Celeb for a rainy day

Celeb for a rainy day

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Phew! I made it!

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Does she have big tits or not? Looked like they were trying to hide those puppies on dark matter. But can’t tell from her insta, and pictures like this lead me to believe they are average.

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But it's snowing

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They are actually pretty small now that she lost weight. on dark matter they were pretty big and like you said always hidden because she was supposed to be like 16

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I see clear blue skies

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Looking at you, I see the sun.

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I don't see any new leaks. What gives?

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Still cute though.

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For real. If her nudes ever surfaced I would fucking die of a cum explosion.

she should never wear shorts.

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What should I order for lunch today

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Me :3

Same but I doubt it. She is pretty modest and quiet about her private life but one can hope.

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I'd inhale her toes down my gullet.

3 crackers.

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Hmmm a burger sounds good but idk about coronaburgers

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me-oh wait beat me 2 it

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On my way!

well that was a interesting shopping experience

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what happen?

Casual :/

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Not sure what I just ordered...

I’ll take one of you too :}

That’s not very filling

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A song that makes me happy from a poster that makes me happy.

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I am being serious: none of you are intelligent enough to understand why you're stupid. Usually I'm memeing or injecting a little bit of irony for fun but there is no irony here. All of you, with one or two exceptions, have little more than a thimbleful of political credibility and it stems from your complete inability to think through or research your points beyond coming to a conclusion spoon-fed to you by the culture around you since birth. None of you have the intellectual capacity to question the world around you and at least half of you don't even have the potential to develop it.

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Nothing really, just like how my local supermarket is handling the situation. All cashier are behind plexi glass, there are signs everywhere to keep at least 2m distance and the people really do.
Constant anouncements like "please don´t hoard, thing about other citizens*
"If you have to cough or sneeze, please use your elbow"
"We recommond to desinfect your hands before and after your grocery shopping"
It is surreal, but I´m glad people watch out.

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this view always is always appealing

I'll give you something fi- wait it's too early for that ^_^

n-no thou

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I'm an Alabama nigger and I want to be free.

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A whole life sized package of fun and nourishment!

TLDR fag


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I am being sewious: none of you awe intewwigent enough to undewstand why you'we stupid. Usuawwy I'm memeing ow injecting a wittwe bit of iwony fow fun but thewe is no iwony hewe. Aww of you, with one ow two exceptions, have wittwe mowe than a thimbwefuw of powiticaw cwedibiwity and it stems fwom youw compwete inabiwity to think thwough ow weseawch youw points beyond coming to a concwusion spoon-fed to you by the cuwtuwe awound you since biwth. None of you have the intewwectuaw capacity to question the wowwd awound you and at weast hawf of you don't even have the potentiaw to devewop it.

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Thank you kind sir

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Anyone who brags about their intelligence or IQ has very little social intelligence.

You need to save room for after 8pm.
Shaddap. It you.

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I keked

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Thanks for proving my point fag.

Sounds like some dystopia shit, now I'm spooped

Those seats cost extra


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low quality pasta, try again next time gayboi


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It was a little creepy... chill music.. then those anouncements in a very calm voice and continue chill music. It really did remind me of the movies.

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I got to see Rihanna live once. It was amazing.

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God I love Katy Perry.

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I think I'm about overdue for a katy fap

I was never a fan of maddie until i saw this.

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Dicks out

Might be like that here real soon O_O

Impressive, very nice

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Need to do this before hrt . God says Taylor will help ?! Ok thanks

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She puts on a really good concert, tbh.

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In the meantime please send some cute stuff to my Amazon locker!! Eeeep! Every little ting helps For our commitment and support :xoxoxo

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always big orgasms from katy faps

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