Honestly, I can't believe people pretend like the US isn't the biggest blight on humanity right now...

Honestly, I can't believe people pretend like the US isn't the biggest blight on humanity right now, this virus will destroy your garbage government and wipe you out because you burger fuckers are stupid enough for that. I hope the rest of the world can one day move on from the awful legacy of this country.

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Usa#1 faggot
Cry more

Good one, that'll show me, have fun with your next president.

>this virus will
>Already decimating Europe for weeks
Why "will" it happen you fucking retard?

The USA is the GREATEST place on earth!!!!!!

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You can't say shit about any other country's reaction to the pandemic and you know it, you inbred cunt

Thanks Chang.

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>because you burger fuckers are stupid enough for that
This is an American telling you that what you said here makes no sense and, in fact, makes you look stupid.

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How much does it suck to know that America is a terrible country, and every other country on Earth is worse than America?

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>You can't say shit about any other country's reaction to the pandemic and you know it, you inbred cunt
I didn't you retarded fuck. I want to know why the U.S. will be decimated in the future for some reason? Were we infected later than everyone else? You must be a fucking idiot.


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uhhh about that bro.
You are fucking retarded. It spread to EU first, and the US is about 10 days behind. Take a gander at the steepness of that fucking line.
I REALLY hope you remember this post 10 days from now my dude, lmao and good luck

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China and Russia are way worse. You should be thankful the Us of A are in charge and not them. Im not american so dont @ me

English isn't even my first language, but I speak it better than your president, I think I deserve some credit, all things considered

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>implying China wasn't able to get the Corona under control extremely quickly
I would be fucking astounded if the US was able to actually get this under control lmao
based, fuck Trump
based, fuck America
based RLM fan
based download.png
based bait poster
based facebook uncle
unbased cringe faggot

>the US is about 10 days behind
Why do you think this? Because the U.S. reported cases match reported cases from Italy 10 days ago? You must be the single most retarded person in history. The 3rd most traveled to country in the world by tourists as shown here.

The market is opening sooooooon...

Get ready to buy, buy, buy!!!!!!

I just don't get why Americans can't follow the constitution? Why can't they be brave? Why can't they even pretend to like freedom?

Every part of the constitution has been shit on in the past 19 years. Most only care about their own personal gun collection and that's it. They say they will defend the constitution but doublespeak allows them to pretend it isnt being attacked every day by corrupt politicians and organizations.
Americans are scared shitless 24/7, the latest being going apeshit about toilet paper. They are scared to death of the poorest people on the planet and spend trillions to murder them.
They dont get angry about 24/7 spying, they welcome it. They dont want to reduce the prison population, they make more laws. They dont want people to be free, they build walls.

I can say so much more. It's really depressing. The constitution is really good. Why does everyone have to act like such retarded shit all the time?

That's what you get when your country is founded on pettines and the nacional identity is based on entitlement and pride.

what are you talking about LMAO, what does being the most traveled country in the world have to do with anything. The lag of the OUTBREAK you dumb FUCK. In case you can't read, I'll explain, LOOK at the steepness in the graph, it is exploding here much more rapidly than anywhere else. For the love of god don't reproduced you fucking idiot

Visualization of the lag in outbreak

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Daily Mail user.... *facepalm*

>inb4 the mooslims stealing mah jobs
>mooslims fucking our kids but white and blacks are ok to do so
>etc etc etc

Don't flatter yourself, I have nothing to be jealous of.

that is EXACTLY what I thought, stop responding you fucking idiot. Another graph to further show how idiotic you are, die

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Who says every other country is worse.

You sit on nominal GDP values because that puts you on top for GDP, but the rest of the world uses PPP which puts the US in 3rd.

The US will top the coronavirus chart, and have more cases and deaths. Which is funny considering you all think you have the best healthcare (which is actually 11th).

Enjoy your fantasy world in your head. Because I am looking forward to the tears on Friday night.

Attached: Just the flu.jpg (960x1280, 187.63K)

>>be me
>>live in US
>>tinder has never been more active before quarantine

we're fucked confirmed

>So far, the new coronavirus has led to more than 220,000 illnesses and more than 9,300 deaths worldwide. But that's nothing compared with the flu, also called influenza. In the U.S. alone, the flu has caused an estimated 36 million illnesses, 370,000 hospitalizations and 22,000 deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Is this all just for media clicks? I dont get it

I just came into this bread and spotted the daily mail link, and anyone who uses daily mail is a BF/BNP/Far Right fag. Just sayin.

Also you are going paranoid thinking everyone who responds to you is the same user.

weeew England sure is going barmy. Especially those ignorant fuckers at Tesco the other day. Up here we are making sure not to do the same thing and help stop the spread.

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Even outside politics, on more abstract termos like culture and philosophy, América is poisoning humanity.

You can thank Trump for the lack of quick response to the virus.

>what does being the most traveled country in the world have to do with anything
It has everything. Why would a country with MORE foreign travelers be 10 days BEHIND? Jesus christ you're more stupid than I imagined. Why won't you answer my simple question without any fucking pictures? WHY do you think the U.S. 10 DAYS BEHIND everyone else?

>You can thank Trump for the lack of quick response to the virus.
It was actually Obama's fault

Lol stay mad kid

we're having a blast with him so far

Oh right, because everything was the previous president's fault when you're a literal retard for a president.

Yeah shift the blame all the way back to make excuses

he can't take the fact that his country might die more than america

worse then china, this is all their goverments fault, i wish their people would just revolt already they got the numbers to do it so easily

So before this virus, the excellent economy was Trump's?

All these smug fucks trying to hard to convince themselves america isnt the greatest superpower to exist. LOOL wtf are you doing hahahaha

You mean the economic momentum that started before Trump did anything at all. Keep sucking that cheeto dick you simp.

You're the only one in denial.

>started before Trump
Of course it did.

What about my statement displays denial? I seem pretty sure. LOOL you lost fag

Man I love standing by America. Nothing infuriates foreign fags more.

Because noone younger than generation x remembers when we had privacy and freedom.

All the millenisls and younger know of is a post 9/11 world. So that leaves the boomers or gen x to do something about it and the boomers aren't going to fight with walkers and canes.

Christ you sound like a whiny bitch. Get your ass to the back of the bus. Nobody cares about a losers opinion. Winners write history. Be lucky the USA lets you live. We could easily turn your shit into a parking lot

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Imagine whining about a place you don’t live and not just minding your business lol. No words of criticism for the chinks hey?

Use as much meaningless terms as you want to validate your shitty opinion, no one has tried to convince me to the contrary with A sound argument.

You sound like a real winner, tell me, how is it to have it all figured out?

Oh yeah, your political dystopia is way better than non-white political dystopias, because you're american and you love displaying power trough no merit of your own.

Sorry boss. I dont argue with retatds. You didnt come to debate

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That must be why you are so happy all the time, you don't listen to anythimg outside your realm of validation or might challenge you to see you for the piece of shit you are.

No one has tried to argue yet, take your shot.

This is a rest of the world here telling you that your Murkan education is showing and what he said in your quote makes perfect sense, both from a grammatical and thematic standpoint, albeit using creative license with a made up insult like 'burger fucker'.

I'll close this bread out w the inevitable solution: american retarded teens will do the school shooting challenge for tiktok and spare us of the next generation of pigs. Bye.

I wonder whos opinion ppl would care about more?
>billionare president of a country
>or the ramblings of a pathetic twitter refugee
I got bad news for you

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You are PATHETIC!!!!!!!!!