I am a beautiful trans woman. Anyone who says otherwise is a Trump voting sexist cis-white piece of shit

I am a beautiful trans woman. Anyone who says otherwise is a Trump voting sexist cis-white piece of shit.

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I don't like you or trump

You are a man with deep mental illness.

Fucking cis-white pig

You look like Gabe Newell's "sister".

Ok. So we are both comfortable with reality. I am a piece of shit you are a man.



Get help, Sonny.

God it's disgusting

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I'm a bi latino independent atheist a d I think you have problems.

That being said, kys



literal monster

What's sad are all of the companies, MSM and social media freaks pandering to blatant mental illness.


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disgusting, kys

No one cares


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Because they think this LGBTQ++IAP(wtfever) movement is what will make them more money. It's just making people hate them even more.

If you are a woman why are you posting pictures of a man in bad makeup

Tits or gtfo.

fuck off

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A lot of sexist white trump supporters here. Shocker. You're the same biggoted sexist pieces of fucking shit who also post BBC threads all day you secret cucks. I can't wait until you pathetic wretches are removed from existence.

I wonder what it's like to be so broken.


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You can't get laid cuz most people don't want to fuck fat guys in the ass

a fat sweaty man who thinks he's a women shocker

wait so are you transitioning from man to woman or woman to man?

They don't even transition or try to look passable anymore. They just put on a dress and call it a day.

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I think it's from idiot to idiot in makeup.

Not a Trump voter, but you are not "beautiful" just because you are a trans woman. You are just a trans woman, get over it.

All fat women think they're hot he is just in character

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I hope Coronavirus wins.

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wait... we can *be* a character and society has to pretend it's real?
jesus christ why didnt i figure that out sooner.

I'm a fucking pirate matey!
Rapscallion pride!
Yo-ho! Double nigger yo-ho!

How do you get to this point? How do you reach this level of mental depravity?

double nigger dick, full on assrape when ur about 8.

Just be a big fat lonely autistic loser for decades till you turn.

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we all love the broken sad/mad/bad brains! they offer endless entertainment!

This. These are the kind of people that got bullied as a kid, you all know the ones from when you were in school. The difference is, rather than learning something from it and starting to act in a reasonably well-adjusted manner, they double downed on their bullshit. Then the current situation with everyone being told they matter and society should take care of them happened, you get this.

>I don't like how someone chooses to live their life
>They must be mentally ill
What's it like being this close minded and ignorant?

Jesus fucking Christ. This is him and his "husband".

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gr8 b8 m8

When will they stop doing this and empowering these freaks?

kill it with stones, kill it and all of it's eggs


(((You know who)))
This is what they want

>Feels like they were born in wrong body.
>Wants to chop their dick or tits off.
>Takes hormones that cause all kinds of mental issues, from mood swings to more dysphoria.
>Have a group of people justifying your actions with no introspection or challenge.
>Wonder why they aren't happy, their "friends" told them they would be.
>Commit suicide.
Its obvious this shit is a bad idea. I already have lost one friend to suicide over the tranny cult.

What do trannies have against being gay?

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So true.Why is society so intent on giving out trans rights like candy?
>the needs of the few DON'T OUTWEIGH the needs of the many

>>the needs of the few DON'T OUTWEIGH the needs of the many
Except in how America values a vote based on the population of the state

Not my type but so long as you got that pussy your a woman in my books

You look like a thumb with hair

Thank yoi

if i saw you in public i would curb stomp your face and tell you to grow the hell up

>Trump voting
I will be this time.
Firstly, these are two separate issues; secondly, yes.
>piece of shit
At least I'm not OP.

No you wouldn't. Stop being a fake keyboard warrior. If you did that you would go to prison. And that would be silly, are you really willing to destroy your whole life because of someone else?. You are the one that needs to grow up.

Dude, yous a dude

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That number needs to be 100% and attempted needs to be committed.