation now? IF so then you are dumb as fuck.
Fucking weakling. I havent seen sunlight in three weeks and I feel great. I can finally embrace the NEET lifestyle ive always dreamed of from my favorite anime. Im like a cockroach in my NEET cave, I can survive anything. You normalfags could never hope to understand my true power ever since I shed the trappings of society.
The reta-genius wants EVERYONE back to work in 2 weeks so the dow looks ok upon election. that means COVID 19 will spread like wildfire, and the US will be a hot zone for years to come.
Or until Biden wins, and orders SHELTER IN PLACE for 6 months, and gets Americans vaccinated etc.
Trump would kill Americans to get reelected.
>China Earthquake leakage fire due to typhoon
All is fine, also the other fire is just Tank Lorry's explosion. Nothing to worried about
Whats so bad about a few thousand old people dying? It reduces the strain on social security and opens up some housing to be put on the market
Fucking Capitalism at its best
We would rather die than lose money.
Fucking Bernie should be president
Ohh wait nvm fucking Senile Joe Biden is winning for nomination
get ready for decades of more stupidity.
your kind LOST IT re death panels, now you want them to die? what ever's convenient politically, for the right. this is why your kind MUST be deported. ALL white conservatives in red states, rounded up and deported. you contribute nothing to the US.
I hope no one takes you seriously
But there will be people that actually will believe that shit
It started late october, early november. It's also still going in china.
He's not alone in the retardation. Cherokee Nation closed its hotels/casinos/production facilities until the first, and they seem REALLY deadset against doing anything further. They're going to reopen the casinos, which are just senior citizen homes with slot machines. They're gonna reopen their production company, which is full of older, diabetic workers.
You would think they'd have learned not to fuck around with diseases from foreigners but whatever.
In the US, most likely no. State legislatures are, or will soon be, modifying requirements for this school year to permit distance learning hours to count toward instructional days. There remains an issue of reaching underrepresented students without access to the internet, but I'm anticipating that will be tackled on a "good faith" measure, i.e., so long as districts are making an effort to disseminate assignments and communicate with families of 504 and IEP students, they will be allowed to count.
Source: I'm a teacher.