Vote Democrat
Vote Democrat
no pedo
can't understand why dems didn't vote for the cash handout yesterday. fucking dems
anything good trump does = bad for democrats
I thought socialism was bad, I guess it's only good if repubs say it
They're in favor of cash handouts, you ignorant twat. They voted against the REPUBLICAN bill because it was mostly a boon for corporations.
here we go with the socialism vs social safety net clusterfuck.
keep playing politics.
Remember when the gov giving universal income was considered socialism when yang said. And the repubs cried "it cant be done, how are you going to pay for it, that's socialism". KEK!
New York Pedos are feeling the wrath of corona pandemic right now.
>Corporations bad
>Planned Parenthood good
Because people who don’t live with mommy and daddy need more than a bullshit $1200 a month
Yea healthcare bad, corporations good
Weinstein,Epstein, Cosby...why are they all Democrats?
I mean for
>Corporations bad
The fact that the stimulus package gives an absurd amount of money to them is what's bad.
>planned Parenthood good
Yes. It is.
nice strawman
This actually happened, not a straw man.
remember when even bernie said the concept of UBI was insane?
also it was democrats who pushed yang out of the race.
I don’t care about your culture war bullshit lol. If you can’t stick to policy, then just say so. No need to strawman
What happened to superior European healthcare? Why is it that authoritarian socialist healthcare in China did it better at threating patients with this virus than democratic socialist healthcare in certain EU states?
Democratic socialism is nothing but a compromise with the other side.FULL Government control over healthcare is the only valid solution.
>healthcare provided by corporations, bad
>healthcare provided by PP, good
It's because the republicunts wanted to sneak in more tax cuts for big businesses.
getting tired of the REPUBLICUCK sissieboiz
Classic dem tactic. Post BBC collection to deflect
Just remember socialism bad. I thought the point of capitalism was of the company wasnt good enough it went out of business because of a competitive market. How come gov handouts are ok? Isnt that socialist?
Sanders never said UBI was insane *sigh* He preferred a federal jobs assurance program which is literally better than UBI for tax purposes. Don’t pretend like a pandemic is something normal in the realm of politics lol
Are you asking why an authoritative gov was able to quarantine their society better? KEK!
You live in a weaklings fantasy
Imagine only engaging with this of all things
Just tell your BBCbro to chill
Do you know what a straw man is?
Found the user who doesnt know what planned parenthood does
Ignore him dumbass, are you 16 or something?
They built hospitals in record of 5 days. Government with lot of money can do that. Private companies can streach it as much as they want, they are never in the rush.And they ask people to pay.While public hospitals can help patients for free.
Neither of you seem to know what a straw man is. The user you're bickering with moved the goal posts. A straw man is when you attack a point that your opponent didn't make as if they did.
It's ironically mass abortions that kill parenthood before it starts.
>A straw man is when you attack a point that your opponent didn't make as if they did.
>Remember when the gov giving universal income was considered socialism when yang said. And the repubs cried "it cant be done, how are you going to pay for it, that's socialism". KEK!
That young man is an entrepreneur. Why do you hate business, commerce, and free trade you commie scum!!!
So what's stopping you from paying $150 to the court to file as an LLC and cashing in on what I assume to be literally billions of dollars?
Banter aside, a number of industries are vital during the crisis. Trucks stop running and urban areas will die. Airlines can get fucked though as well as every instagram whore who 'finds herself' by traveling, but planned parenthood is the exact opposite of 'vital healthcare' and the dems were really insistent on scoring them some funding from the crisis. If you want to control the population, start by killing yourself.
Just another adventure in the "We just want to get married" series
Also bc the bill didnt include the poor little illegals
well you dont, White man fuck you confused boi
pick one. HINT: One is designed just to murder people
Yeah, that's not a straw man. He's trying to make it seem as if UBI is the same thing as giving every taxpayer stimulus checks for a few months. He clearly wasn't implying that you were asserting this.
>Believing anything China says
>Believing Government and Efficiency go hand in hand
>Believing more money = faster construction
I don't know, maybe setting up a bunch of tents and a few dozen road signs directing to the local crematorium counts as building a hospital.
>death panels
>so what's stopping you from paying $150 to the court to file as an LLC and cashing in on what I assume to be literally billions of dollars?
Yeah, because it's definitely that easy.
Obviously corporations are vital during any time, whether it's a crisis or not. The problem is the amount that they're receiving compared to the average worker.
You really gonna make me be a WikiAndy over this? user presented an argument i didn’t make to make it seem like he’s making a point( only pedos and rapists vote Dem) That’s not moving the goal posts. Moving the goalposts would mean still engaging with the point
>Corporation keeps millions of people alive
>Average worker keeps ~3 people alive
Makes sense corporations get more money.
>based on giving the impression of refuting an opponents argument
He wasn't doing that. He was moving the goalposts by conflating UBI with stimulus checks, then implying that Trump supporters are being hypocritical because they don't support UBI.
>toddlers and tiaras is fine
>a kid dancing is an abomination!
wew lad
>Makes sense corporations get more money
Not when the vast majority of that money goes to the wealthiest... which it inevitably would.
When are you morons going to learn that giant tax breaks and subsidies for corporations don't do much for the working class.
UBI wasn't even a topic of discussion until user brought it up.
Think you need to re-read through the thread again my dude. The only mention I made of UBI/stimulus related was saying $1200 wasn’t enough. user responded with the Epstein/Weinstein comment...that’s the strawman
>hollywood sanctioned pedophilia is ok so general liberal sanctioned pedophilia is ok
Who fucking said that show isn't an abomination? Why would you even construct that argument in your head? What imaginary conversations are you involved in to justify your pedolust? Get your shit together.
At least hes out working for a living unlike most of the lazy basement dwelling potatoes around here.
I'd ask if you've ever been employed by anybody poorer than you, though I suspect you've never been employed by anyone at all. That said, I highly doubt 51% or more of a fortune 500 company's profits go right to the owner.
That said, if they instead simply donated their saved up personal income to keep their business afloat and got a tax break (just as many people who donate to charity do), you'd complain about that as well.
By and large, the rich are the most productive members of society. The ones who both inherit their wealth and aren't productive tend not to keep their money for very long. Hating the rich is not an intellectual position.
Based and true
When I was his age, society well fucking understood children stripping for old men was illegal.
celebrate sexuality
vote Republican, because FUCK civil liberties
My fetish is killing pedophiles. Celebrate it or die, bigot.